The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
The past is a teacher for the present and if you keep looking backwards you will miss opportunities that are right in front of you. You get what you expect so make sure you always radiate positive energy.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, Saturn has just resumed its direct motion after retrograding since May, and career and reputation issues are expected to accelerate, although it’s a slow and steady pace.
This influence is useful for properly defining your business, career and life path goals or projects, especially since Jupiter has recently resumed its direct motion in the same area of your solar chart. This week there might be a reality check, but you’ll also recognize what’s really doable.
You are more confident in your job or you feel more capable of taking responsibility and taking the lead. The energies today will seem a little murky until later today when the Moon enters your sign.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, the energies of today are good for looking for ways to rejuvenate. Sharing, learning, exploring, legal matters, or education may require special attention to rules and structure this week and as we progress.
You are more than willing to put in the effort to get things done with Saturn now in your ninth solar house. Now is the right time to work on making expectations a reality. Self-improvement efforts can be focused and be successful as you go. Slowly but surely, you find new reasons to be optimistic about your destination.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, today’s Mercury-Neptune challenge may indicate a misunderstanding or a temporary lack of clarity on an issue. Adopt a “wait and see” attitude for best results.
However, with Saturn in direct motion, you can expect your intimate world to gain clarity this week and as we move forward. You have a better idea of what to expect from your relationships. A commitment becomes a stronger priority.
If you’ve put off settling your finances, now you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and take charge. Jupiter and Saturn are now in the last stage of their transit through your eighth solar house, and until mid-December, positive lifestyle changes are highly recommended.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, Saturn is now in direct motion after more than four months of retrograde movement, and you are more clear about your position with others.
Clarity about a relationship or your needs in relation to others can empower you this week and as we move forward. There may be a reality to face or a sense of obligation that prompts you to move. You are more than willing to face a commitment or a reality today.
You might feel like you’re taking a new turn in a relationship. Today’s energies, on the other hand, are not particularly clear. If you’ve been expecting precision today, you might be disappointed, but now is a good time to imagine the possibilities.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, Saturn having now resumed its direct motion after several months of retrograde movement, you may be getting back on track with a diet or fitness program, household chores, or a work project.
These things may have frustratedly stagnated in the past. After a kind of reality check, you are inclined to take a simpler approach to taking on and facing these responsibilities. There is greater clarity regarding work, health and well-being.
Learning where you stand on an issue can be a relief and can improve planning and decision making as well. The coming weeks can be particularly active for organization and self-improvement. It can be difficult to get down a productive path today, but transits can spark your imagination.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, Saturn’s direct motion is useful for clarifying your feelings, relationships, plans, and businesses. You recognize what is really doable.
Don’t be surprised if you feel a strong instinct to focus on particular goals and projects, because now is a good time to eliminate what is no longer serving you.
You might feel inspired to make lifestyle changes or re-engage in a project or relationship. Perhaps it would be better to aim to see the benefits of facing reality rather than harbour feelings of discouragement. You will be busy consolidating some areas of your life in the coming weeks.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, with Saturn now in full swing, organizing your personal life is a good thing for the future. Facing your responsibilities realistically puts you in a strong position to handle them.
Take things one by one and enjoy the process of bringing more order and security to your personal space and inner world. Home improvement projects can pick up or speed up, and relationships with family can strengthen.
You have a real and growing feeling that things are improving. In the coming months, the stellar energy is with you to see what needs to improve in your personal life, at home or indoors. There may be a reality to face or an obligation to fulfil now or this week, but it gets things done. Today, however, try to take some time to think if you can.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, Saturn has just resumed its direct motion after more than four months of retrograde movement, for the last time in your communications sector.
This week there may be a reality check or a strong reminder of your need to organize or take care of your daily affairs. Greater structure in your communications, studies and relationships with others can be of great benefit to you.
As you reach your goals and responsibilities faster, you feel more energetic and confident. You are also in a good position to assess which of your interests, studies and projects are truly worth your efforts. Responsibilities and duties could increase for now. Today, however, it’s best to watch for misunderstandings with Mercury in your sign during a minor conjunction with elusive Neptune.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, Saturn has resumed its direct motion, reminding you of the value of simplicity this week.
Focus on tracking your budget, evaluating business plans, and reducing excess so you can feel more secure and pay close attention to your practical affairs. Saturn asks you to be responsible and mature in the areas of life that it affects.
In your case, until December, it’s your finances, your resources and your talents. The rewards can be significant, although they are often delayed! Leaving some uncertainty behind can lead to better plans for moving forward.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, your governing planet, Saturn, has just resumed its direct motion, helping to build your confidence to face reality and make better decisions.
You are in good shape to resume or begin specific health activities. Your determination to get things done is increasing now.
Responsibilities and problems may escalate in your mind, but this is an empowerment shift. In the coming weeks, the focus may be on organization, following the rules and paying attention to practical details. You face reality and take responsibility, which leads to better decisions.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, Saturn has just completed its retrograde cycle. While this often comes with a small dose of reality, there is also a sense of strength and clarity.
This may be the time to face things from your past that are resurfacing as truths or realities. Knowing your position can lead to better plans. From now on, you will feel more apt to put an end to your negative habits and attitudes.
Gradually, you will inevitably feel stronger. If you’ve procrastinated on a question, it now seems easier to manage. This December, Jupiter and Saturn will enter your sign, and it can be a time of new beginnings and more clarity. Until then, important work awaits you to prepare yourself. However, minor transits today can indicate wrong directions. Meaningful presentations or conversations should probably wait.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, you can be very busy or connected today. However, there may be some ambiguities to deal with. There may be missing information or situations that are not easy to assess.
Try not to overthink it. With Saturn resuming its direct motion, the truths revealed this week are helping you have a real grip on the reality of friendships or projects, a plan, aspiration or a long term goal.
It’s easier to make better arrangements with an idea of what is viable and what is not. You are in better shape to organize yourself, move forward, and take responsibility for the future. It’s important to look for ways to simplify or do a little less, even if that isn’t the easiest choice to make.