The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
Have faith in your own intuition and trust that the changes you make in your life will be positive and auspicious for you. Look forward to wonderful new beginnings.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, with a Mars-Pluto square, feelings of competition can be very present today. It is a particularly personal transit with Mars which is currently transiting through your sign.
It will be happening for longer due to an upcoming retrograde of Mars, indicating some tension that needs gentle management in the months to come. Your desire to assert your independence or just go your own way and do your own thing is stronger than usual now.
However, there is also a lot of pressure to stay calm or obey the rules, which poses a dilemma. Ideally, you will come to a compromise, but you might consider lowering your ambitions a bit to reduce excessive stress. You may very well be able to do this without any problem.
You have all kinds of exciting ideas and plans these days, but investing too much energy in new endeavors can set you back on your current responsibilities and plans. The moon’s passage through your communications area for a few days helps lighten things up. There can be a lot of stimulation at the mental level.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, Mars in your solar twelfth house enlivens your privacy these days. Mars will stay in this area of your chart until January, longer than usual due to its upcoming retrograde.
Today, Mars is moving towards a square aspect with Pluto, and this transit can increase the fear of not being ready or prepared for a situation. This might be of particular concern to you as something from your past resurfaces and interferes with your current location.
Instead, this aspect could be related to a disagreement over intellectual matters that you take more to heart. Jealousy or resentment can be a problem. You might find yourself staring at an unresolved and frustrating question from the past as Mars influences the area of your solar chart that governs your subconscious.
The key to alleviating pressures is to identify the areas where you are trying to control them, and then consciously alleviate them. Fears can take on outsized proportions when Pluto is concerned, and managing their origins can be helpful in managing tensions. You may need to take a step back or find out from someone who has more perspective on the situation.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, while the energies of the day can be complicated, the reactions can be very telling. Pluto, as a long term influence in your eighth solar house, is useful for seeing tense areas.
The difficult aspect of Pluto/Mars tends to make these hot spots worse. The reactions can be tense or irritating, and they may surprise you with their strength. Mars currently encourages your active involvement with friends or networks, but your intimate life remains a strong focus, and competing urges may now clash.
You won’t be able to control the course of a relationship or how you will feel with a person, and loosening your hold can ultimately reveal the truth about an issue. Although it can be hard to digest, it is something that will give you more power. Don’t let fear keep you from enjoying your life.
Instead, take firm action to improve your current financial situation or learn more about a relationship, all while keeping an eye on the future. The Moon is heading towards your sign today, bringing more color to your feelings for a few days. You are faster to react and respond today.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, Mars influences your ambitions through your tenth solar house. This transit will continue until January and is one of the most goal-oriented times of the year.
Mars squares Pluto, which can create a conflict between a relationship and your duties, responsibilities, or goals. Be careful not to overemphasize one thing at the expense of another. You should have room for both in your life.
People close to you may seem quite demanding or even arrogant right now, or you may feel caught in the middle of a power struggle or a difficult decision. Interactions now might put you in touch with your fears of change in your relationships. Your first reaction may be to scramble to find ways to regain or maintain control, but trying to do so can lead to undesirable results.
Try to overcome your fears. This aspect will recur in the coming months and may indicate an ongoing struggle between paying attention to your ambitions and your relationships. The Moon enters your privacy area today for a few days, encouraging you to relax and reflect or restore your energy.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, tension can result from overly attaching to a particular method, idea, belief, or point of view today. A Mars-Pluto square can push a question to a critical point where you’ve exerted too much pressure.
This can make tensions worse, as your desire to advance your job or improve your health does not match your need to grow, learn, and live a more carefree life. It can be difficult to relax in both areas.
However, with Pluto transiting through your sixth solar house, long term influence, work, and health are areas where you are more likely to overdo and not manage enough or you are so ambitious in some areas that sometimes other areas of your life suffer. If these things are keeping you from feeling fulfilled and living well, it’s time to find ways to strike a balance.
Try to recognize that you are not superhuman and sometimes there is little you can do. There’s a good chance that fears will amplify the problem areas, and everything is temporarily overdone. You tend to automatically take on work responsibilities and while it can sometimes work in your favor, sometimes you feel too much pressure, and this can be one of those times.
Think about ways to share the workload or allocate your time more efficiently so you can take a break. This aspect will reoccur in the coming months, suggesting a persistent issue that requires your attention.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, the Moon moves up your solar chart for a few days, encouraging a stronger focus on your ambitions, goals, and responsibilities. This transit tends to cause greater concern about your performance.
Mars in your privacy until January stirs up all kinds of things that were previously buried. It now comes into a square aspect with Pluto, which can increase tensions in relationships or on an emotional level. Resentments can arise if someone doesn’t take you seriously.
Your enthusiasm may not be understood which can be frustrating, or you may wonder how much you want to be involved in a project. A relationship or a project relies on a relationship or a project so much that it loses its fun aspect, or it could even take over your life in a detrimental way.
