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This is Your Power Color, Determined by Your Zodiac Sign

As our use of body language and imagery, color is an effective communication tool. With the ability to affect moods, feelings, and emotions, marketing professionals have exploited the psychological effects of choosing colors to influence the emotions we associate with different brands and influence our buying habits.

It’s really genius when you think about it – they can actually change our minds without most of us even realizing that this is happening.

We can use this knowledge in our own everyday life. For example, if you select an outfit for a major interview, choose colors that will trigger the thoughts and emotions you want to convey to those conducting the interview.

Dark gray and navy are both known as “powerful colors” that are often effective in the business world, while white indicates organization and cleanliness, perfect for health care or caregiver positions.

A deep understanding of the impact of color on human psychology can provide you with the key to success in social contexts, important presentations, etc.

Although color has the ability to bring out the thoughts and emotions of others, it can also enhance the specific thoughts, abilities, and gifts within us. If you know you need to make an effort to stay calm and focused, wearing blue will bring feelings of peace and tranquility.

If, however, you are looking to encourage happiness, joy, and openness, you can instead choose to wear the color yellow.

Your zodiac sign gives an excellent insight into your true personality, revealing strengths and weaknesses, preferences and oddities.

Understanding your own personality and how color psychology can improve your best qualities while helping to overcome your weaknesses can improve your chances of achieving your goals and dreams.

Interested? Look at your zodiac sign below and find out which “powerful color” you should add to your wardrobe!




Driven, passionate and empowered by the attention of others around you, think of adding RED to your life.

Whether you’re wearing a bold red jacket or wearing the iconic red lip, this color will add to your already captivating appearance, turning heads and controlling the room the second you walk in the door.

This will boost your confidence in everything you do, not that you miss it to start with.





As a Taurus, you are incredibly down to earth, logical and stable in this life. You connect with nature and find that it brings you feelings of peace and comfort.

Adding the color GREEN to your wardrobe will help further enhance that feeling, encouraging patience, personal growth, and stability in your life.

These feelings will allow you to stand up and take steps in the direction you are currently heading in life.





You are a constant source of happiness, joy and positive energy for the people around you. Some people are said to bring light into a room when they enter, while others do so when they leave – you are certainly the first person in this example!

Try incorporating YELLOW into your outfits to accommodate a little more Sun and happiness in your overall appearance.

It’s sure to bring a smile to your face, boost your mood, and encourage feelings of positivity in everyone you meet.





Very sensitive and emotional, there is no sign better equipped to understand and sympathize with the people around them than Cancer.

The color WHITE will embody calm, peace, tranquility and understanding, transmitting to others that you are someone to trust.

Often associated with the symbolism of angels and doves, wearing white will help convey the enormous hearts of others that you are best known for.

Recommended: What are Your Hidden Desires, According to Your Zodiac Sign.





Nothing like royalty, represented by the king of the jungle, you are powerful, captivating, confident and efficient in everything you are about to do.

Wearing the color GOLD is similar to wearing a gold medal, showing the world that you are number one, going up to the top.

Gold jewelry will not only help you share your message but will also make you look like the royalty that we all know you are.





You are careful, organized, analytical and logical in the plans you make for your life, ensuring that each decision has been well thought out and thought through before making a commitment.

Your best quality is your ability to encourage personal growth, both in your own life and that of the people you meet.

The BROWN color represents the strength, stability, and growth of your life, similar to that of a tree trunk – anchored, solid and ready to change and adapt to the seasons of life.





Charming, friendly and blessed with the “gab gift”, you make friends wherever you go. The PINK color represents this incredibly accepting, loving and caring side of your personality.

You aspire to a world where everything is fair and just, and each person feels loved and cared for, and you will endeavor to transmit this love to others.

Sure, sometimes you can be a bit of a princess, surround yourself with luxury and beauty, but that’s part of your charm.





Mysterious, passionate and powerful, many people find Scorpio intimidating, but this is partly due to the fact that you are so “unknown” to the people around you.

The color BLACK represents the strong and steady version of yourself that you present to the world around you while hiding your true self. You will sometimes let people in, but only after they have proven that they deserve your trust.

Wearing black will enhance your air of mystery while enhancing your feelings of strength and power.

Recommended: What Are You Really Addicted To, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.





Adventurous and fun-loving, you are always open to new experiences and to meet new people. Wearing the color PURPLE will help encourage your open mind and acceptance of everything you experience in this life.

Although you may have your own thoughts and opinions, you do not allow them to cloud your judgment and you are not one to impose your own beliefs on others.

Instead, you are incredibly competent and understand the differences and opposing views, learning from each experience.





You appreciate tradition, history, simplicity, and minimalism. You are not one to waste your time and energy accumulating “stuff”, preferring, instead, a simple and no-nonsense approach to life.

You understand the value of life and experiences of material possessions and refuse to be caught up in the glitz and glamor of society.

The color GRAY represents exactly this approach to life – showing the world that you are strong, reliable, efficient and practical.





While you are full of incredible ideas and suggestions on how to improve this life, you may feel like you are having a hard time staying calm, down to earth and focused on putting your ideas into practice.

Wearing the color BLUE will help encourage calm and peace, helping you to center yourself and put your energy into moving forward.

It will also help to convey feelings of peace and tranquility to those around you, effectively reducing the drama in your life.





You are a skilled and gifted natural healer, bringing peace, serenity, and clarity to everyone you meet.

The LIGHT GREEN color will help you further exploit this natural gift, allowing you to inspire and encourage the people around you.

There is nothing that brings you more joy than bringing healing and peace to others, so keep sharing this gift with the world.

Recommended: The “Supernatural” Abilities You Possess, According to Your Zodiac Sign.



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