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Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! July 11, 2019

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!

Use your personal power wisely and do not misuse it. Be compassionate, thoughtful, aware and respectful in every aspect of your life. Balanced personal power and viewing things from a higher perspective brings clarity and wisdom.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.



Spiritual Message for Aries:

Aries, it might be better to avoid taking risks with your money or making quick decisions in love today because impulsiveness can overwhelm you if you do not find the cause of your fuss.

You may, however, have the courage to take an emotional risk with a love interest or a creative risk with a project, but it is probably better to wait for a less volatile time to express yourself. A Mars-Uranus square can aggravate the uncertainties and frustrations you may have with your finances, your business or your income.

The need to get out of something may become obvious over the course of the day, although it is best to do so gently. Explore your feelings and decide what needs to change and then put them into action during a less emotionally chaotic day.

However, this day is powerful for finding solutions to problems that have caused you stress or distress. For best results, be prepared to take action to improve a situation rather than react quickly. You may find that some people approve of and are attracted by your healing, proactive and naturally confident approach.




Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Taurus, with a square situation of Mars/Uranus today, your most impulsive or reckless features can be very present. Something on the domestic front could irritate you or simply destabilize you.

Energy goes up and down, but when it’s stable, it can be exploited to do something wonderfully creative or productive. You need a change of pace! This is true in general with Uranus in your sign you know how to take the time it takes, but with Mars, who defies Uranus today, you are more likely to want to get into something too fast.

Try to be responsible for these changes instead of resisting and letting yourself change. In fact, you may be in the ideal position to improve things at home or for your family or to free your frustration through a constructive channel




Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Gemini, with the situation of Mars-Uranus today, going too fast can be a temptation, especially with your work or home chores, but instead of saving time, you are more likely to lose it. Breathe and do not let impatience reign.

Center yourself and examine the problems that have pissed you off and that are not solved because they can be at the heart of stressful or impatient behavior today. Part of you may be trying to break free from “old” identity, which can lead to rebellious behavior or “acting out”. For example, talking prematurely about a subject or scrambling something.

However, if you manage to refocus, you will be able to solve a problem related to communication, learning or transportation. For best results, be prepared to make the most of a situation and be willing to take steps to improve your life. Rather than avoiding it, overcoming a problem is your best solution now.




Spiritual Message for Cancer:

Cancer, today a Mars-Uranus square can make you nervous and motivate you, but it can also stimulate some anxiety. Currently, impatience can lead to impulsiveness, especially with money, but it can also annoy you about a difference in values ​​with someone.

You may have to deal with the consequences of bad decisions today, so try to keep your remarks to yourself. There may also be a tendency to get carried away if you do not feel respected. If you care too much about your business and your ideas, you may be afraid that changes will occur in your social life.

Refocusing can help you, although it can be difficult. The desire to put something behind you can lead to a confrontation that will work in your favor or a sensible approach to problem-solving. Being straightforward and honest can be a bit difficult now, but also very revealing.




Spiritual Message for Leo:

Leo, you may be in very responsive mode today, especially if someone is trying to tell you what to do. You can very well feel the tension rising. With a Mars-Uranus square present, it is better to keep a cool head than to act impulsively.

The need to make a change is obvious, but you may not know where to start. You are asserting your independence more often these days, and today you could point out the bad things, especially with a parent or boss.

The desire to free yourself from an earlier lifestyle, an old job, a role, a public image or a particular reputation may be very present, but rushing into a change may not be the best thing to do. Your desire for independence may draw you negative attention today.

However, if you manage to refocus, you can take positive steps to make improvements or solve a problem. Preferably, act with your heart rather than react impulsively to what appears to be a provocation.




Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Virgo, today a Mars-Uranus square may make you want to talk about a past or buried issue, and the means to express your frustration may seem limited. Differences of opinion may sound like blockages at the moment, but you will be much better off if you find a way to overcome your frustration before taking a stand.

