Spring is a liminal season that sits between the cold of Winter and the heat of Summer. What exists in Spring is a compromise between two temperatures. The ice begins to melt as the Sun penetrates the clouds. Thunderstorms nourish the earth and quench its thirst after a dry winter.
Plants, flowers, and herbs begin to sprout, revealing the promise of new life. There is so much hope in the atmosphere as the world embraces the prospect of rebirth, but it’s not just Mother Nature who is feeling lucky. These are also the signs of the zodiac that will have a great Spring Equinox 2021: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Why do fire signs have so much to look forward to when the Spring Equinox occurs at 5:37 a.m. ET on March 20? It turns out that the time the Sun enters Aries is also the time the Spring Season begins. In fact, the astrological calendar aligns perfectly with the start of each season.
Cancer season starts Summer, Libra Season starts Autumn, Capricorn starts Winter, and Aries season kicks it all off by announcing the beginning of Spring. As if that wasn’t special enough, the beginning of Spring also heralds the Astrological New Year. After all, Aries is the first sign on the zodiac wheel.
With all of that in mind, the fact that the Spring Equinox is essentially the Astrological New Year is a testament to its power. The Spring Equinox is a time to set goals, let go of the past, and start over. Now is the time to let go of the weight of all the mistakes you made and the guilt you might carry as you turn the page and start writing a new story. Here’s why fire signs will love it the most:
The Spring Equinox is also the start of the Aries season. Be excited, Aries, for the Spring Equinox is basically your cosmic crowning glory. This is exactly when the Aries season begins, so what are you waiting for?
Send out invitations for your safe and socially distant solar return party, because not only is this time the Astrological New Year, but it is also the time when you are crowned zodiac royalty.
This change will be super energizing and inspiring as it encourages you to refine your personality and embrace your raw and genuine self. Do things the Aries way and live every moment with every inch of your heart.
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You embrace spontaneity and new perspectives. The Spring Equinox represents a change for you, Leo, but it is a change you can get behind.
This is when the Sun enters your ninth house of expansion and adventure, tapping into your desire for spontaneous endeavors, philosopophical exploration, and open-mindedness.
In fact, you might even want to take a great idea that you’ve never considered before by looking at everything from a new perspective. Do not hesitate to use this moment to enrich your mind, heart, and being with new experiences and perspectives.
This represents the start of a creative journey. Probably the person who feels all of the vibrant vibrations of the Spring Equinox the most is you, Sagittarius. After all, this is when the Sun enters your fifth house of pleasure and pleasure. This makes the colors more vivid, the music more beautiful, and the poetry more punchy.
When the Sun is in your artistic fifth house, it brings out your inner artist; the part of you that never tires of the beauty of the world.
The fifth house is directly related to your inner child, and if there is one thing that is true about children, it is that they know how to have fun. So give yourself permission to do just that.
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