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How to Become a Better You, According to Your Zodiac Sign

We are often asked and motivated to improve our strengths while being encouraged to spread our weaknesses.

Learning about our faults is as intriguing as knowing all of our positive qualities. Even the rock of the group Taurus, the feeler Cancer, and the social butterfly Libra among other signs have flaws that they have to work on.

Keep reading to find out how to be your best version.




You are the brave type, and doing it right – quickly and brilliantly – comes naturally to you. Consider cultivating sensitivity, as well as practicality that will allow you to understand in advance what works and what doesn’t.

If you succeed, your inspiring approach will be even more powerful!





You are stable and sensible, a rock of stability. But rather than playing the role of a deeply rooted oak tree, try to be a reed that bends in the breeze and adapts to others.

Find the faith to follow your intuitions, rather than rechecking all the practical angles. If you listen to your heart, your strength will become more effective.





You are a thinker, a speaker, and a motor. So try standing still for a change! You will not die of boredom. Dive deep into your current projects rather than dispersing into the four winds.

Feel yourself in situations, instead of taking a step back and thinking. You will never allow yourself to become a stick in the mud, but you will find that your efforts will pay off.





You are sensitive, creative, and hopelessly active. For one day, try to close your heart. Listen to your head. Develop detachment to avoid distractions.

If you learn to be more resilient and secure, your incredible ability to sense the possibilities will be all the more powerful!

Recommended: How Much Power You Possess, According to Your Zodiac Sign.





You are sunny, open, and naturally optimistic. What you are not, however, is realistic or withdrawn. Plan before you take action.

Take quality time and enjoy it. Everyone thinks you’re wonderful, but you have to convince yourself – without an audience. If you do, you will shine brighter and brighter.





You are practical, helpful, and not a little picky. But you have to find your hidden fire, which means cultivating optimism, taking strange risks, and following your dreams rather than your homework on occasion.

Be more daring and more proactive and flamboyant rather than discreet. Your new vitality will take you to victory!





You are a social and charming chatterbox – a natural mediator. Now go ahead and throw that tact out the window and focus a little on yourself.

Forget getting approval and being respected; instead, get down and dirty. There are gold nuggets in the gutter that are yours.





You live naturally with passionate intensity and you need a feeling of depth like few others. For this reason, taking a step back to reflect will require a certain effort on your part, just like practicing the art of letting go without nourishing bitterness.

You will never be superficial, but you will find that living on the surface adds a missing dimension to your existence.

Recommended: What Stops You From Achieving Your Life Goals, According to Your Zodiac Sign.





You are excited, hopeful, restless, and always looking to increase the potential of everything you do. Getting practical is like taking a bite of your dream.

But if you limit your inspirations and lock them in, you will find that you consolidate your ambitions. Think less instead of more.





You are earthy, sensitive, ambitious. You must cultivate your sense of vision, nourish your dreams, and develop your faith.

Try more to be optimistic instead of pessimistic, fiery instead of lead and reckless instead of cautious. Inject spontaneous pleasure into your life and you will never look back.





You are cool, detached, firm, and independent. Your first objective should be to find a fire to inject warmth and vitality into your ideas. Do not be afraid of your feelings, as they will be your main portal to greater satisfaction.

Get out of your head and go down into your body, your heart, and your guts. Live multidimensionally.





You are a creature of the cosmos and the oceans, floating and swimming your way through life. Drylands are your least comfortable kingdom, so learn to ground yourself in reality by bringing your visions and dreams back to earth.

They may be less perfect, but they will be more likely to occur. Take your self-confidence and give it a dose of adrenaline! Nothing will stop you!

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