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Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! August 24, 2020

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!

The changes you are making in your life are for your highest good and are all part of your soul mission. This is your opportunity to make things happen the way that you want them to. Trust yourself more.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.



Spiritual Message for Aries:

Spiritual Message for AriesAries, the Moon spends the day in your eighth solar house, and you may want to devote your energy to some special activity. However, energies today are a bit strained with Mars, your governing planet, in a square aspect with Saturn influencing the first half of the day.

There could be a slowdown if you want to go too fast, which is most likely with the energy of Mars currently flowing through your sign! A delay, criticism, analysis of things, or a moment of discouragement can temporarily interrupt the flow.

You may feel an intense desire to move forward, but obstacles seem to appear. Try not to react to blockages impatiently, as this will not support your cause. Try to get up and strengthen your plans and yourself.




Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Spiritual Message for TaurusTaurus, with the Moon in your partnership area today, lightening up your personal plans can be a good thing for you as you can take more time to understand the role of others in your life.

A Mars-Saturn square influences the first half of the day, and that can mean you’re facing some obstacles or slowdowns. Blockage or discouragement is possible. Instead, there may be a feeling that you can’t seem to express, your desires or your frustrations effectively.

You might feel like you’re stuck in the past, unable to move forward. With Mars in your twelfth solar house, it’s important to consider the past, but it’s about putting difficult situations behind you, not to focus on things you can’t control.

Stress is possible about past events, but it might just be a small obstacle in the way, and it can cause you to slow down to make big changes. The energies may not be as smooth as you would like, but as the day progresses you feel less and less blocked.




Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Spiritual Message for GeminiGemini, today’s Moon encourages focus on work and health. There are a few things that you would do well to take care of, especially when it comes to getting your daily activities in order.

The first half of the day can lead to some blockages. A Mars-Saturn square can have the effect of slowing you down if you’ve pushed too hard or too fast in a particular area. Difficulties with dissipating confidence and power dynamics could now emerge in difficult ways.

Restrained anger can put your health and well-being at risk, while an explosion can also be destructive. Aim for moderation and you will feel better. Do your best to meet the challenges with patience and mindfulness. Success depends on your ability to focus on the job done rather than worrying too much about how far away a goal might be.




Spiritual Message for Cancer:

Spiritual Message for CancerCancer, the Moon spends the day in your entertainment and creativity sector, encouraging a playful approach. However, the first half of the day has a serious tone.

A Mars-Saturn challenge reminds you of boundaries, rules, or obstacles, especially through a person or relationship. This means it’s time to slow down, reconsider, review, and adjust. Usually now is not the time to throw in the towel, although part of you might want to.

There may be a difficulty with a partner or superior today, or you may feel misunderstood or prevented from pursuing your goals or asserting your wishes. Be careful not to be too defensive, as this will not serve you well.

Try not to waste too much time with anger. Blockages are temporary and can be very helpful as it can bring your attention to flaws that need to be addressed before moving forward. Look for the lesson to be learned, then focus on doing your best with what is in front of you.




Spiritual Message for Leo:

Spiritual Message for LeoLeo, today’s Moon encourages you to slow down and catch your breath. Other influences in play may want to force things! A Mars-Saturn square is tense but can lead to important things.

You may be dealing with stubbornness in others or blocked plans, but keep in mind that the harder you push or the stronger you are, the more likely you are to encounter resistance today.

Try not to waste time and energy on things that cannot be changed. Instead, try to focus on improving your relationships. Today’s influences seem to demand that you follow the rules or moderate your behavior. If you’ve pushed something too hard, a delay or obstacle may appear now and slow you down.




Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Spiritual Message for VirgoVirgo, with the Moon in your communications sector all day, you might find yourself busy and divided. Your boredom threshold might be a little low now, so a frequent change of pace can help.

In the first half of the day, a Mars-Saturn aspect emphasizes the need to slow down if you’ve pushed something or yourself a little too hard. Intimate matters or matters of money, commitment, trust, and power dynamics can be tricky now, and patience will be required.

