The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
When you feel fully accepted and loved on a deep level, you naturally stand in your own power, trust your own inner knowing, and live your life from your heart. Align your life with your heart and your personal truths.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, it’s a good day to find inspiration for new ideas, dreams, and goals. This is a good time to understand what habits or attachments in your life can prevent you from growing and fulfilling yourself, especially at the mental level or with regard to attitudes and mentalities.
Try to use your diplomatic skills in your relationships, but watch out for the tendency to want to please and over-appease things that might come back to haunt you later. You are now dealing with unfinished business that will help move you forward.
Saturn goes direct today after several months of retrograde movement, and the truths revealed this week will help you gain a better understanding of friendships or plans, a long-term plan, aspiration, or goal. It’s easier to make better arrangements with an idea, to see what’s viable and what isn’t.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, look for opportunities to settle debts or settle accounts today. Now is a great time to consider letting go of unnecessary attachments, such as paying off debts or collecting loans.
Now is not the perfect time to do something new. Comfortable situations seem to draw you in, but you might be missing out on an opportunity that comes your way in the process.
Saturn is going direct today after a retrograde movement since May, and career and reputation issues are poised to pick up steam, albeit at a slow, steady pace. This influence helps clarify your business, career, and life path goals or plans, and once Jupiter goes direct on the 18th, it will become even more true.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, it may be necessary to work out the details before you can confidently move forward. Avoid taking on responsibilities that others should take on themselves, or be careful not to rely too much on others when you are better off doing things independently.
Looking into the past to find answers to the problems of the present can benefit you. Now is a good time to find something lost or overlooked, and on another level, to see where you can go in a way that is detrimental to you. Also today, Saturn goes direct after a retrograde movement since May.
Sharing, learning, exploring, legal matters, or education may need special attention with the rules and structure this week and as you go along. You are no longer content to wait for things to happen and you are more willing to do the groundwork to get things done.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, you may be looking to the past for answers to your work or health concerns, which can be a helpful exercise in moderation.
Ask yourself if you are holding onto something that no longer serves you well, such as an attitude or an expectation. The settlement of accounts is privileged. Another influence brings you back to earth today: Saturn goes direct after a retrograde movement since May.
With this influence, you can expect your intimate world to gain clarity this week and beyond. You’ll get a better idea of what to expect from your relationships or see progress on taxes, debt, or financial support.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, it’s better to fix problems today than to make new commitments or long-term agreements. Temporarily, progress can be slow with things, like a romantic relationship or a project, but you can take small steps towards achieving your goals.
Avoid recklessness in matters of the heart. There may be a connection with an old love or a friend, or you may be feeling sentimental about an old love or a project. Looking to the past can be beneficial, as you can wake up a worthwhile quest, but think about things where you might cling to the past in an unhealthy way.
Note that your tendency may be to fall back on quick fixes or ease instead of moving towards challenge, reward, and growth. Another influence of the day: Saturn goes direct after more than four months of retrograde movement.
This change of direction allows you to better understand where you stand with others. Clarity about a relationship or your needs can empower you this week and beyond. Realistic expectations of projects and people lead to a stronger sense of direction and grounding.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, there is a tendency to fall back on comfortable behaviors and role models today, rather than challenging yourself or aiming to grow and learn.
Old habits seem to have a strong influence on you now, and a good deed of the past can benefit you. Using your talents can pay off, but it can also be wise to challenge yourself on a small scale.
Maybe you want to take the easier route. Another influence on the day is the change of direction of Saturn in your sixth solar house. You might start to get back on track with a diet or fitness program, household chores, or a work project.
These things may have stagnated, perhaps frustratingly, in the past. After some sort of analysis, you will be more inclined to take a more direct approach to assuming and facing these responsibilities.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, some transits that are happening now tend to take you back to the past. You are rather reluctant to put yourself in difficulty or to challenge yourself, preferring to fall back on talents and resources that you already have, which may be exactly what you need from time to time.
However, it’s best to avoid provoking or appeasing others in a way that might come back to haunt you later. Try to be as tactful as possible with people around you in general, but especially those around you, neighbors and classmates. At the same time, try to avoid promises or postponements.
There is a somewhat subdued tone to the week with Saturn going direct today after a retrograde move since May. Ultimately, this change of direction helps clarify your feelings, relationships, plans, and businesses. It is now more natural to recognize what is really doable.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, this can be an important time to settle scores. With greater awareness of where you can be too tied up, you are in a great position to break down barriers of money and business.
There is a tendency to want to do everything yourself these days, but sharing, trusting, and teaming up to accomplish something is the way to go for more rewards, even if it seems the hardest way to go right now. Seek to let go of the things you don’t need.
Another influence today is Saturn’s change of direction. This planet has been retrograde since May in your house of home and family. And with Saturn now direct, you better help organize your personal life as you go along. Facing your responsibilities realistically puts you in a strong position to manage them.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, strong energy is with you to free you from something of the past today. Watch for a tendency to try and take the easy way out.
Sometimes you just need a break, but other times you miss opportunities to grow and learn if you back down from a challenge, and you can today.
If you notice that you frequently come back to doing things on your own when teaming up or sharing the load would be much better for you, you may decide to make some changes.
It can help to sort out problems or settle scores to pave the way for smoother efforts and activities in the future. Also today, Saturn goes direct after a retrograde movement since May. This week there may be a comeback or a strong reminder of your need to organize or take care of your daily affairs.
Better structure in your communications, studies, and relationships with others can be of great benefit to you. Procrastination is expensive, and as you accomplish your goals and responsibilities faster, you feel more energetic and confident.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, this can be a time of powerful memories that guide you or unusual connections. You could hook up with an old friend.
There may be a tendency to look for the easy way out, but with a little research and honesty, you could learn what is most valuable to you, which will benefit you greatly.
You might want to fix issues when you realize delays or issues that were previously overlooked and now require your attention. Now is the time to correct the mistakes and omissions of the past so that you can clear the way.
Even today, your ruling planet goes direct after months of retrograde movement. This shift in Saturn reminds you of the value of simplicity this week. Money matters require more structure and discipline, but they will also improve steadily in the future. Focus on consolidating your budget, evaluating business plans, and the things that are and are not doable.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, you’re in the mood to want to relax, and you might find yourself quite sentimental. There may be a connection to an old friend or some strong memories of someone from your past.
You might feel the urge to complete tasks that help eliminate delays and set the stage for progress. Questions of the past certainly hold your attention today, but you have come to a point where you see the areas that have kept you from moving forward.
Also today, Saturn goes direct in your sign after months of retrograde movement. This change helps you feel confident to face reality and make better decisions. You are in good shape to resume or begin specific health activities.
Your determination to get things done is increasing now. Responsibilities and problems can no doubt amplify in your mind, but this is a stimulating and useful change.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, you are in an excellent position to take stock of your feelings and ailments today and this week. It becomes easier to see what attachments can keep you from growing and fulfilling yourself.
You can make a plan to eliminate old projects that are slowing your progress or take care of tasks so you can start from scratch. Another influence today is Saturn, which goes direct after several months of retrograde motion.
While this can add a small dose of realism, it is also likely to lead to a feeling of strength and clarity. This may be the time to face things from your past that are resurfacing as truths or realities.
Knowing your position can lead to better plans. In the weeks to come, you will feel better equipped to put aside your negative habits and attitudes. Gradually, you will inevitably feel stronger, more capable, and more confident.