The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
Find out what your own truths are, know what you want, speak your mind, and live with honesty and integrity. Stand your ground and live your truths, coming from a place of love and light.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, the Moon passes through your sign all day, revitalizing your mind. The Sun enters your social sector, starting a month-long cycle that emphasizes bonding and relationship enjoyment.
Until February 18th, your desire to contribute, socialize, connect, or focus on personal happiness goals takes over. There is a certain disconnect with your career or life plan goals and an increasing interest in finding your happiness.
You could have a stronger influence on friends and groups. The coming weeks are great for trying out new styles and ideas. It is a time to plant seeds in the form of ideas, dreams, and hopes. The benefits come your way when you recognize your need for others at this time of the solar year.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, as the Moon continues to transit through your privacy area today, the Sun is heading to the most visible part of your chart for a stay until February 18th.
In the coming month, you will bring more strength and personality to your public or professional life. You invest more in your professional or social position, what others think of you, and your ability to assume your responsibilities. Your performance stands out more than usual.
As long as your approval needs are balanced and moderate, they can serve a useful purpose. You are now approaching a high point of the year for your career or your public life. Now is the time to set goals and priorities. As the Sun moves through this area of your chart, you are more aware of your responsibilities and the impact you have on others and situations.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, the Sun is heading towards your ninth solar house today and will pass through this area of your chart until February 18th.
You have just gone through a solar cycle that has kept you rather focused on the intricacies and perhaps the darker side of life. This new cycle indicates a more outgoing phase because it awakens your exploratory and forward-looking nature.
The coming weeks are great for nurturing your mind, body, and soul with different activities, views, ideas, books, classes, and relationships with people who have different views. Your aspirations and ideals are the stronger driving forces in your life at this time of year. This is a great cycle for raising yourself above your usual routines, even in a modest way, to better view the big picture.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, the Sun is entering your area of intimacy for a month-long stay, and you are in excellent shape for focused attention on the projects and relationships that matter to you.
It’s a time of year when you want a little more out of life. Or, you could get rid of a bad habit or attitude and thus gain more personal power and a stronger sense of personal accomplishment. Changes, both inside and out, tend to happen now and remind you as you grow, learn, and transform.
A greater focus on intimate relationships, sharing, and financial or emotional support may feature prominently in the coming month. You might also feel pressured to get to the bottom of complex issues. The Sun is now shining on some of the things that are usually hidden from view. Your private world takes on more importance and brings out some of your best qualities.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, the Moon spends another day in your ninth solar house of spirit, higher education, and adventure, encouraging a happy focus on the future today.
The Sun is entering your partnership sector today, where it will transit until February 18th. This cycle highlights your need for others in the weeks to come, especially with a partner in one form or another. Relationships are highly focused and you are likely to find out more about yourself through reviews or through your interactions with someone special.
The challenge now is to find a balance between independence and stability. There may be special attention to negotiations and self-expression throughout your relationships. You are also more sensitive to imbalances in your life now, and you may be looking for more harmony.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, the Sun begins its transit through your sixth solar house today, and until February 18th, health and fitness goals, work, or daily routines become more important.
The schedules, habits, and organization of your life take on more importance, making the weeks ahead especially useful for taking care of the details that help put your life back in order. You are more confident with your projects, your work, or your self-care programs.
Health goals will take on more importance in your life in the weeks to come. Taking charge of your work and your health is rewarding as the urge to lead a more organized, productive, and healthy lifestyle is awakening in you. The Moon spends another day in your private sector, arousing a desire for activities that engage your emotions.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, the Sun is aligning with your sign today and will continue to transit your area of self-expression and creativity until February 18th.
Having fun and expressing yourself in a fulfilling and heartwarming way may be a priority in the coming weeks. The good energy and inspiration are with you for creative endeavors, fun, hobbies, and romance. You are more inclined to use and share your talents, abilities, and affections.
You communicate more easily and seek feedback and support in the weeks to come. You are more in touch with your “inner child” and your playful, spontaneous and loving approach to life can attract positive attention. The Moon is spending another day in your partnership area and you are focusing more on alignment and balance.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, the Sun begins its transit through your fourth solar house today, and until February 18th there can be powerful reminders of your roots, foundation, and closest connections.
You bring healing, refinement, and organization to your family life and your relationships with loved ones. It is also a time to come into close contact with what is in your heart and to undertake psychological reflection.
This is not the most adventurous or outgoing cycle of the Sun’s journey through your chart, but it is vital for establishing a sense of identity, comfort, and greater self-knowledge. More and more, you are finding satisfying ways to relax and make yourself comfortable.
Ambitions will tend to worry you less in the weeks to come. Although outside interests and responsibilities are always important, you are more inclined to seek the happiness that is within you.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, the Sun is entering your communications sector today, highlighting your relationships, thoughts, studies, and spirit through February 18th.
The coming weeks are great for branching out and learning new things. The Sun in this position tends to keep you busy and motivated. As your interests and the demands placed on you can be so diverse, it might not be easy to focus on something, but diversification can serve you well.
You are more aware of what needs to be fixed, healed, and improved in your environment, communications, and interactions. This is a good time to discover new ideas and receive interesting news. Expect daily affairs to occupy a large portion of your time in the month ahead.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, the Moon spends the day in your home and family sector and you crave familiarity and a gentler pace.
The Sun is heading towards your resource sector and you will be focusing on construction and project development in the weeks to come. Today the Sun ends its annual one-month transit through your sign, and you are now descending a bit to earth.
Until February 18th, you enjoy a wonderfully anchored solar transit and you can make the most of it by multiplying the activities that remind you of the importance and beauty of the present moment. This is the perfect time to build and develop recent ideas and new projects or activities. You are drawn to what makes you feel comfortable and secure.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, the Sun is settling in your sign today and will be your guest until February 18th, increasing your confidence and visibility.
You may feel like you are stepping out of the shadows one way or another now. If you want to make positive changes to your image, now is the perfect time to do so. You have more impact and personal presence during this cycle.
Now is the time to seize the opportunities and shape your life the way you want it to be. This solar cycle emphasizes you, your personal needs, your personality, your plans, and your attitude towards others and welcoming the world. You are taking the initiative now with the Sun in your sign. The Moon spends the day in your communications sector and the need to stay connected seems to dominate.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, the Sun is entering your privacy sector today and until February 18th, it will be shining a lot on your inner world.
It is a time of year when spiritual, non-material, and emotional matters take on more importance in your life. It’s a good time to forgive others and to let go of things you no longer need, if necessary. You might withdraw from more mundane endeavors a bit, and you need more time for introspection, reflection, or rest.
You can wrap up a project or solve problems rather than launching into something entirely new. Goals may not be clear right now, and they don’t need to be. It’s time to put your life back on an emotional and mental level and to process and digest recent experiences.