Many people are able to perceive the extraordinary beneficial effects that can derive from meditation, both from a physical as well as a mental, as well as a spiritual point of view.
However, when approaching the meditative practice after some more or fewer bankruptcy attempts they tend to abandon the experience.
This certainly represents a lost opportunity to be able to acquire the well-being, the clarity and the peace of mind that naturally derive from a regular and constant meditative practice.
How can we then accept the meditation in our life and make it a daily practice so as to fully grasp the benefits?
Here are some tips to succeed:
Table of Contents
1 – Regularly Meditate
This is the most obvious, but also the most effective advice. Try to devote to meditation at least a few minutes each day. If you do not have the chance, try meditating at least 3-4 times a week
2 – Always Meditate at the Same Moment
Both the body and the mind tend to be habitual: do not try to contrast this characteristic, on the contrary try to follow it. One of the most effective moments is usually early in the morning.
3 – Always Meditate in the Same Place
As we said, we are habitual: to transform meditation into everyday practice, try to always meditate in the same place. Avoid meditating in bed because you may run the risk of falling asleep quickly (your mind associates the bed with sleep).
4 – Make Proper Preparations
Do not think you can come home after work and immediately sit down and meditate. Especially when you are a beginner, it is important to prepare yourself for the meditative practice in an appropriate way: before starting, take a relaxing shower or bath, take a few deep breaths and try to relax.
5 – Keep a correct posture
To have an appropriate posture to keep your back straight but relaxed, open chest and free neck, so as to allow the body energies to flow more easily, avoiding the onset of drowsiness.
6 – Start with Short Sessions
The important thing is to be able to meditate regularly, so at the beginning, you can dedicate only 10-15 minutes a day. If your meditation spontaneously lasts longer, then enjoy it, but do not force yourself to prolong it just because you feel yourself in “duty”: you will only come out with conflict and unhappiness.
7 – Keep attention
Meditation means attention and calm awareness. Meditation is neither anxiety, tension, nor stress. Relax your body, follow your breath with detachment, without judgment.
8 – Do not exceed with Expectations
Do not expect too much from yourself. It will happen sometimes that you will not be able to meditate: in these cases simply ask yourself to stay seated for a few minutes, doing nothing. Then try again to meditate and if you can not, try again the next day. Without discouraging or condemning yourself!
9 – Keep Focus on Your Motivation
Always try to be clear about why you sit down to meditate. Do you do it for health, for peace of mind, for clarity, for spiritual growth? Grow your correct meditation. The ultimate goal of meditation is to exploit your potential and put it at the service of yourself and others.
10 – Integrating Meditation into Your Life
Meditation is not a practice that is exhausted in the 20-30 minutes you spend every day. Try to transfer attention and awareness in every moment of your day, bring in every aspect of your life the sweet harmony, the calm balance and the deep peace that the meditative practice is able to give you.
Recommended Book for You:
Meditation For Complete Beginners
A Guide to Becoming a Happier, Healthier, and More Peaceful You.