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Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! July 12, 2020

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!

You have the power to control your own life and it is up to you to create it. Instead of fearing or denying this responsibility, embrace it and use it to better your life.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.



Spiritual Message for Aries:

Spiritual Message for AriesAries, Mercury becomes direct today, and although this change of direction brings less indecision in the future, today can be a little confusing.

There may be improved communications and more information to help you move forward. Over the next few days and weeks, you will find life a little easier as projects or meetings start to move forward, and motivation increases.

The projects left on hold now resume. Keep it simple for the best results and take your time! To help you in this sense, a Sun-Neptune aspect favors a certain disconnection from the material world, so that you meet your spiritual and emotional needs, particularly related to your home, your inner world, to your family life and with your loved ones.

Ideas can very well come up on their own. Do what you can to connect with the part of you that has faith that things will be fine. Support can come from loved ones and there can be strong sentimental feelings.




Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Spiritual Message for TaurusTaurus, the Moon in your privacy sector all day encourages you to take charge and keep a low profile. The end of Mercury’s retrograde today comes at a good time and an emotional recharge or light program may be ideal now.

Mercury becomes direct after a retrograde phase since June 18. This is good news, but since it is a change of direction, there may be some disorientation temporarily. While it’s best not to take action, launch something new, or make major decisions, you’ll appreciate a breakthrough in projects that are delayed in the days and weeks ahead.

Information can happen to you, which facilitates decision-making. Aim to work on activities that help eliminate delays and make things happen to progress. For now, a Sun-Neptune transit helps you to follow the current by bringing out your compassionate side.

Thanks to an indulgent and kinder look at the situations and people in your life, you could achieve a pleasant feeling of peace and freedom. You may be helping someone, which makes you feel good. People are more likely to recognize your value as a friend today.




Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Spiritual Message for GeminiGemini, the Moon spends the day in your social sector, encouraging you to find like-minded people or soul mates.

While the end of Mercury’s retrograde today may be a relief, there may be a bit of chaos or some misunderstandings today as the change takes place.

In the coming days, clearer communications are likely, information is being conveyed, or previously delayed initiatives are moving forward. With the current transit of Mercury in your second solar house, this may involve money, personal property, or business.

You will feel better equipped to advance your plans and make informed decisions. Things will get easier in a few days. To help you take things smoothly today, there is a Sun-Neptune trine that helps you let go of any tendency to want to control things.

Ironically, this may be the way to feel more powerful personally. You can take advantage of the inspiration and imagination surrounding business and finance or your practical business. Activities that reinforce feelings of inner strength may be more magical now.




Spiritual Message for Cancer:

Spiritual Message for CancerCancer, the Moon is in your area of ​​public life, status, and career all day, and you take it easy on yourself, preferring to assume your responsibilities.

Mercury’s retrograde ends today, which can help release blockages or delays. The change itself that is happening now can be confusing, so take your time. In the coming days, you will benefit from a simpler approach to life, but observe and deal with it before making decisions.

Simplify things to advance your plans for better results. To help you, there is a Sun-Neptune transit that encourages a simple perspective. You may receive a positive boost or inspiring news. Your imagination is active and you have a greater ability to sympathize with others. The problems that have been frustrating in recent days seem less daunting, and easier to deal with.




Spiritual Message for Leo:

Spiritual Message for LeoLeo, the Moon moves in harmony with your sign all day, and a Sun-Neptune trine also encourages to “follow the flow” of energy.

Try to learn from the frustrations that are now emerging from changes in Mercury, as you will have many opportunities to improve your conditions in the future. With today’s change, it may make sense to choose your words and fights carefully.

Today is not ideal for entirely new projects and efforts, but you will see an evolution of projects delayed in the days and weeks to come. You may appreciate having more faith in your dreams and ideas. Behind the scenes, problems tend to go particularly well for you right now, and you can start to see a big plan behind recent events in your life.

Now is the time to see the meaning of recent events. The Sun harmonizing with Neptune, and gaining personal power implies giving up thinking, control, and micromanaging. Avoid seeking outward appreciation for your efforts. Instead, do what makes you feel good from the inside.




Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Spiritual Message for VirgoVirgo, the Moon spends this day in your area of ​​intimacy, and you prefer not to touch the surface of things. Deep digging is more attractive to you right now.

Mercury has been retrograde for more than three weeks, and this cycle ends today. Keep in mind, however, that communications can get confused when Mercury stations direct, and perhaps more.

Now is not a good time to touch on sensitive topics at the moment, as misunderstandings can be frustrating and, in some cases, completely unnecessary. However, you will see some evolution in relationships or projects that have recently suffered from delays or deadlocks.

The delicate problems and indecision should disappear in the days and weeks to come. The change of direction of Mercury in your social sector promises more clarity and understanding with your friends. To help you today, there is a Sun-Neptune transit, and you can feel inspired by a special person or a relationship.

