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7 Significant Signs the Universe Gives You When You Are Out of Alignment with Your Higher Self

Have you felt that you haven’t been yourself recently? Many enlightened individuals say that they receive cosmic messages by coincidences or synchronicities, random objects, songs or in their meditative state.

The Universe always communicates with all of us, whether we are believers or not. There are some warning signs that the Universe gives you, especially when you are not aligned with your Higher Self. Your subconscious mind is trying to get your attention.

There is no limit as to how the Universe can connect to us because the difference lies only in our subjective perception.

The truth is that if you stop for a few moments and look at the patterns of your life, you will discover the messages that the Universe has been sending you for a long time.

The difficulties you face or the blockages that you constantly have to overcome can be signs of the Universe telling you that you are on the wrong path.

If you are feeling this way, here are the 7 major warning signs of the Universe that indicate that you are on the wrong track. Take note, however, that they are not designed to break you, but to awaken your soul from its deep sleep.

7 significant signs that the universe gives when someone is not aligned with their higher self:



1. You feel at unease:

There are times when you just feel uncomfortable as if your stomach is squirming. No matter how you try to make it go away, it just isn’t. This could tell you that you are helpless in other areas of your life.

Wherever you go, there is this inexplicable feeling that something bad is going to happen. You just feel anxious or awful.




2. You lose things:

It is only when you lose something precious that you can reassess your life and be aware of it.

Either you misplace it or someone takes it from you, the goal is to awaken you from the mundane events in your life.




3. You often have disagreements:

7 Significant Signs the Universe Gives You When You Are Out of Alignment with Your Higher Self

You are easily in trouble. Whether it is with your loved one or another person, it takes very little to arouse anger in you.




4. You become clumsy:

You may find yourself more clumsy than usual. Bumping your toes, cutting your skin, breaking or dropping things gets your attention to stay in the present.




5. You have bad omens:

In ancient times, omens were messages from the gods predicting the future. However, omens are subjective, which means that the messages they convey can vary from person to person.

As such, you should be aware of your emotions and how your mind reacts each time you see one. Examples of bad omens are black cats crossing your path or broken traffic lights.

Recommended: 10 Signs that the Universe Has Amazing Things in Store for You.




6. You encounter accidents:

Whether major or minor, accidents carry the message of changing course as quickly as possible. If you are in the middle of a project, try to assess whether it is worth continuing or not.




7. You encounter a lot of roadblocks:

No matter how many obstacles you have overcome, these blockages seem limitless. They continue to appear every time you overcome one.

You seem to be getting nowhere because every time you take a step forward, something pushes you back two steps. You have invested a lot, but the results are simply disappointing.




How to realign with your Higher Self?

7 Significant Signs the Universe Gives You When You Are Out of Alignment with Your Higher Self

One or two of the above situations can happen to anyone. But when most of the above signs are present in your life and occur frequently, it’s probably not a coincidence.

Something in your subconscious is trying to get your attention. You have to realign yourself with your Higher Self and your true purpose. Here is how you can realign yourself with your Higher Self:




1. Believe your intuition:

The best way to be sure is to listen to what your intuition is telling you. A feeling of heaviness means that it is not the right path while feelings of lightness indicate that it must be done correctly.




2. Be responsible:

There is no one who can point the finger at you except you. The best thing to do is to take small steps to change course and see what’s going on.




3. Alter your environment:

There are situations where getting out of a situation or environment is your best option, like getting out of a stressful job that empties your life. In this case, you just have to trust the Universe that it will take care of you if you decide to change your life.




4. Spend some time alone:

Take time for yourself and for introspection. It’s a sure way to find out what needs to change in your life. Another tool to cleanse your messy mind is meditation.

Recommended: 9 Tips for Communicating with Your Higher Self.




5. Journaling:

Journaling is the best tool for getting to know you better. The more you connect with yourself, the easier it will be for you to realign yourself with your higher self.




6. Have more humor:

Humor brightens your mood and opens your heart. When you are relaxed, your mind is able to think much more clearly.



7. Trust the universe:

You are part of this one source, and it only wants to connect you by any means possible. Trust it.

Apply all the steps mentioned above and you will find your true atmosphere and realign yourself with your Higher Self!




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