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How to Heal Your Body, According to Your Zodiac Sign

We all have the 12 signs of the zodiac in us. It is not only on an emotional and spiritual level but also on a physical level. In fact, each part of the body or area of your body is also governed by particular energy from the zodiac.

In early medicine, doctors studied dreams and planets to determine the best way to treat a patient. Although this technique is long gone, it is still helpful to understand how astrology can help heal you.

In astrology, each zodiac sign governs a different part of the body. When this part of the body is facing an illness, channeling the energy of this sign can help.

Discover how to heal your body based on your sign of the zodiac:




Body: Aries reigns over the head, hair, and face.

Energy: the energy of Aries is about leadership, defending yourself and pursuing what you truly desire. It also reigns over the emotions of anger, self-confidence, and courage.

Imbalances: When the energy of Aries is not in balance, it can manifest as headaches, migraines, loss of self-confidence, runny nose and sinuses. It can also manifest as acne, skin problems, eczema, rashes, and hair loss.

Healing: The energy of Aries is being able to defend who you really are and lead your life in a direction that feels good. If you’ve been hiding in the shadows, or perhaps even being overly driven by your ego, it may be time to balance that. It can also indicate that you need to give up your hyperactive thoughts, slow down, or pay attention to the world around you.





Body: Taurus reigns on the neck, throat, thyroid, tonsils and upper back.

Energy: the energy of Taurus is about stability and consistency. Taurus also rules over material or physical goods as well as our general feelings of security and assurance.

Imbalances: When Taurus energy is out of balance, it can manifest as upper back problems, neck problems, sore throat and a hoarse voice. It can also cause feelings of “blockage” or fear of changing or losing something.

Healing: the energy of Taurus is to take a practical and methodical approach to life in order to feel secure and organized. If you’ve missed groundedness or perhaps got stuck in an endless cycle, it may be time to balance that by harmonizing your throat area. You can do this by using blue crystals, singing and also modifying your life and your outside environment.





Body: Gemini dominates your mind, your thoughts, your ability to express yourself as well as your arms and hands.

Energy: Gemini energy is about the freedom to express yourself and collect your thoughts in an orderly fashion so that others can understand them. Geminis are natural communicators, writers, and speakers.

Imbalances: When the energy of Gemini is unbalanced, it can manifest itself in scattered thoughts, confused mental processes, pain in the arms or hands and fear of expression. It can also cause rumors or maybe cause you to speak before you think.

Healing: Balancing the energy of Gemini meditation or journalling is often the best remedy. It helps calm and calm the mind and can free all repetitive thoughts.





Body: Cancer reigns on the chest, breast, and heart.

Energy: the energy of cancer is to match your emotions and express your truth and feelings. The energy of cancer is also very stimulating and often wants to be of service to others.

Imbalances: When the energy of cancer is unbalanced, it can manifest itself in uncontrollable emotions, a feeling of exhaustion or excessive sensitivity and even withdrawal or the desire to be alone. Symptoms include respiratory illness, cough, sore chest and a tendency to emotionally eat.

Healing: To balance, the energetic breathing exercises are often the most beneficial, just like spending time in the fresh air and making light exercise. Balance can also be achieved by volunteering, giving to others, or spending time maintaining and loving yourself.





Body: Leo reigns over the heart, as well as over the upper back.

Energy: The energy of Leo consists of learning to shine by being faithful to who you are. The energy of Leo is proud, confident and not afraid to express or pursue what it wants.

Imbalances: When the energy of Leo is unbalanced, it can manifest itself in cardiac complications, difficulties in expressing emotions and feeling closed to love. It can also manifest as a lack of self-confidence, a feeling of shyness or fear.

Healing: To balance the energy of Leo, any form of creative expression is often useful. This includes art, dance, poetry, theater, etc. It is also recommended that you do yoga poses to help open the heart area and also speaking or communicating your feelings to those you care about.





Body: Virgo reigns over the stomach and digestive organs.

Energy: The energy of Virgo is earthy, grounded and helps us stay motivated to meet the challenges of life. Virgo energy also consists of noticing the smaller and more refined details and is very stubborn.

Imbalances: When the energy of Virgo is unbalanced, it can be manifested by digestive problems, constipation, eating disorders, chronic diet, and poor digestion. It can also manifest as excessive thinking, stubbornness, and obsessive behavior.

