We’re entering Mercury’s last retrograde of 2021, but don’t let out a sigh of relief just yet. This is because the Mercury retrograde for Autumn 2021 begins to wreak havoc on September 27 in the indecisive sign of Libra, causing turmoil within our closest relationships until it becomes direct on October 18.
This notorious transit is known to give us three to four weeks of pure cosmic drama, miscommunication, and incidents. The collective is in serious chaos, especially when it comes to our love lives. For the zodiac signs most affected by Mercury retrograde in Autumn 2021, this period will seem very heavy.
Mercury is the planet that rules everything relating to communication, the mind, and technology. When direct, these areas of life are balanced. When Mercury enters its backspin, expect misunderstandings, delayed flights, and computer glitches.
This time around, Mercury retrograde takes place in the cardinal air sign Libra, aka the sign of balance, partnerships, and romance, which brings a lot of tension to these areas of life, but communication is the main theme of this transit.
If you’re one of the zodiac signs most affected by Mercury retrograde in Autumn 2021, you’ll want to prepare because things are about to heat up and not in a good way.
Mercury retrograde hits your partnerships pretty hard, Aries, so pay attention to your words when it comes to communicating with your significant other.
To this is added Chiron, the asteroid representing our deep wounds, being opposite Mercury.
Mercury’s opposition to Chiron will be cathartic, extending lessons involving humility and the path to regaining trust in relationships.
Some tips? Avoid making impulsive decisions or acting out of a passionate place. Your impulsiveness can get in the way of what you want to say, so speak with empathy rather than passion.
Your house of roots is activated during Mercury retrograde, Cancer, so you might feel particularly uncomfortable during this transit. You can feel uncomfortable about your emotional security and old family wounds can resurface.
Decluttering any heaviness that you might be carrying in your heart could be therapeutic.
Straighten up your living space, rearrange furniture, and get rid of tangible things in your space that are preventing you from painfully moving forward.
Read Also: These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Be Least Affected by Mercury Retrograde
Talk about a rude awakening, Libra! Mercury retrograde is circling your house, shining the spotlight on some of your shadow qualities, that is, your worst habits.
Don’t be surprised if you start to measure your self-confidence by the approval of others. Libras crave balance and harmony and tend to make sacrifices to keep peace with others.
Trying to appease both sides of a conflict leaves room for hearsay moments, which can easily lead to mindless gossip and drama. Use the next few weeks to reflect on how you express yourself communicatively through writing, poetry, and even your own inner dialogue.
Mercury is transiting through your house of purpose and work, Capricorn, so be very careful about how you communicate with your co-workers and peers.
It can be a difficult transit for you, and your need to be successful can feel threatened.
Capricorns are likely to experience communication issues and tensions with their superiors in the workplace. This may cause them to look for another career venture.
Try to anchor yourself in nature through hiking and outdoor meditation to re-evaluate what really matters.