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Your Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! Friday September 23, 2022

 Your Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! Friday September 23, 2022

Look at past decisions and ideas from a new, perhaps more enlightened perspective. However, you can be particularly analytical and critical, perhaps excessively. You tend to go back to past projects and refine or tweak them. Yet you can feel stuck in the past if you continually start over and feel unsatisfied with the results. Find us in old or past ideas and recycle them in new ways. It’s an excellent time to take stock of recent work, as long as you don’t get caught up in a loop of perfectionism. Discover new ways to do work that has become routine or consider renewing old personal care, health or fitness programs. Plans can be viewed and then reconsidered. You are in an excellent position to reevaluate your routines and habits, and you could reflect more on the meaning of your work or services.

Read the spiritual messages below for your zodiac sign to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.


Aries (March 21–April 19):

Spiritual Message Aries

Spiritual Message –

Aries, the Moon is heading towards your sixth solar house for more than two days, and you find something to occupy yourself. It’s a good time of the lunar month to take care of chores and details. Organising and sorting are the order of the day.

Mercury retrograde returns to your health and work sector today, alerting you to projects or programs that require a second look. Old work problems or chores may resurface.

Delays are possible but could also help you get something good before moving forward. You may need to revise, redo, or double-check your work. Mercury will remain retrograde until October 2, then turn direct and continue its transit until October 10.


Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Spiritual Message Taurus

Spiritual Message –

Taurus, the Moon is heading into your fifth solar house for a stay of more than two days, and you are adjusting to your needs for joy, self-expression, and love. Also, today, Mercury retrograde returns to your entertainment, leisure, romance, and creativity sector.

Mercury will remain in this zone until October 10 but will complete its retrograde on October 2. Communication is not likely to be straightforward in these departments of life.

However, you have a lot to learn by seeing and approaching things in a new way, perhaps doing some things again and improving them this time. From October 2, you may return to old problems, revisit recent decisions, and face misunderstandings and delays in these spheres of life.


Gemini (May 21–June 21):

Spiritual Message Gemini

Spiritual Message –

Gemini, the Moon moves into your home and family sector, where it will be there for more than two days. It is a more contemplative period of the lunar month.

Also, today, Mercury retrograde returns to this same sector of your solar chart, prompting the need to connect with your family and reorganise your home life. Until October 2, while Mercury is still retrograde, you may face misunderstandings and delays related to these efforts.

Although sometimes frustrating, they can also save you from making rash decisions. Past issues may resurface for re-examination, and you might see a decision made weeks ago in a new way.

From October 2, blockages tend to lift, and you gain clarity on family and domestic matters. You will have the opportunity to reinforce, redo or redesign specific questions to your advantage.


Cancer (June 22–July 22):

Spiritual Message Cancer

Spiritual Message –

Cancer, the Moon heads into your third solar house for a stay of more than two days, and your desire for variety and contact increases.

Also, today, Mercury retrograde returns to your communications sector, and you could revisit recent decisions and plans until October 2. Issues surrounding education, transportation, and essential communications can lead to confusion, delays, or backtracking.

Try to be a little more careful with what you say in your interactions, as the chances of being misunderstood are high. However, it can be a good time to do some catch-up work. You might take a break from your routine and do things differently.


Leo (July 23–August 22):

Spiritual Message Leo

Spiritual Message –

The Moon heads into your solar second house today, dear Leo, where it tends to stabilise you and encourage your need for predictability for more than two days. Also, today, Mercury retrograde returns to your financial sector, prompting you to review or reconsider money or business matters.

Mercury will transit there until October 10 but will only be retrograded until October 2. It can be a great time to find lost items or discover the information you’ve missed before until the 2nd is far from an ideal period for entirely new or important purchases since you do not have all the information necessary to make the best choices.

You may be dealing with lost or misplaced goods, face delays or reconsider a purchase or business decision during this cycle. You will look at things from a new or different point of view, which can lead to new conclusions. From October 2, clarity will slowly but surely return.


Virgo (August 23–September 22):

Spiritual Message Virgo

Spiritual Message –

Virgo, retrograde Mercury returns to your sign today, where it will spend the rest of its retrograde there until October 2. Mercury will continue to transit your sign until October 10, but some personal plans may stall or regress although it is still retrograde until the 2.

