Tips to Train Your Mind for Positive Thoughts

Chapter 5: Tips to Train Your Mind for Positive Thoughts


Subconscious Retraining

There are so many ways in which you can learn to release the negativity that has built up inside you and is holding you back. Some of these experiences are those that happened to you during your childhood that the body and the mind have held onto for years. These are the things that are inhibiting you from exploring your full potential.

Some of the exercises that will help retrain your subconscious include neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and tapping among others. They play a central role in helping one access the subconscious part of the brain so that it can build more assertive and affirming beliefs.

Others have also used hypnotherapy and meditations to help them retrain their subconscious. In other words, when you do that, you are simply training the brain to let go of all the negative events in your past and rebuilding new positive events going forward into the future.


Set Aside Specific Time for What You Love

Set Aside Specific Time for What You Love

It is easy for us to say that we do not have time because of the many commitments both professionally and socially. However, we must create some time out of our busy schedules for the things we are passionate about. Otherwise, when we fail to make time and space for the things we love, we easily allow negativity and despondency to take a toll on us.

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The trick is to ensure that you take the front seat in maintaining boundaries that will permit you to pursue your passion. Start by setting apart at least an hour every day without any interruptions by other obligations. Even if you have to say no to other things, be glad to do it for the sake of building a positive mindset.


Take Good Care Of Yourself

So many research studies have shown that the things we eat and drink greatly influences our emotional state just like our approach to sleep and exercise. Therefore, if you desire to have positive thinking, you must pay attention to what you feed your body with. This way, you can easily identify potential areas for improvement.

Ask yourself whether your diet is healthy and if it offers you the right minerals and nutrients for your body. Are there ways you can vary your diet for better health? From research, it is clear that vitamin deficiencies have an impact on our health and has been associated with anxiety and depression.

On the other hand, failing to get adequate sleep time at night has also been shown to have an impact on our thinking by naturally stimulating negative thoughts. When you start treating your physical body with care, both the mental and emotional centers will respond similarly.


Give Positivity To Feel The Positivity

Give Positivity To Feel The Positivity

Did you know that when you are kind to the people around you, they do not just become happy, but you also feel good about it? When you take a minute to do something nice to another person or even a stranger on the streets, you get in the right frame of mind. It is what will help you break free from negative thinking.

Therefore, make up your mind today to get in the habit of expressing compassion for the people that need it most each time you feel that you are anxious and hopeless. Soon enough, it will come naturally, and the times when you feel negative will last just a short time before it all fades away.

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Focus On What Makes You Happy To Be Alive

The best way you can train your brain to embrace positive thinking is to ensure that you seek to repeatedly and deliberately focus on things that inspire happiness and joy. Start by getting a notebook dedicated for this and each morning you get up, record at least five things that inspire happiness and that you will focus on that day.

While you do this, you must think of various categories you can pay attention to. For instance, what are some of the interactions that bring you joy? Are there elements in the world around you that inspire you? Are there aspects in yourself that make you feel more confident and prouder?

The truth is, when you pay attention to the things that make you happy, you are in effect, strengthening the neural pathways in your brain associated with positive thinking and having a positive attitude towards life.


Flip Negatives Into Positives

Flip Negatives Into Positives

Finally, it is possible to retrain your brain in such a manner that it naturally chooses to see the bright side of things, irrespective of how tough the situation may be. At first, you will have to be deliberate about it so that you can challenge yourself to focus on the good in every bad encounter.

For instance, when something does not go as expected, it is better to think that the universe has something better in store for you. Learn from every experience instead of choosing to see yourself as a failure.

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Additionally, you must try as much as you can to turn your setbacks into possibilities. If you did not land that job, instead of sulking and letting it weigh you down, think of ways you can do better next time. With time, you will realize that your brain will not wait around for promptings; it will simply do this automatically. In other words, your neural wiring will be on the lookout for more positive events and thoughts in your life.


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