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Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! April 12, 2019

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign! 

Pay attention to your recurring thoughts, ideas, and impulses, as they are guiding you towards the next steps along your spiritual path. Trust the messages you are receiving at this time as they hold the answers to your prayers.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.


Spiritual Message for Aries:

Aries, if you have kept anger in you and let frustration build up, today these problems can be revealed on the surface, perhaps in a shocking way. Mars and the Sun both form tension angles with Pluto. The tensions that are growing, mainly those related to the pressures exerted for the execution, the work or the competition, and can be at the origin of the things.

The trick will be to identify these things and avoid letting that pissed off energy rule your behavior. You may have trouble taking control or making changes.

With Mars in your communications industry, you need to be particularly careful about tense behavior when dealing with mechanics, driving, speech, and writing.



Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Taurus, today you have more motivation to pursue your material needs and your desires with Mars in your second solar home, however, there may be a tendency to want more than the world can offer you at the moment.

Control or power games are tempting now, especially if you feel frustrated with a property issue or if you feel jealousy, but that’s not the solution to the problems. Mars and the Sun are both energized with Pluto, and if tensions rise, they could arrive unexpectedly.

You may also be a bit too quick to defend yourself, or someone else’s before you know the whole story. Something of the past could be detrimental to your self-confidence.



Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Gemini, the sun in your social sector has a vital influence nowadays, just like Mars in your sign, which gives a little more strength to your personality. It’s great when you need to accomplish something outside of your comfort zone. However, you may sometimes have to overtake yourself in your hurry to get where you want to go with this transit.

Today, Mars and Pluto connect in a tense way and you could quickly become frustrated by some people who do not seem to be speaking frankly with you. You also feel your desires with more intensity and urgency, which complicates things.

Relationships can be a little tense with or with friends, and tension can be more power and control than the problems we have.



Spiritual Message for Cancer:

Cancer, you are in a good cycle, both to manage your professional affairs and to take action on private matters or behind the scenes. And, you do not always see a direct path to reach your goals or pursue your desires, and this is emphasized today with Pluto the strong and challenging.

There may be emerging issues of anger that are difficult to understand or define, but they can be rooted in power dynamics with a significant person or with relationships in which you feel there is an imbalance far too important.

Avoid the tendency to try to regain control by indirect means, as this will only be satisfactory in the long run. Try to carry excess energy or intensity into constructive channels. Or, think about ways to build your next project rather than pushing things when the chances of reaching your goals are low.



Spiritual Message for Leo:

Leo, the energies of today are rather intense because the Sun and Mars form tense aspects with Pluto. Insecurities may seem to come out of nowhere and they are more likely to be late reactions to recent events. These influences stir up accumulated anger and interpersonal tensions are possible or you may feel particularly impatient about projects or in certain situations.

If people or teams do not cooperate or if you feel overloaded with responsibilities, you can reach a problematic point. The pressures to achieve health and work goals can be the basis for this, as you also want to experiment with new ideas and projects, but you can not find space for all your activities now.



Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Virgo, with Mars at the top of your solar card these days and the Sun in your eighth solar house, you can be a workaholic. You are particularly motivated and ready to act to achieve your long-term goals. However, it can happen that you feel rushed or forced to go where you want to go.

Today, as the Sun and Mars argue with Pluto, the tension rises and can reach a breaking point. There may be frustrations or disagreements about money, intimacy and power dynamics.

Balancing professional requirements and responsibilities with relational needs and personal time can also be problematic. The fear that someone will double you can lead to behaviors that do not improve your life.



Spiritual Message for Libra:

Libra, the messages received today, whether verbal or not, seem to be in conflict because the Sun and Mars are in defiance with Pluto. In addition, difficult energies seem to stimulate our fears and power complexes, and the people in your life may seem a little dominant.

Current power games tend to have their roots in fear of losing a job, opportunity, title or person. You may be frustrated with an opinion you do not understand or a person who does not understand you, or you may feel particularly restless and ready to leave somewhere “far from everything”, but find yourself emotionally stuck in the place.

The desire for companionship is real, but there is a lot to be solved in your inner world, and maybe you need a little more space today.



Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Scorpio, there is a special awareness and sensitivity to reciprocal relationships, as well as a general desire for more order in your life. Today, with the sun and Mars in a difficult aspect with Pluto, your sovereign planet, there may be a tendency to act compulsively or create mountains with nothing.

If someone seems to withhold information or hide something, you can become particularly frustrated. You may discover the truth or find an answer to a problem, but it can be to the detriment of time, energy and perhaps even the spirit. There may be difficulties with communication or transportation delays, but impatience will only exacerbate the problem.

Learn from what seems to be causing your fears or frustrations, but try to work towards a more peaceful situation and a caring state of mind. Even then, it is wise to recognize the intense feelings that are emerging now, not to act accordingly, but to observe and learn. It is better to preserve your energy.



Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Sagittarius, with the Sun in your fifth solar house and Mars in opposition to your sign these days, your relationships are attracting more attention from you than usual. There can also be an increase in activities and periodic conflicts with others, especially because of the strong and difficult Pluto.

Be careful not to project your anger or your will on others and be particularly attentive to the automatic reactions of others or to frustrating situations.

Fears of losing respect, a position or even a person today seem to dominate or define a behavior. It can be difficult for you or for others to let things go with these influences at play. Money and core values ​​can be tricky topics now.



Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Capricorn, your personal life, or your home and family issues are gaining priority in your life with the Sun in your fourth solar home, and responsibilities elsewhere may seem overwhelming and even opposite. You’re also more motivated than usual to undertake ambitious, time-consuming, labor-intensive projects with Mars in your sixth solar home.

Although this can very often work to your advantage, it may happen that you want things to have already happened, and this urgency can interfere with your mood. At the same time, changes can make you feel uncomfortable and make you want to escape.

Also, watch for the tendency to magnify or be obsessed with small issues today. It is possible that with Pluto in your sign that you were expecting too much of yourself or fear losing face, for a post or title. Consider pushing too hard and the resulting stress will not help you progress. Try to be sweeter with yourself.



Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Aquarius, Pluto in your twelfth solar house is forming tense aspects with Mars and the Sun, and tensions that are getting under the surface of things can emerge. Even if you dwell a little too much on the problems, it is best not to let anger or resentment influence your behavior, costly mistakes could have unpleasant results.

In addition, it is possible that a sense of urgency to satisfy your desires or a competitive insistence in you will cause you to push yourself too hard or to unnecessarily hurt others. Focusing on a problem that can be solved in the mental or mechanical world can be a great way to release energy in a constructive way.



Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Pisces, you may be struggling with addictions or irritations today, Pluto being in conflict with the Sun and Mars. Monitoring too much effort or taking the long, arduous path that will take you to your goals when it’s not complicated can be a lot more beneficial.

Try to bring out problem areas and resentments rather than allowing them to drive your behavior. Finding the truth about a case can be successful, but you’d better think about it before facing others, because your message may be raw right now, or you may want to act alone.

Right now, vulnerable relationships are friendships and family relationships.

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