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 Your Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! Tuesday, December 20 2022

 Your Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! Tuesday, December 20 2022

The Moon spends the day in intelligent and insightful Scorpio, and you are more inclined to understand situations and people better. It’s an excellent time to analyse your feelings and relationships. Today, Jupiter enters Aries, which will stay until May 16, 2023. This transit will encourage you to use our entrepreneurial spirit and be independent. You must create opportunities and thrive when you take the lead, initiate, inspire others, and demonstrate enthusiasm and courage. Confidence in yourself can bring favourable circumstances or luck. Life is what you make of it. Make sure you are living in the here and now.

Read the spiritual messages below for your zodiac sign to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.


Aries (March 21–April 19):

Spiritual Message Aries

Spiritual Message –

Aries, it’s still the time to make big decisions, with your planetary ruler, Mars, still retrograde, and Jupiter, who has just entered your sign. However, things are looking up. Jupiter in your sign until mid-May is a cycle of independence and liberation. Feeling freer as the changes happen today is normal and might even help you aim higher later.

However, this cycle brings tremendous energy, confidence and a real sense of immediacy. As you move forward, your desire for freedom and discovery is influential. Opportunities to enhance your life experience should be abundant. New ideas and new interests can be exciting.


Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Spiritual Message Taurus

Spiritual Message –

Dealing with areas of your life that may be causing you guilt or fear can be helpful these days, dear Taurus, and you have cosmic support for that. Soon, Chiron will become direct in your twelfth solar house, and today Jupiter heads into this sector of your solar chart.

Helping others or learning new things can be especially enjoyable. Until May 16, you will develop your strength in intimacy, do something for others, make personal sacrifices that will benefit you, and be more in touch with your inner needs.

This transit brings opportunity and greater joy to your private world and behind-the-scenes pursuits. Your compassion increases, and you build your faith and confidence. This transit is a kind of spiritual protector.


Gemini (May 21–June 21):

Spiritual Message Gemini

Spiritual Message –

Gemini, Jupiter enters your friendship sector today and will remain there until mid-May, helping you find more joy and satisfaction in your social life. Friendships or group associations seem more robust, and you are more influential and charming with others during this cycle.

You will feel increasingly better equipped to deal with issues, especially with Chiron direct charging in a few days and Mars, the rulers of your friendship sector, going direct on January 12. It’s a great time to use your team spirit and a great time to make connections, share your expertise with associates, and reach out to new friends.


Cancer (June 22–July 22):

Spiritual Message Cancer

Spiritual Message –

Cancer, Jupiter is heading towards the top of your solar chart today to complete its two-part transit. This cycle will last until mid-May and will motivate you to aim a little higher with your goals. Your ambitions, career, business goals and reputation are set to improve, grow and develop. You will attract good favours and pursue your interests with confidence.

These charts will improve further after the Mars retrograde cycle ends in mid-January. For now, you are accelerating and building plans. Jupiter will bring new energy to your professional life. This is the perfect time to present projects or methods and develop your business. Because it is the governing planet of your labour sector.


Leo (July 23–August 22):

Spiritual Message Leo

Spiritual Message –

Leo, Jupiter enters into harmony with your sign today, lifting your spirits as you look at the big picture and gain perspective. You are more optimistic and confident with this transit that will follow you until mid-May. There may be new opportunities to learn, publish, communicate or promote.

It’s not that life becomes less stressful, but you become less stressed about life! It’s all about your vantage point, and it’s a scenic view during this cycle. This is an excellent time for leisure and non-routine activities that enrich your life experience.

This is also when your love life might take a more exotic turn – your tastes change, and you might meet someone from a different culture or background. Existing relationships will be strengthened. This transit’s most active and beneficial elements will be more apparent after Mars turns direct in January. Aim for quality learning and challenge yourself to increase your knowledge and understanding of the world around you now.


Virgo (August 23–September 22):

Spiritual Message Virgo

Spiritual Message –

Mars rules Virgo, your intimacy and shared property sector, and Mars is still retrograde until January 12. However, Jupiter moves into this area of ​​your solar chart today, and it will stay there until mid-May, bringing beautiful benefits.

There can be financial gain, deeper relationships, or more joy in an intimate relationship, and it is usually easier to attract moral or economic support in the months ahead.

You connect more fully to your deepest needs. This cycle is excellent for emotional and material support (but please don’t borrow too much!) and opening yourself up to intimacy and sharing. Some will be more relaxed with their bank accounts during this cycle.