It is time to examine rather than draw important conclusions or finalise agreements. Give yourself time to reflect and decide rather than forcing yourself to jump to conclusions.

The Moon enters your sign today, where it will stay there for more than two days, and you will feel as though it is coming alive emotionally. You yearn for a more immediate connection with the world around you at this time of the lunar month.


Libra (September 23–October 23):

Spiritual Message Libra

Spiritual Message –

Libra, Mercury retrograde returns to your privacy sector after spending time in your sign. As the Sun has just entered Libra and you have more influence and personal presence, there may be more mystery surrounding you.

Decision-making can be challenging but only require more time. Your mind might go back to the same old problems. Some of the decisions made and projects launched in recent times can be revisited now.

Mercury will remain in this sector until October 10 but will only retrograde there until the 2. Your mind can often return to the same problem. Now is the time to approach your feelings from an entirely new angle instead of sweeping things under the rug. It may not be until after October 10,


Scorpio (October 24–November 21):

Spiritual Message Scorpio

Spiritual Message –

Scorpio, the Moon harmonises with your sign today, and for more than two days, your attention has turned more often to your hopes, dreams, and goals for happiness. Retrograde Mercury retreats to your social sector, where it will remain for the remainder of its retrograde cycle (until October 2) and beyond.

Communication with associates, groups and friends can be prone to misunderstandings. This is a time to hatch ideas for your future happiness, but you may be dealing with missing information or fuzzy thoughts. You might be waiting for a sign on a question.

Going back to past issues with a friend or focusing on a past friendship can be very important. However, it’s time to find a new way to tackle the same old problem if it keeps popping up! Some seeds you’ve recently sown regarding long-term goals will probably need to be revisited or revised. While this might be rather annoying, it might ultimately serve you better since you get a second chance to get it right.


Sagittarius (November 22–December 21):

Spiritual Message Sagittarius

Spiritual Message –

Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde returns to your public and professional sector today, and it is essential to be more careful about what you communicate. You may be too quick to jump to conclusions, but remember that the information is probably incomplete. It’s a good time for review but not the best time for clear answers.

Consider things, but consider, if possible, before coming to any firm conclusions. Still, it’s a good time for business ideas that are a bit off the beaten track but are doable. If there are delays, you will have the chance to see a case in a different light. After October 2, you’ll feel better equipped with the necessary information to get things done.


Capricorn (December 22–January 19):

Spiritual Message Capricorn

Spiritual Message –

Capricorn, the Moon comes into harmony with your sign today, and you are eager to move forward. Mercury retrograde re-enters your adventure and learning sector today, possibly causing delays or revision of recent decisions related to education, a project, and travel.

The return to the old studies is now possible. Be careful not to communicate prematurely on topics if you don’t already have all the facts.

Mercury will continue to transit through this sector until October 10 but is only retrograde until October 2. It’s best to double-check your appointments and schedules to avoid missing any critical interviews or things. Today, aim to be clear in your communications, leaving very little to the imagination.


Aquarius (January 20–February 18):

Spiritual Message Aquarius

Spiritual Message –

Aquarius, retrograde Mercury returns to your intimacy sector today. Although Mercury is still retrograde until October 2, you might revisit finances or intimate conversations from the past.

Try to look at issues, especially those that revolve around finances, debts, and the balance of power in a relationship, from a new angle or perspective. If they reappear, they must be dealt with in a new or different way! It may be best to aim to see the big picture or what it all means.

You’ll be better positioned to make any final deals or work out the details after October 2. The Moon heads into your eighth solar house today, and you seek out or enjoy more absorbing activities.


Pisces (February 19–March 20):

Spiritual Message –

Pisces, the Moon is heading to your seventh solar house for a stay of more than two days, and you seek more advice, advice and balance.

Also, today, Mercury retrograde pulls back into your partnership sector, and a relationship problem you thought you had solved may reappear. It’s a better time to look back, review, and reflect than to make new commitments or seek direct answers from others.

Delays can be irritating but can also (eventually) lead to more clarity. Even if some communication channels seem less effective now, they can motivate you to find new, creative ways to communicate your message.


Read all of your Spiritual Messages here

Keep up to date with each phase of the lunar cycle here.


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