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What’s the Best Career for You, According to Your Zodiac Sign

If you are having trouble at work, or are currently looking for work and are experiencing many dead ends, you may be looking in the wrong place. Your zodiac sign says a lot about who you are as a person, including the personality traits you live in and what makes you vibrate.

It follows that it can also tell you a lot about your ideal line of work.

Most of us spend the majority of our waking hours at work, so it’s essential that you do something that allows you to thrive based on your zodiac sign. Our signs are at the heart of so many decisions we make and our personality traits, so it makes sense to explore careers that will allow us to play with our strengths.

Discover what you should be doing to find true satisfaction in work:




The sign for Aries is Ram and this suits the professional personality of Aries. Strong-willed and determined, they have many bold ideas and like a little healthy competition at work.

Areas where you will thrive in: you will do better in commission roles and roles that require you to use your bravery, intervening where others cannot.

Best jobs: advertising and public relations are perfect environments to express your competitive advantage and your determination and your strong-willed nature will allow you to progress well in politics. A role in the emergency services would give you the chance to prove your bravery and save lives.





Taurus likes stability and thrives in environments that can give certain guarantees such as stability, job security, and salary. They are very honest and pragmatic in their approach to work. In addition, they have clear and loud voices and have a fantastic ability to express themselves, which makes them good at speaking in public.

Areas in which you will flourish: you particularly love beauty and, combined with your dedication, you will flourish in creative roles that require discipline. In addition, you are very good with money and you will be successful in the financial sector.

Best jobs: flower arranging, stylist or chef, and landscaper are all careers that allow this enormous creativity to let go, but which need a specific eye on them. You will do wonderfully. Banking and financial advisor roles are perfect for your financial management skills.





Gemini can do the work of two people and will get bored quickly if not stimulated. They like having a lot on their plate and being in fast-paced environments, but at the same time, they never feel like they have enough time to do everything.

Areas you thrive in: you need a lot in your work – a variety of people, places, and tasks to interact with – because you get bored easily. Something in travel works particularly well for this, but any area with a high turnover rate will satisfy your hardworking side.

Best jobs: Stockbrokers face a lot of pressure in their daily work, leaving barely a second to catch their breath, which makes it perfect for Geminis who need this constant stimulation. Teachers and travel agents work with a variety of people and locations respectively, so for a varied and rapid role, these would be two career paths to consider.





Cancer is the mother of the zodiac. They are nourishing, gentle and maternal. Make no mistake about being gentle – Cancers are real matriarchs! They demand respect, take control and are fantastic in multitasking. They are also very protective.

Areas you thrive in: Most medical or therapeutic areas will leverage your strengths as a maternal character – you want everyone to be well!

Best jobs: social workers, childcare, teachers, human resources, nutritionists. These are all roles that will allow you to take care of people with your professional advice and care.

Recommended: What You Need to Give up Right now, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.





Leos are naturally born leaders. The lion is incredibly fierce and likes to lead the charge! They are courageous and independent and thrive on their status. However, this status can sometimes manifest itself as having inspired the people they work with, rather than having a certain job title.

Areas in which you will thrive: You probably don’t like micro-management, so being in a job with a lot of independence, or being in a management-type role, will really see you prosper!

Best jobs: CEO, manager, you will do well in leadership roles. Otherwise, you will flourish positively in a career that will have you as the center, such as the performing arts or politics.





Virgos are perfectionists and have great attention to detail, in addition, they have fond memories. However, these traits often mean that Virgo is also very harsh with herself. They are always cheerful and friendly!

Areas you thrive in: A meticulous brain means that you will do better in roles that require research and statistics, but also in roles that require multiple languages.

It’s worth noting that Virgo often does well when working for advice, so something in the service industry also brings out the best in you.

Best jobs: Writer, critic or translator will allow you to use your aptitude for statistics, research, and languages. Roles such as stylist, beautician or waiter all require personality traits and friendliness, and with your attention to detail, you will have many satisfied customers.