Healing: To balance the energy of Virgo, it is important to learn to let go and to release some of the expectations that you impose on yourself. It is also important to calm your mind and perhaps take the time to get to the bottom of nagging thoughts. It is best to do this through meditation, creative projects or even exercises. Making peace with your body and making sure you eat lots of healthy fruits and vegetables can also be helpful.





Body: The energy of Libra reigns over your kidneys, your bladder, and your lower back.

Energy: Libra’s energy is about learning to connect and grow with others and to build healthy partnerships and relationships.

Imbalances: When the energy of Libra is unbalanced, it can manifest itself as being too independent or too dependent. It can also manifest as bladder-related problems such as infections, frequent urination, or low back pain.

Healing: To balance the energy of Libra, it is important to find ways to compromise in your life and perhaps to think of others. On the other hand, if you rely too much on others, it may be time to find your own independence and strength.





Body: The energy of Scorpio reigns over the genital area.

Energy: The energy of Scorpio is a matter of transformation and learning to grow and change through life experiences. It’s also about digging through your dark side to bring it to light.

Imbalances: When Scorpio’s energy is out of balance, it can manifest as a feeling of blockage or perhaps even overwhelmed by too many changes too quickly. It can also manifest as depression, STDs, lack of libido or overactive libido.

Healing: To balance the energy of Scorpio, it is important to embrace change and be open to dealing with emerging shadows. To help with this, it can be beneficial to adopt practices like meditation and tantra. Spending time near water can also help recharge your batteries and free you emotionally.





Body: Sagittarius energy reigns on your hips and thighs. It also rules over the liver.

Energy: Sagittarius energy is about learning, exploring and teaching. The energy of Sagittarius is always ready for adventure and aspires to understand life and the world.

Imbalances: When the energy of Sagittarius is unbalanced, it can manifest itself in hip problems, liver problems or even a tendency to indulge in too much pleasure. It can also manifest as restlessness or perhaps an inability to stay in one place for a long period of time. Alternatively, it can also manifest as stagnation and perhaps a reluctance to learn, to embrace other cultures or to keep an open mind.

Healing: One of the best ways to balance the energy of Sagittarius is to travel or learn something new that will help you open and develop your mind. Doing something different from your regular routine can also help balance energy, as can exercises that help open the hip area.





Body: The energy of Capricorn reigns over your bones, knees, and teeth.

Energy: The energy of Capricorn is to get things done in a practical and orderly manner. The energy of Capricorn is extremely ambitious and very motivated to achieve and create.

Imbalances: When imbalanced, the energy of Capricorn can lead to tendencies in buzzing work, knee problems, cavities or dental pain. It can also lead to putting too much pressure on yourself to be successful and in the habit of working or “doing things” in order to avoid emotions.

Healing: To balance the energy of Capricorn, it is important to take a break, to slow down and perhaps also to check what really fuels your ambitions. A re-working of your schedule may also be in order to make less time for work and more time for play. Adopting practices such as meditation, yoga or even journalism can also be helpful.





Body: Aquarius energy reigns over your ankles and your nervous system.

Energy: The energy of Aquarius is to support humanity and to think of things on a larger and more global scale. The energy of Aquarius is extremely innovative and is often revolutionary in nature.

Imbalances: When imbalanced, the energy of Aquarius can make you feel like a “mad scientist”, it can also cause feelings of loss of contact with reality. Ankle problems can also arise, as well as feelings of anxiety or even panic attacks.

Healing: To balance the energy of Aquarius, it is important to work on the creation and the concretization of your ideas. It is also important to think about the big picture and see how your ideas or creations can benefit all of humanity, not just yourself. To help you, do things that inspire you every day and surround yourself with like-minded people to learn and grow.





Body: Pisces energy rules on the feet and the pineal gland.

Energy: The energy of Pisces is to align with your own essence or spirituality. It is also a very creative place which can express itself through art, music, and dance.

Imbalances: When imbalanced, the energy of Pisces can manifest as a feeling all over the place and without groundedness. It can also manifest itself in a loss of contact with the needs of others, self-centeredness and even a tendency to worry or hypochondria. It can also shut down your spiritual energy or intuition. Imbalances can sometimes also occur during a spiritual awakening.

Healing: To balance the energy of Pisces, it is important to get in touch with your spiritual self or your true essence. There are many ways to do this, but meditation is often the most effective. Another great way to balance this energy is to get creative and channel that energy into something productive. Getting grounded can help, as can foot massage and reflexology.


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