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The 3 Perfect Antiviruses for the Mind

We know the destructive effect that viruses can have on our computers and how important it is to keep an effective anti-virus system installed.

On the contrary, when it comes to protecting our mind from threats that may damage it, we do not use the same care that we put when we defend our PC.

What is the most potentially destructive virus for the mind? Simple, our own thoughts.

If we do not adequately protect our mind, our thoughts are potentially able to cause us serious problems, such as loss of confidence, depression, collapse of self-esteem and more generally a distorted perception of ourselves.

What then are the perfect anti-virus that we can use to defend our mind from thoughts that can destabilize it?

We can do it in three ways, simply by becoming aware of our thoughts, recognizing moment by moment those flows of thought that can lead us into a negative spiral.

Here’s how to install the perfect anti-virus for our mind:

1. Recognize Negative Thoughts.

Observe your mind, try to keep full awareness of your thoughts at all times. By doing so you will be able to recognize the negative thoughts that try to take the upper hand. Recognize them for what they are: thoughts designed to take control of your mind, affect your mood and influence your behavior.

Think, for example, when you think of a project or an idea that excites you and that you want to put into practice. It often happens that at this point our own mind begins to bombard us with negative thoughts, highlighting the risks and dangers of the project, the possibilities of failure and failure, coming to insinuate within our mind the conclusion that perhaps the difficulties are too much for succeed in successfully completing the project.

Now, when your mind begins to process similar thoughts, stop, take awareness, recognize them, but do not take them as absolute truths. Objectivize those thoughts, analyze the situation with detachment and evaluate with rationality the goodness or not of your project or your idea. You will see that the project you have in mind is not as unfeasible as your negative thoughts wanted to make you believe.

Do not be conditioned and overwhelmed by negative thoughts.

2. Free Yourself from the Past.

We often linger in memories, constantly rummaging through the past to extrapolate negative events and try to understand why they happened.

The past is fundamental because it allows us to learn from the mistakes we have made. Try to use the past to improve your present and those around you. Do not ruminate in the past just for the purpose of hurting you, it is useless.

When painful and negative memories of the past emerge, do not reject them, recognize them, but immediately divert attention to the teaching that they have been able to offer rather than continue to linger on the pain they have caused.

3. Train Your Mind.

You can choose. When a negative thought surfaces in your mind, you can decide to recognize it, take it in awareness and replace it with a different thought, with a positive affirmation.

Thinking positively does not mean denying reality, on the contrary it means recognizing it but at the same time deciding to focus our attention and our thoughts on those positive aspects that the same reality presents.

Every day you can then choose to observe the events and experiences of life from a harmonious and constructive perspective rather than getting yourself involved in the spiral of negativity in which the non-positive thoughts are able to lead you.

Train your mind to welcome positive thoughts.

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