If so, maybe it’s time to take some steps to level things up. This transit helps you show yourself where you’ve been overdoing, under-managing or being needlessly fearful. Try to recognize the need to let go of the weight if you are too attached to something.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, frustrations with others might become significant today, and feelings of resentment can emerge, especially if you feel like someone isn’t taking you seriously.
Mars, which is currently transiting through your partnership sector, is heading towards a square aspect with Pluto. You may feel a little torn between the wants and needs of others and your own feelings and fears.
If you hold onto something too much or harbor a little resentment, you will feel more pressure now. Fortunately, this gives you the opportunity to troubleshoot issues. The ideal would be to relax a bit to release the pressure.
Certainly, the temptation to hold on to something that needs or wants to change can be strong, but won’t do you any good in the long run. This aspect will recur in October and December, pointing to an ongoing theme that needs special attention.
Your goal might be to make changes that will help you live more authentically and less fearfully, and ego wars and power games won’t get you there. The Moon moves towards your spirit sector for a few days, stimulating your desire to improve, grow, and prosper.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, energies today are on the more intense side. The Moon moves towards your area of intimacy for a few days, encouraging the desire to act.
Mars is heading towards a tense aspect with Pluto today, and this transit will recur in October and December. Mars is currently transiting your work and health sector, fueling your ambition to improve your daily routines and sometimes causing frustration if things don’t move quickly or simply.
It’s a great time to improve your life, especially with nutrition, health, fitness, and work. Competition is good for you in moderation, but this Mars-Pluto square tends to mess things up. Fortunately, it helps you see the areas of your life that have become too pressured for your own good.
Your desire to do something in the face of an intolerable situation is increasing today, making it difficult to come out of conflict. Changes in communications or approaches might help. This transit is about letting go of plans, ideas, or attitudes that are preventing you from thriving and growing. If the need to be right, to correct and to control is taking its toll and causing unhealthy tension, it’s time to ease some of the unnecessary pressure.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, the Moon is heading towards your partnership sector for a few days, stimulating your need for others. There may be tensions or disagreements related to core values, money, or property issues now and this week.
A Mars-Pluto square indicates concerns and worries that are putting pressure on you. Alternatively, you may feel emotionally conflicted about your feelings for someone. You have a somewhat cautious and conservative tendency towards your money and possessions these days with the long term transit of Pluto through your resource sector.
Mars is now making this trend worse, amplifying insecurities and fears in this direction. Through these feelings, you can learn a lot about yourself and your situation. You may recognize areas in which you have become too attached to specific ideas and ideals, or maybe even personal possessions or business methods.
As a result, you may not take a lot of creative risks or relax enough to be able to express yourself or have fun fully. Tensions can keep you from keeping up with your heart, and the emotional complexities underlying this issue need to be recognized and dealt with.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, Mars and Pluto are heading towards a square aspect, and this transit can produce a bit of tension. You may find that you are a little more nervous.
Mars is currently in transit through your fourth solar house, stirring up buried things on an emotional level and/or energizing your home and personal life.
In a difficult aspect with Pluto, Mars can be used to highlight how these things conflict with your plans and needs for independence. You may need to loosen your grip on an issue that is keeping you on high alert or too stressed out for your well-being, so you can breathe a little.
Something may seem like overkill, and if it does, it’s good to recognize the need to relax and detoxify. Your strong sense of pride can sometimes bother you, as you tend to take on a lot of responsibilities without sharing the load.
Be careful not to alienate some people because even if you don’t seem to be right now, you will need them later. The passage of the Moon through your work and health sector for a few days also activates your desire for improvement and problem-solving.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, the passage of the Moon in your joy area today may put you in the mood to share. Although this is a light transit, a Mars-Pluto aspect involved can raise tensions.
This influence can exacerbate persistent control problems. You may feel tense about deadlines or impatient with issues that don’t move at the pace you want. There may be some confused feelings, words, or thoughts, but now is a good time to acknowledge the anger if it is lingering so you can deal with it.
Consider that protecting your privacy and reluctance to explore deeper issues can add to tensions. Something that you have swept under the carpet can be better dealt with than avoided, as it can appear disruptive.
The tendency to fixate on a certain topic or idea can be positive if applied to a project that needs special attention. However, there are some things that you can stress too much. Watch for a tendency to react too quickly to frustrations.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, the Moon is heading to your home and family sector for a few days, and you connect with your needs for comfort, security, and familiarity.
A Mars-Pluto aspect about to form may indicate emerging resentments related to different values, respect issues, etc. There may be a buildup of pressure in a friendship or a project today. If you’ve kept things to yourself too much, stress can hit you now.
Areas of tension can be related to possessions, property, money, boundaries, possessiveness, or emotional respect. You want to get by on your own with Mars currently passing through your second solar house, and if you are too dependent on others, it can frustrate you.
Keep in mind that if the fear of losing someone or something is preventing you from enjoying your life and finding the right job or path for you, it would be wise to face the problem. This will happen again in October and December, and you will have the chance to work on these issues.