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Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! December 17, 2020

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!

Develop your intuition and use it as a natural tuning fort to guide and assist you. Your connection with your intuition is every present and is always part of you whe n you access and follow your intuition you gain control of your own life.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.



Spiritual Message for Aries:

Spiritual Message for AriesAries, Saturn is entering your social sector today, and in just two days, Jupiter will do the same. These major sign changes encourage special attention to friends, groups, community, and hopes/wishes.

You had a glimpse of this Saturn transit earlier this year for only a few months, but now it will stay with you until March 2023. It is a time to review, analyze, and test your goals for socializing and happiness. You will either make your dreams come true or put them behind you.

You will see your relationships and plans more clearly, although sometimes harshly. You will learn to give others what you want to receive from them. You may find that some of your associations no longer match your current background. Some connections or means of connection may be interrupted while others become stronger.

Feelings of lack in your social life can worsen and cause changes. It’s an excellent time to build lasting bonds, but you may face disappointments or adjustments. However, you are also less vulnerable to self-delusion, which helps you make the right choices and make the right decisions. Today’s transits remind you of your need for clear happiness goals.




Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Spiritual Message for TaurusTaurus, Saturn is heading to the top of your solar chart today, and Jupiter will follow in just two days. These events mark the start of a long-term trend in which your career and broader life goals become a priority.

Circumstances remind you of the importance of structure, accountability, credibility, and public life in the years to come. You may want to make changes to make your career path better reflect the principles closest to your heart.

The cycle of Saturn which lasts until March 2023 is a cycle of real implementation of things. Jupiter will also be with you for much of 2021, helping you acclimatize to change. You may feel pressured to prove or achieve something important during this time.

You may be called upon to work, and the rewards come from hard work, solid effort, sincerity, and respect or humility. Try to learn what you can do and embrace the reality if unrealistic goals have slowed your progress.

You could reassess your professional life, your responsibilities, and the outward signs of success. Now is your chance to build a solid foundation in your professional or public life. Today, the Moon is moving in this same area of ​​your solar chart, and you are particularly aware of your homework and your professional life.




Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Spiritual Message for GeminiGemini, Saturn is heading towards your ninth solar house today, and Jupiter will follow in two days. With the two major planets moving in harmony with your sign soon, your outlook is getting brighter.

These transits indicate a generally more stable, predictable, and convenient time for you. You are inspired to build something slowly and carefully. It is also a precious time to acquire practical skills and improve your knowledge.

There may be significant achievements in project development or education on the horizon. The need to use your time productively increases, especially with learning efforts and long-term goals. You recognize the benefits of concentration, dedication, and specialization now and in the future.

With a more reliable connection to reality, a firmer grasp of your priorities, and a better attitude to your responsibilities, your decisions improve. Saturn will transit through this area of ​​your chart until March 2023.

You will learn more about your belief systems and your personal philosophy during this cycle, although there may be some disillusionments to deal with in the process. The energies of today are good for your confidence and your prospects.




Spiritual Message for Cancer:

Spiritual Message for CancerCancer, after a stay of almost three years, Saturn is now leaving your partnership sector, moving away from its opposition to your sign. Saturn will not return to this area of ​​your chart for twenty-six years.

There may be a feeling of relief or release now. Saturn is now turning your attention to financial and intimate arrangements, but the change underway takes the direct pressure off and can dramatically improve your vitality.

Saturn transiting through your sector of intimacy begins today and will do so until March 2023. However, Jupiter will be moving in the same sector in just two days, helping you take this next step. You could make changes to the structure of your relationships. There may be a relationship or a new project, deep and promising for some.

The focus is likely to be more on more meaningful relationships with others and some will withdraw from your teams or groups in the coming period. It is also a special time to come into deeper contact with yourself, inner desires, fears, addictions, and vulnerabilities.

There may be a change in support, financial or otherwise, that requires adjustment. You are challenged to tidy up and manage the things you share with others (money, resources, power) as well as issues of addiction and privacy.

Now is a good time to work on a debt reduction plan. By finding out that you can live without certain things or by adapting to changing circumstances, you are building a stronger relationship with yourself. Today, emotions are a little deeper than usual. You want to observe more than take action.




Spiritual Message for Leo:

Spiritual Message for LeoLeo, Saturn is entering your partnership sector today, and Jupiter will do the same in just two days. While Jupiter will remain there for much of 2021, Saturn will pass through this area of ​​your solar chart until March 2023.

Saturn’s influence can put some strain on your committed relationships. You might feel that other people, or life itself, are demanding a little more of you than usual. There may be the question of whether or not to commit to someone, or a current relationship may meet certain tests, especially if it limits or restricts you.

This transit helps you better understand your relationships and partnership needs. This could stimulate a stronger desire for real long-term relationships, or it can bring a more mature or serious partner in your life. As problematic areas in a relationship may worsen, clarity will return.

Decisions are more comfortable when you can see people and things for both their strengths and their weaknesses. It’s a powerful time for engagements, as you’ll get a clearer picture of what’s best for you. Today’s moon encourages togetherness and ideas. You are in better shape to see where your life is out of balance.




Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Spiritual Message for VirgoVirgo, Saturn is leaving your pleasure, creativity, and romance sector today, and heading to your work and health sector for a stay until March 2023. You’ve had a hint of that energy from March to June, and now it’s there more regularly.

This influence can seem restrictive at times, but it encourages you to improve your routines and give more structure to your daily life. It’s about setting limits and disciplining yourself. Responsibilities towards your job, health routines, or daily tasks will increase.

This may be the time to take a pragmatic approach to work and health. Try to make changes in Saturn’s way: slowly, responsibly, and carefully. The goal now is to make improvements that are sustainable, if not that will last a lifetime. Saturn wants you to work smarter, not necessarily harder.

