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How to Align Yourself with the New Frequencies of Light

Everyone is experiencing the new vibrational frequencies, nobody is excluded, everything is part of the change, some are aware, others are not.

We are being affected physically, mentally and emotionally.

It is evident in everything around us including the collective field, we can see these changes, even worldwide. For now, let’s focus on ourselves on how to align with these new frequencies of light and navigate these waves of change.

I share some concepts below, they are nothing more than different perceptions, none intends to infringe on their free will, anything shared can be totally dismissed. These perspectives have brought me great inner peace and my way of life has completely shifted.

I sometimes feel like a child, continually learning and experiencing life in a myriad of ways.

I am very grateful to share with you, as they have been a great guide in my life:




Our inner world reflects externally. Our thought patterns, our ideas, our beliefs become our reality, which is the source of most of our experiences.

We can use the reflection of our outside world to help us understand what we are experiencing internally. We define our experiences, so seeing an experience, you can better understand why we have experienced it.

A simple example is to look at the type of relationships we have experienced in our lives, are there any similarities, are there some patterns? Then see the pattern and see if it is reflecting in other areas of life. It can be quite surprising.

Adapting: We will begin to notice that everything we are pushing away, reject or try to flee is constantly reflected in our lives. It is like a torch that shines its light on a particular aspect of oneself so that it can be identified and accepted.





Allow yourself to see the world as being an intrinsic part of it, you are actively involved in the creation process. This allows us to be responsible for all our experiences, we see how our choices affect our reality.

We stop reacting like a victim, there is no blame game, we begin to understand our experience on a deeper level. This begins the process of inner peace and beginning to see a greater perception of their life experiences, which reduces the stress in our lives.

Adapting: We realize the drama in our lives and be the process of detachment. We begin to understand our part of the experience and then it becomes easier for them to let go instead of participating in the drama and stories.





Similar choices create similar experiences, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this since we all have the right to choose.

If we are having experiences that we want to change, then we will change our options that created those experiences.

Adapting: When we make a choice that meets the soul level, enriches our spirit and brings back the taste for life, we begin to reflect on existing options and the value they bring us.





We are very critical of ourselves, in essence, we are our worst judges.

All experiences in which we feel we are being judged have an energy that is very reflective of the lack of love for ourselves.

The more we believe in ourselves and our values, the lower the judgment of the outside world.

Adapting: Use the mechanism of reflection, meditation, or any tool with which we resonate to understand what they are showing, what we have in sight, what we are rejecting and begin an acceptance process.





These are just some tips to help you embrace the new frequencies of light and navigate the waves of change.

They are a great asset during the spiritual awakening process and there are many tools we can use to help identify, understand or release any imbalance.

We do not have to do this for ourselves, there are a number of groups, articles, meditations, transmissions, sessions… that we can experience.

We can also begin to connect with our Higher Self and spiritual guides, who bring a fresh new perspective into our lives. Use these guide pointers and witness the reflections in your world.

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