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How The New Moon in Cancer on July 20, Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

How is everyone doing after the supercharged full moon lunar eclipse in July? The 4th of July luminary marked a climactic moment, personally and collectively, and it has led us to the end of the current cycle of eclipses with fireworks intensity.

The new moon for July 2020 takes place on Monday, July 20, and is the first luminary since May which is not also an eclipse. However, there are intense planetary aspects taking place next to this luminary which will bring a restrictive and frustrating atmosphere and will test the patience of all the zodiac signs.

If you follow the lunar cycle and its lunations, you may have noticed that this is the second new moon that takes place under the sign of Cancer in the past month. This type of double new moon rarely occurs and usually serves as a second chance for a fresh start – but this cancerous new moon carries a different type of energy.

While the June new moon was a chaotic eclipse, the July new moon will form opposition to the restrictive planet Saturn, which rules over our responsibility and personal challenges. While lunar energy naturally makes us want to move forward and embrace new beginnings, the cosmic influence of Saturn will make us feel locked in, restrained and pessimistic about our ambitions.

Now is definitely not the time to aim for the stars or take a big risk because a more auspicious new moon is coming soon. For now, it’s best to keep it simple, structured, and systematic. Be more realistic about your plans and present them step by step.

However, don’t throw your noblest dreams out the window, all you have to do now is put your brighter ambitions aside so you can focus on the essentials. Laying a solid foundation is not always an exciting job, but it will make your future castle more stable.

Discover how the new moon will affect you, according to astrology:




You can’t curate your brand and build your dream career if you don’t get your personal affairs in order and manage your inner landscape first, Aries. Focus on the basics of your personal foundations and heal your deepest wounds.

Clean out your closets both literally and metaphorically, it’s time to purge yourself of all the things that weigh so heavily on your shoulders and affect the way you move around the world.





Now that you have survived another retrograde period of Mercury, you focus your energy on your communication style and resume an easier flow in your daily schedule. But things won’t be where you want them to be, Taurus, unless you learn to broaden your horizons in a more serious way. Change is not easy for a fixed sign like you, but try to step out of your box and seek out new prospects by reading a new book or having a conversation that you have avoided.





All you want at the moment, Gemini, is to live it in a luxurious style, and with your governing planet Mercury finally direct, you can practically taste your dreams like candy. However, you will find that a nagging sensation in your subconscious will quickly pull you out of your fantasy world.

Instead of going after the gold this second, take a deep breath and call on the virtue of patience. If you can honor the needs and limits of your inner self, you will find it easier to manifest the tangible treasures you desire.





This is your season, Cancer, and to be fair it has been intense and while this new moon in your sign should be about you, you are going to be distracted by the drama in your closest relationships.

Whether it’s with your boss, your lover, or your closest friends, one-on-one partnerships take you away from your personal work and demand your attention. Interpersonal work is totally related to personal work, so you don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. Respect your limits, but also take into account the limits of your closest partners.

Recommended: Mercury Retrograde is Over, Here is How Your Zodiac Sign is Affected




You’ll find yourself in another dreamy haze under this new moon, Leo, and you’ll probably want to postpone all the big social plans in favor of quiet healing time for yourself. However, your daily responsibilities pull you out of your dream world and force you to face reality.

Honor your need for rest without totally losing your waking life. Checking out the little things on your to-do list right now will be more satisfying than drowning in your fantasies and doing nothing at all. Find a delicate balance.





Do you know how on an airplane, in an emergency, you are supposed to secure your own oxygen mask before helping someone else with theirs? Well, apply that to life right now, Virgo.

A service-oriented earth sign as you sparkles when helping others but you learn the hard way that if you give all your good ideas, you don’t end up with any credit. Work on indulging in some of your solo pleasures and passionate projects before lending a hand.





Separating your personal life from your performance at work is reaching maximum impossibility right now, Libra, so let go. As you work hard to maintain perfect balance and harmony in all your endeavors, the waves of life can sometimes drag you down to the sea and shatter a perfect illusion.

There is space for your authentic self to appear in your career, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be someone you are not. Let your true colors shine through your work.





You’re ultra-focused on the big picture of the global landscape right now, Scorpio, and that’s fantastic, there are a lot of important things that need our attention, our willingness to see new perspectives and growth.

However, don’t overlook the importance of bringing this same type of global awareness into your daily conversations. Often times, change starts at home, so explore and digest the range of perspectives that lie right under your nose.

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Your third eye is on fire right now and all you want to do is look at the deeper meanings of things as you explore your innermost thoughts, desires, feelings, and relationships. However, Sagittarius, you will probably feel bogged down by tangible responsibilities.

It can be difficult to focus on mundane things like paying bills and balancing a checkbook when all you want to do is explore the edges of your most taboo boundaries. But if you can manage your personal affairs now, you can explore the most nebulous things with more freedom later.





There is a frustrating push and pull in your concentration when it comes to dealing with your own stuff and dealing with the issues within your closest relationships, Capricorn.

You feel called to build new beginnings within your partnerships (love and work) and eliminate the issues that plagued your communication since the start of Mercury retrograde, but you will find that your personal issues continue to bother you. Deal with your own issues as you navigate your relationships, you’re one half of the equation, so you need to make sure you set aside some energy to heal yourself as well.





Now is a good time to be effective, isn’t it Aquarius? You have a to-do list waiting for your attention and the energy to tackle it. However, you will likely find that you are facing ongoing obstacles in the form of brain fog and dreaminess.

As much as you want to recharge at full speed with your new moon intentions, you just don’t have the usual extroverted energy level to match it. Take things slowly so you don’t exhaust yourself, you have to honor your spiritual self as much as you honor your mental self.





It takes a village, as they say, and under this new moon, you get that feeling on a deep level. You are bursting with ideas and inspiration, you feel ready to embark on personal creative endeavors but you may forget the role you play in your community, Pisces.

As much as you would like to move your plans forward without consulting anyone else, allow your team in on your ideas. You know deep down that their constructive comments and criticism will strengthen your plans, so don’t avoid it.

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