Charming. This word sums up Libra perfectly – they get along well with people and bring people together through their sociability. Represented by the scales of justice, Libra will always be fair and just in all that he does.

Areas in which you will thrive: you will need a lively environment with a social aspect to really thrive. No anonymous cubicles for you! You may also find that you have an attraction to the arts.

Best jobs: it is this personal aspect of their personality that makes Libra’s perfect job ambassadors or team leaders.

Libra will also thrive in legal settings due to their fair nature and their ability to read others.





If you are a Scorpio, you can probably handle high pressure and high-intensity situations well.

You can easily block the distraction to stay focused and you are a curious and intuitive individual. You like to undertake complex tasks and are attracted to the abnormal or the inexplicable.

Fields in which you will flourish: you like to understand how things work, to dismantle and reassemble them, you will, therefore, flourish in the field of engineering as well as in criminology. Your ability to work under immense stress will allow you to excel in pressured environments.

Best jobs: Your curious nature, combined with secrecy skills, means that you would do very well in a detective or lawyer-like role and jobs that require discretion. The pressurized environments in which surgeons work are perfect for you.

You need independence and confidence when working, so you should aim to be independent or have a high level of autonomy in your work.

Recommended: Why You Are Unhappy and How to Overcome It, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.





Sagittarius easily inspires morale. They are ethical, philosophical and spiritual and love to learn from others. A Sagittarius will be full of energy and uses humor to diffuse tension. They generally prefer to work in environments without hierarchy.

Areas where you will thrive: you will be more successful in an area that does not have too much routine, and the careers that allow you to help people will really see you reach your cruising speed.

Best jobs: working as an animal trainer or sports trainer will allow you to meet many interesting people and allow you to be your own boss.

To explore your spiritual side, you can consider a career in counseling, religion, or any other spiritual work.





Capricorn is a workaholic. They are serious, organized and fiercely ambitious. They need the challenge to keep them interested in the job and are not afraid of authority!

Areas in which you will flourish: as Capricorn, you will certainly keep everyone in line, ensuring that deadlines are met and respecting everyone’s calendar.

A management position or a workplace for which you are responsible for a certain number of people will allow you to flourish.

Best jobs: working as a manager or administrator will appeal to your organized side. Working in an area such as IT will also keep you busy and challenged throughout your day.





These people are completely free spirits. They are adventurous and have a really curious side, feeling very attracted to unconventional environments. They like to rebel against companies, but they are still incredibly hardworking.

They often have ideas that are considered quite “out there,” but they are still fantastic ideas, so they shouldn’t be afraid to share them.

Areas you thrive in: you don’t really like the monotony in your work, so finding a job that brings new challenges every day should be your main goal. You are a great problem solver and love finding new solutions to old problems.

Best jobs: you can really let your creativity express itself in a job such as designer, photographer or musician.

All these elements also allow you to rebel against conventions and companies, in addition to becoming your own boss, so that each day will bring new challenges. Otherwise, a job in science or engineering will put your problem-solving skills to the test!





True old souls, Pisces is the oldest of all the signs of the zodiac. They are doing very well with the traditional arts and have a passion and burning creativity at the heart. They are very intuitive, which makes them capable of providing holistic solutions to problems.

Fields in which you flourish: you never feel the need to prove yourself to anyone, so working in an area that gives you this freedom will allow you to do well.

Look for roles that appeal to your healing side, like the medical field, or look for “traditional” roles that have been around for a long time, moving away from modern technology-based roles.

Best Jobs: Working as a nurse or therapist – especially in music or art therapy – will please your caring side and give you the opportunity to apply your intuitive problem-solving skills. Otherwise, an artistic career will allow you to excel in your creativity.

Recommended: What Is Your Hidden Inner Power, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.




Take the step:

Don’t be afraid to take a deeper look at who you are as a professional, you may discover a whole new career that you hadn’t even envisioned before, but you will feel like it has been made for you! Stop working to live and start living to work.

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