There may be shifts or inhibitions that prevent a steady flow of affection and assertiveness. Now is not a great time to release your anger, but ask yourself if you’ve been holding onto frustrations too much to your detriment. Focus on the things that are working for you and wait for a better day to take on a challenge and thus achieve better results.




Spiritual Message for Libra:

Spiritual Message for LibraLibra, the Moon in your resource sector all day can have the effect of stabilizing you and your emotions. Even so, a Mars-Saturn square influencing the first half of the day can slow you down.

You could devote some energy to your practical affairs today, and it can be helpful. There can be an energy of ups and downs in your relationships, and interactions can suffer from bad timing or the feeling that others are disapproving or disinterested.

You can feel stuck, either with people or by circumstances, and that can be frustrating. However, it’s also a reminder to be patient, wait until the end, and spend a little more time getting it right before moving your plans forward.

You might run into blockages or rules that seem to slow you down or put the brakes on your plans, and family obligations or personal matters may seem urgent. However, pushing things tends to push you too far and stress you out. Take it slow and you will find that this aspect will help you moderate yourself.




Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Spiritual Message for ScorpioScorpio, the Moon passes through your sign all day and your feelings are awakening. Sometimes they can be overwhelming.

Today’s Mars-Saturn transit, influencing the first half of the day, can lead to frustration. If you have moved too quickly in one direction, you may encounter blockages in your plans. An aggressive or impatient approach with a work project or health program may require some adjustment.

There may be blockages in communication, such as mechanical breakdowns or misunderstandings, which interfere with the flow of the day. If you want to go over reasonable limits, try to do it gradually. Consider that delays can give you the opportunity to make beneficial improvements and modifications so that you can better resume your activities afterward.




Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Spiritual Message for SagittariusSagittarius, a Mars-Saturn square influences the first half of the day. This may seem to put the brakes on projects and plans that have evolved too quickly for their own good.

Keep in mind, however, that this is just a slowdown, not an interruption. Recently, you have looked for fun and games with more confidence, and today you might come up with a stalemate, and most likely financial limitation.

Or, worries and concerns take a toll on your mood. You may be afraid of change, but you are also drawn to taking certain risks, which poses a dilemma. Take your time, avoid facing resistance, but be aware of your responsibilities and fulfill them to the best of your ability. This way you don’t waste time with frustration.




Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Spiritual Message for CapricornCapricorn, energies today will be full of ups and downs, but they seem to balance out as the day goes on. Mars in your home and family sector is in a tough spot with Saturn in your sign, influencing the first half of the day, and you may experience feelings of lack of support or overload.

Although this is temporary, it is important to consider ways to make changes to prevent such problems from developing. You may be feeling off-center and a little inflexible. Pleasure plans may fail, or they are postponed.

You may become anxious, especially if others are callous or push you. A slow and moderate approach is now favored. With patience and determination, you can be productive today, especially if your goal is to work in the details.




Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Spiritual Message for AquariusAquarius, today’s energies remind you of the rules or limits. Watch for sensitivity in the first half of the day. However, consider this a good time to plan more responsibly or more clearly, as Mars and Saturn form a square aspect.

Your ability to accept criticism may be tested, or you may be struggling with your inner critic. If so, pull back and take breaks to better deal with potential frustrations.

Instead, you might have to deal with communication or transportation delays, and even if they seem to be delaying you, they could point you in the right direction. You may now notice details that you missed due to the rush in the past.




Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Spiritual Message for PiscesPisces, a Mars-Saturn square influences the first half of the day. It can challenge you to face reality or deal with a delay or slowdown.

Tensions and blockages are likely to revolve around your social life or finances, or there may be a conflict between sticking to proven methods and taking a risk. You may disagree with someone about core values ​​or if they give you too much importance.

There might be an obligation to do something that is preventing you from pursuing your goals. Try not to let it affect you. Decide to save or earn more or complete your plans on another day. Consider putting a problem aside if it just doesn’t budge. You might think of a better way to do this later. Fortunately, the tension tends to ease as the day progresses.

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