In just two days, Jupiter will settle in this same sector, helping you have fun and enter this new phase. You could start new things to improve your health and well-being. It is a convenient cycle if you have dispersed your energies. Today the Moon is heading to the same area of ​​your solar chart, and your heart is in your work and your homework.




Spiritual Message for Libra:

Spiritual Message for LibraLibra, Saturn is moving into your fifth solar house today, encouraging you to bring more structure to your creative projects or hobbies in the coming days.

Taking on your responsibilities becomes much easier and more natural for you with this long-term influence that accompanies you until March 2023. Now Saturn is leaving your family and home sector for the long haul, going from being stressful in your sign to releasing the pressure.

If you haven’t been feeling very comfortable or relaxed lately, this situation will improve tremendously now. In the period ahead, a hobby may be more demanding, or you may pay special attention to children or projects that are important to you. You will likely see a more serious side to your relationships, projects, and businesses.

You could develop new and improved plans to achieve your goals. Someone or a relationship inspires you to improve your life. With Saturn moving in harmony with your sign, this can be a stable and responsible time for your life in general. You become more serious, organized, and intelligent about your love life, how you express your creativity, and what you are looking for in entertainment and hobbies.

Creative expression, fun, dating, romance, kids, and hobbies are areas where there will be more realism, testing, engagement, and discipline. Today, the Moon is heading towards this same sector, and you are more inclined to meet your needs for self-expression and pleasure.




Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Spiritual Message for ScorpioScorpio, Saturn is heading towards your home and family sector today, and Jupiter will follow suit in just two days. These movements challenge these planets with your sign.

Still, Saturn’s movement can alleviate some of the pressure or inhibition you may have felt in your day-to-day affairs or general outlook in recent years. From now until March 2023, issues around home, family, relationships, and education may require more discipline, realism, analysis, and structure.

You will need to bring more order to your homeworld or your personal life. Outdated things can break down now and it’s time to rebuild. Saturn favors careful, responsible movements, slow but sure.

Domestic duties and obligations to your family may seem on the increase. You could take a “back to basics” approach that will help you restructure and organize your home life. With today’s lunar transit, you are in a good position today to take stock and rest before moving forward.




Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Spiritual Message for SagittariusSagittarius, Saturn is harmonizing with your sign and your third solar house today. This transit will last until March 2023 and is stabilizing, promoting skills development and structured learning.

As you advance, you will communicate with more authority and gain more respect for matters of the spirit. You will also improve your daily life. This trend will relieve some of the pressure in business, with money, and with practical matters when Saturn leaves your second solar house, this time for years to come.

You learn the value of choosing your words more carefully and waiting for strategic moments to express yourself. Sometimes, after holding back opinions or concerns until you have genuinely dealt with them, you may find it wiser not to voice them at all.

It can be a period of intensive study or more serious personal interests. Greater responsibilities or daily commitments are likely. You might be drawn to more in-depth or useful conversations, maybe feel impatient with connections, and more superficial topics now seem more distracting than interesting. Today’s Moon encourages your desire for mental stimulation.




Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Spiritual Message for CapricornCapricorn, Saturn, your governing planet, is leaving your sign today, this time for the long haul. You will probably feel freer and less pressured.

Now that Saturn is transiting through your resource sector until March 2023, you are getting a little more serious about money. You will likely see the solid benefits of the work you have done in the past. It is an important time for a more responsible and realistic approach to money and property.

By decluttering, reducing things, simplifying, and making the best use of your resources, you put yourself in a more empowered position. You are also required to have a better idea of ​​your strengths, including your natural talents.

Financial success can be slow but steady. Look for superfluous or unnecessary expenses and other redundancies. Today the Moon is heading to the same area of ​​your solar chart, encouraging your more serious side to make the right choices.




Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Spiritual Message for AquariusAquarius, Saturn first entered your sign earlier this year for a few months, before withdrawing to complete its transit through your twelfth solar house.

On December 17th, it will enter Aquarius until March 2023. Saturn is a matter of order and structure. Its transit through your sign strengthens your credibility and your confidence, even if you don’t always want to. You are on your way to a more realistic understanding of your abilities and limitations.

Jupiter will help you, and it will be in your sign in just two days. The cosmos wants you to be more responsible, and you are sure to learn that there are many advantages to choosing this path. It can be a time of more personal responsibility, attention to detail, and effort to maintain and improve your health and personal affairs.

The challenge is to become more efficient with your energy and your time. It is a cycle of learning which habits and attitudes are working well for you and which should be given up. Since expectations that are too high have a way of producing guilt, this analysis of reality is useful. It’s not about under-selling yourself. Instead, now is the time to redefine goals so that they are more realistic and achievable.




Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Spiritual Message for PiscesPisces, Saturn is heading to your privacy sector today, and in just two days Jupiter will do the same. These crucial events draw your inward attention not only now, but in the months to come.

Saturn is there until 2023, signaling a need or desire to take better care of oneself on a spiritual level, which may involve ending situations that have crossed reasonable limits. However, Jupiter encourages you to take advantage of your private time. It is a time of spiritual renewal, cleansing, and greater attention to your sanity.

These transits challenge you to deal with unfinished business, as well as to rejuvenate, treat, and heal. With a Saturn-Sun cycle entering its final stage before coming full circle in March 2023 (when Saturn will begin its transit through your sign), you will get rid of regrets or failures and disappointments.

This is an important cycle of contemplation and spiritual renewal, and now is the time to face your inner demons and tackle the fears that are sapping your morale. You may be drawn to alternative lifestyles and areas of self-study. You are in good shape to assess things if you have enough time to sleep, rest, and think. Today the Moon is heading towards this same area of ​​your solar chart, encouraging you to focus inward.

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