The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
I am opening doors for you. Enjoy this phase of your life. Listen to your heart and be prepared to make changes. Get ready to go higher. Claim and receive it by faith.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, the Moon moves in your area of intimacy, and you take your emotions more seriously. Today we can have complex feelings or interactions with Venus and Pluto moving towards a square aspect. Nevertheless, what emerges now can be an essential clue to your fears.
If the relationship dynamic seems unbalanced, decide to make the necessary adjustments so that you, your partner or your friends, feel that your relationship can evolve. Do your best to replace fear with love to heal yourself and strengthen your relationships.
Also think that concerns about your work, social life or position may be unfounded or exaggerated. If this is not the case, it is time to look for solutions. Watch for the tendency to go to extremes that hinders healthy interactions. Suspicious feelings are possible, but these can also come from your fears. Be gentle in your communications today.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, the passage of the Moon through your partnership sector often helps to keep things in place, but a Venus-Pluto aspect is now delicate, suggesting hidden things. There can be a lot of things happening under the surface, and a tendency to speak indirectly.
This can be frustrating at best and destructive at worst, but also transitory and manageable. An old injury or resentment can be caused or triggered. Examine what is happening now and try to leave it behind.
You can learn a lot about the messy feelings that might arise now. Even then, exploring intense emotions is a good thing, but relying on something you can not (or do not intend to change) will not do you any good.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, the desire to correct some things in your life or to make adjustments is strong. The Moon settles in your sixth solar house for a few days, and it’s the lunar month when you’re ready to organize, sort and repair. Current energies are sometimes charged or tense.
A Venus-Pluto aspect can trigger suspicions or vulnerabilities. You may feel an intense attraction or impulses coming from a deep place of yourself. Or, there are reminders of a difficult time and complicated feelings. Relationships may not be simple now, and you may feel emotional traps in some of your interactions.
Unhealthy attachments can become clear today. Although it may be a bit uncomfortable, it also highlights things so that you can manage them rather than allowing them to control you. Be careful not to dwell on problems that can not or should not be changed.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, the Moon moves into your gaming area for a few days starting today. This means that this light and fluid transit gives you positive support. Nevertheless, Pluto, today presents a challenge, and its energy is delicate, especially with close relationships.
We can be monitored, or you may feel that someone is holding back or trying to control you or direct you. Of course, these two things can be frustrating! Your loved ones can be very sensitive, and it can be easy for others to touch a nerve.
Concentrate on breaking with old relationship patterns that have not been very successful in the past. This type of energy can sometimes highlight our tendency to repeat behaviors that do not serve us well.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, the moon goes to your home and your family’s home for a few days, and the need for familiarity can take over. It would be wise to work to meet your needs for care at this time of the lunar month.
Nevertheless, the current energies are stimulating. There may be a tension that threatens to interfere with your relationships and communications. It can be too easy for someone or something to trigger vulnerable areas of your psyche today and tomorrow morning.
Concerns about your work or health may interfere with your enjoyment of simple relationships, personal interests, and clear conversations. Your words can be misinterpreted and even the simplest of interactions can seem busy.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, the Moon is heading towards your area of mind and communications for a few days. This brief transit is useful for revealing your emotions to have new information, as well as to put you in contact with other people.
Today’s energy is difficult, however, mainly in relation to money management and relationship dynamics. The fear of not having control over your life can cause you to cling to things, people, and situations. To allow consciously to let go, even a little, can be useful now.
Concerns about money may not be good, but if they do not motivate you to manage your business, you will waste your energy. When Pluto is problematic as it is today, we tend to see where we are too attached or worried about not having control. This can be telling if you want to learn from your experiences.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, the Moon enters your second solar house for a few days. You are looking for some predictability and some stability. Despite this, your governing planet, Venus, forms a square with Pluto and the energy is delicate, especially for relationships.
This aspect can create insecurities and fears or conflicts in your personal life. If you feel that people are trying to manipulate you, or need to use manipulation to get things, look at them a little closer. Work on your side and understand that you can not control others.
Or, make it clear that you need to speak directly if some people are trying to get your attention by the back door. It is important to avoid letting worry or fear of loss of power ruin your mood. Family life or at home may very well require special attention, however, also consider that you might be interested in detaching yourself a bit to relax.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, the Moon stays in your sign for a few days and your feelings and needs are perfectly defined. You may feel a strong desire to start something new. You are also looking for a stronger connection with the world around you.
Today’s energies are a little tricky, however, with your governing planet, Pluto, in a difficult aspect with Venus. It can be difficult to clearly define your path and see things clearly. Or, you may feel offended by others or not be appreciated for what you are doing, and a feeling of discontent can lead to manipulative or disruptive behavior if you are not careful.
A tendency to dwell on the past can hinder the healthy interactions of the present. It is probably best to tackle a problem head-on rather than let it fester. Be nice to yourself by moving on to something else.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, the Moon heads to your area of privacy for a few days, prompting the need to slow down, take simple steps, rest or recover. Today’s energies can, however, become a little tense, and you may feel that others are hiding things.
Friendly relationships have been a recurring theme lately, but today there may be an indirect activity that annoys you. Choose your battles wisely. The day can be emotionally heavy. If you feel out of touch, manipulating or controlling to get back into the game may seem attractive but will not work in your favor.
A Venus-Pluto square active today may indicate a situation that triggers a feeling of helplessness, but do not let fear or resentment motivate your behavior and do what makes you most proud. You will learn something valuable about you through your reactions.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, the Moon is moving towards your area of friendship, stimulating the desire to contribute and connect for a few days. Today, tensions and competition are sometimes possible, because of Venus-Pluto.
This is likely to be felt by business leaders or the business community, even though personal interactions can also be stressful or even cumbersome. Keep all your things above the table and avoid the pitfalls of the game.
Although you can not control how others approach situations, you can control your responses and attitudes. Sometimes the best answer is no answer! Competition can sometimes motivate you to improve, but today you are more likely to feel discouraged because it is more likely to turn against you.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, the Moon is at the top of your solar chart today, and for a few days, you are more aware of your responsibilities and your performance. Today’s energies, however, are complicated and can very well stimulate any tendency towards emotional extremes.
There may now be an overreaction with minor problems and minor events, but these are probably symptoms of larger problems. Be prepared to deal with these issues honestly for better results. It can be difficult to remain impartial or mitigate things.
The desire to live new experiences and move forward in your life may be hindered by the feeling that you can not let go of the past. Take things slowly. Today’s energies are not very sweet, but they are manageable. Plus, they can help you reveal problems.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, the Moon goes into your area of expansion for a few days, in harmony with your sign and helps to lessen your emotions. Even in this case, the energies are today difficult. You are not on the same wavelength with someone or you receive mixed signals.
Watch for the tendency to want to understand too much about what is going on around you. People probably have hidden programs today because we are not prepared to talk directly about our needs. However, it is better not to focus too much on the negative.
Be kind to yourself and your loved ones by seeing what is good for you and others, but consider that you could keep things for yourself, for now. Avoid mind games and power games. A Venus-Pluto aspect tends to raise doubts and inner resentments.
Internal confusion about a relationship can be the root of the problem now. If relatively simple problems bother you much more than expected, try to find out why this is happening and do not be guided by fears and frustrations.