Trusting someone more can be rewarding, as long as you pay attention, that your trust really comes from that person rather than from a dream! This transit can help you put your worries aside long enough for you to relax. A friend could help reassure you.




Spiritual Message for Libra:

Spiritual Message for LibraLibra, the Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, and your relationships are strong on your mind. Mercury becomes direct after more than three weeks of retrograde movement.

While it does mean impending hurdles and delays, the day itself can be somewhat confusing until you get your bearings. In the days to come, however, projects could be unblocked and the delays reduced.

You might see work projects progress and communications open up, especially with partners and bosses, parents, or managers. You will start to feel the fog rising in the coming days and you will probably be more specific about your goals. Career issues tend to pick up speed.

You can achieve a feeling of peace with the harmonious aspect of the Sun in Neptune. This can be particularly the case if a career change or an idea occurs. It is also a good time to imagine new ways to advance your career or achieve bigger goals. Your imagination is lively and you may feel driven to pursue a dream.




Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Spiritual Message for ScorpioScorpio, the Moon passes through your work and health sector all day, and you will likely be emotionally satisfied once you complete your duties.

You may be facing communication or transportation problems today, but although these things have been more common in the past three weeks, most of the problems will start to go away shortly.

There may be a real feeling of moving forward, but you have to correct past mistakes and omissions to lead the way. Be a little more attentive to communications, because misunderstandings are likely with the end of the retrograde of Mercury.

The information that flows helps decision-making. A turnaround is likely for some of your projects, especially for sharing, legal or educational matters. It is better not to rush to put your plans into action right away, and to help you in this mission today there is a Sun-Neptune trine.

Focusing on the big picture can bring a lot of joy today as you let go of a tendency to think too much, which might have dragged you down in recent days. Forgiveness and compassion can be very healing whether you give or receive these things.




Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Spiritual Message for SagittariusSagittarius, the Moon spends the day in your creative sector, encouraging you to share your happy feelings. However, there may be some confusion or misunderstood communications today as Mercury changes direction.

Mercury’s direct movement helps financial and intimate matters to gain clarity or to move forward. This aspect can help eliminate recent blockages and slowdowns. This could help fill the gaps on certain issues, which leads to better choices and decisions. You will be in good shape to negotiate with money or your working time in the coming days and weeks.

Pay more attention to directions and communications today. With a Sun-Neptune aspect that is happening now, you give more power to your imagination and your dreams. Relying on compassion and understanding comes naturally and benefits you today. Family or loved ones can inspire you, or your dreams are about improving your intimate and personal life.




Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Spiritual Message for CapricornCapricorn, the transit of the moon today indicates the need for rest or for paying close attention to your personal life. Even today, Mercury stations direct after more than three weeks of retrograde movement.

While this change helps to eliminate information blockages, the change itself may require reorientation today. Expect to have more clarity, especially with your relationships, as Mercury slowly resumes its regular speed and you feel more confident to make the right decisions.

For now, pay special attention to your interactions with others and consider that you may be missing important details. Don’t act too quickly! Instead, let new information flow. To help you take your time, today there is a Sun-Neptune transit.

It helps you to let go of a tendency to control or monitor things. Nonverbal communication can speak louder than words today. Letting go of something or doing an act of compassion can be especially rewarding now.




Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Spiritual Message for AquariusAquarius, today’s lunar transit encourages your curiosity and your need for variety. Today’s energies can be frustrating if you are trying to move plans forward, mostly related to work or health, but there are indicators that things are unlocking.

The key is to be patient a little longer. Mercury stations direct after more than three weeks of retrograde movement and routine problems tend to smooth out or soften. Information helps you make better choices and decisions.

More clarity is to be expected. A Sun-Neptune transit today helps you be patient. It is a good idea to listen to your strong intuition regarding practical matters. Your appreciation of the little things in your life or your daily life fills you with good feelings.

Certain aspects of your work, your services, or your support can cheer you up today. Look for ways to improve your spiritual well-being. With this transit, you gain personal power by releasing the tension or by trying to maneuver and control events.




Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Spiritual Message for PiscesPisces, Mercury stations direct and ends its retrograde cycle today. This change can help unblock information so that your choices and decisions are clearer in the days and weeks to come.

It’s time to approach the problems from a new angle! Other information emerges, which releases energy to move forward. You can reconsider a goal or face something that you have neglected so that you can pave the way for moving forward.

Even today, the Sun and Neptune harmonize, helping you to slow down and enjoy the present moment. Going with the flow is something that tends to come naturally to you, but due to the hectic pace of the past few days, you may need a little break. Someone can ask you for advice, or people seem more compassionate, interested, and sympathetic in general. You are in your element with this transit.

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