Libra (September 23–October 23):

Spiritual Message Libra

Spiritual Message –

Libra, Jupiter returns to your partnership sector today, which will remain until mid-May. This influence can strengthen close relationships or connect you with helpful people. Because Mars, the planetary ruler of your partnership sector, is currently retrograde, you may still need to feel the good vibes. However, resolutions are underway for long-standing issues.

Jupiter is the planet of faith, luck, and growth, and with it in the sign of Aries, we appreciate competition more because it pushes us to do better. However, there can be such a different energy with this transit, and since Aries is your opposite sign, there can be times when you’ll be thrown off balance by what’s going on around you!

You may feel that the rest of the world appreciates your qualities even more than you don’t have or think you don’t have. However, when Jupiter transits your opposite sign, relationships can improve, which is something to look forward to. This cycle will bring many opportunities for socialisation and strong negotiating powers into your life.


Scorpio (October 24–November 21):

Spiritual Message Scorpio

Spiritual Message –

Scorpio, Jupiter returns to your sixth solar house this month and until mid-May, the motivation to improve your health, daily habits, work and routines increases. Finding more joy and satisfaction in your daily affairs can figure prominently during this time.

Things will get even better after Mars, the planetary ruler of this sector in your solar chart goes direct on January 12. In the months ahead, there can be attractive benefits in health, fitness, daily routines, employment, and even pets!

It can also make more money with the work you do. The only precaution here is to avoid overloading your schedule with work or new routines because the tendency is to feel able to handle more than is reasonable. Fortunately, you invest more in yourself and find more joy in your work or daily routines.


Sagittarius (November 22–December 21):

Spiritual Message Sagittarius

Spiritual Message –

Sagittarius, your planetary ruler, Jupiter, returns to Aries this month, and it’s exciting! Aries is a sibling fire sign to yours, and with this sign now moving in harmony with your character, you feel more in your element. Until mid-May, you will find other ways to have fun.

Hobbies, romance, or hobbies can be more fulfilling and appeal to you more strongly. This transit will be even more rewarding after Aries’ ruling planet Mars turns direct on January 12.

Jupiter will bring fun (and perhaps much-needed) into your life. Romance, pleasure, hobbies, creativity, and children – all areas of life that receive a warm burst of energy. This transit can often push you in pursuit of pleasure.


Capricorn (December 22–January 19):

Spiritual Message Capricorn

Spiritual Message –

Capricorn, while the planetary ruler of your home and family sector, Mars, will be retrograde until January, this sector of your solar chart begins to come alive. Jupiter moves into this sector for a visit until mid-May, and it’s an excellent transit for upgrades and improvements in your home, family, and personal life. The coming months will be vital for improving ties with loved ones and improving or expanding the house.

It’s a time to connect with all that nurtures your inner spirit and makes you emotionally happy. The focus on physical and emotional comfort is strong now, and your need for self-care and promotion is growing. You can find more joy in domestic activities. 


Aquarius (January 20–February 18):

Spiritual Message Aquarius

Spiritual Message –

Aquarius, while the ruling planet of your communications sector, Mars, will remain retrograde until January, there are signs of progress. Jupiter enters this sector of your solar chart today, where it will be until mid-May.

It’s a great time to develop your skills, and you’re eager to learn new things and share your ideas and interests. You could progress in your studies or create significant contemporary interest. You can be more involved in communications of all kinds.

In truth, your thought patterns are changing now – you are focusing more on positive thinking and leaving behind negative or limiting ways of seeing things. You will have more fun sharing your knowledge and ideas with others in the coming months. You are likely to increase contacts and find it quite enjoyable to do.


Pisces (February 19–March 20):

Spiritual Message –

Pisces, Jupiter leaves your sign and enters your resources sector today, moving forward this time. The coming period, until May 16, is a good time to slowly but surely get in touch with new, truly and profoundly motivating goals and aspirations. Influences build for your money and possessions and, on a psychological level, your self-esteem and worth.

The coming months will be excellent for leveraging existing resources, a business or a project and enjoying the fruits of your past efforts. Ideally, you’ve had a real taste for greater freedom and found ways to express that need. As you advance, Jupiter will increase your resources.


Read all of your Spiritual Messages here

Keep up to date with each phase of the lunar cycle here.


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