Try to understand the heart of your impatience today to get the best results. This transit may seem to impose a problem in an area where you may have resisted the change. Or, the need to free yourself from the limits of a project or plan can now be predominant.

Watch for premature or impulsive actions and aim for self-understanding. Your need for change is real, but it would be wise for you to make changes in your mind. If you manage to refocus, you will be able to understand a private, personal or past problem.




Spiritual Message for Libra:

Libra, the Mars-Uranus square can rock things, and interactions with friends can make things happen in you. For some of you, there may be a conflict involving a friend or partner who is turning around issues of mutual giving.

You may be trying to free yourself from a particular attachment, and today, even though there may be changes of plan or electrical energy in the air, you may very well need to put something behind you. It may be best to keep calm, even in the case of provocation. Avoid reacting quickly.

Increasing tensions can be felt now, but you have all the tools to solve the dilemmas with friends, associates or long-term goals. You can also better understand a situation, which will lead to the necessary actions. Improvement and progress are at the center of this day.




Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Scorpio, an unresolved tension may appear to accumulate or reach a boiling point today, and it may be best if you find a creative or physical way to release it. However, you may be intolerant of imposed restrictions or someone in your life who seems to empty your energy.

Your ambitions are strong right now, but lack of reliability or relationship problems can prevent you from moving forward in what you want today. All current conflicts are probably the cause of equity, but it is difficult to fully pinpoint the source of tension.

If you can refocus, chances are you’ll be able to solve work, career, social life or responsibilities that have been difficult to understand or manage. It may be time to take action to heal or improve and grow.

Sharing ideas and experiences with others can be rewarding. The best things will come from the support and help you give and when you get out of your comfort zone.




Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Sagittarius, there may be many things to do now, but patience is hard to find because Mars and Uranus form a tense square aspect. You may be tempted to take shortcuts that could cost you later.

Try to work independently or in an environment that allows you to work at your own pace if it is possible. You would like to have a freer and more authentic job or daily life, and today’s events seem to show the problem.

A break in routine or a schedule change can be uncomfortable at first, but it can also redirect you positively. So try to stay calm and make the best of the changes that happen.

Even better, try to identify what needs to change and anticipate your work to make improvements. If you can refocus, you can get on the right path that will help you solve problems and move forward.




Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Capricorn, with Mars-Uranus square today, emotional turmoil can make you take unnecessary risks with money or people. Haste is really a problem today, so try to do it gently. Listen to your heart rather than others who may not express themselves very well or act with the heart.

Mars may be pushing you to dig deeper and look for hidden truths or a stronger connection with someone or something lately, but the situation with Uranus today can cause all sorts of frustrations. A thirst for more emotional space or freedom in your life may be at odds with all of this.

It is also possible that others take your space, which makes you lose your head. Refocusing can bring satisfaction. In fact, you may be able to make sense of a delicate situation, which will allow you to move on. Taking steps that involve growth and improvement may be the best thing to do today.




Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Aquarius, with the square of Mars/Uranus today, tension tends to come from inner anxiety and the desire to free oneself from restrictive circumstances. It is probably best to give everyone the space they need to keep the atmosphere calm.

With the tendency to rush, stay alert because it can have negative consequences especially with regard to contracts with things written in the fine print. You have to grow and change and know that it puts you in an advantageous position.

If you manage to refocus, you will have the opportunity to accept or resolve a relationship problem that may have caused you recent stress. Release repressed anxieties or frustrations to be liberating. The more you do, the better.




Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Pisces, a taut square of Mars-Uranus seems to encourage hasty actions and taking shortcuts, especially in matters of work, paperwork, communication, and transportation.

However, impatient speeches and actions can be regrettable if they do not come from the heart. In summary, you may be just trying to free yourself from something or a restrictive situation, and if so, try to do it objectively. Do what you can to work independently today because you can quickly be frustrated by someone’s pace or mistakes.

Despite a real tendency to jump too fast on conclusions or action, if you can refocus, you can find viable solutions to problems related to work, health, routines, and current affairs, or you can perform adjustments and take the appropriate measures for each situation.

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