The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
Your stories shape you but don’t define you. Everything in life has a beginning and an ending. Looking back distracts you from the present and the future.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, your charisma is strong today. Avoid giving in to sudden impulses and desires, but treat yourself to a light indulgence or extravagance, something you won’t regret later.
Talking about things will help, and you will find other very supportive people. Allowing and exercising more freedom in your relationships is now useful. Working from home can be successful. This can be the time to strike a great balance between your personal and private life or to combine them in a creative way.
Saturn goes retrograde until October 10, indicating a shift in perspective over the next few months, especially when it comes to your friendships, networking, and long-term happiness goals. A review of career or life path goals could also take place.
It is important to recognize that you have enough time to resolve issues and that building and restructuring efforts will pay off in the long run. Increases or expansion can lead to stress rather than joy at this time, so do your best to ease things up and get things sorted out. Focusing on current projects can be more rewarding.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, physical things can flourish today. There may be good news or support for health and wellness. People are drawn to you today, you get a little extra boost as your governing planet, Venus, forms a parallel with Mars.
It’s a good time for creative thinking, especially when it comes to finances. Saturn begins its annual retrograde cycle today, and until October 10, invites you to sort through or review current goals and plans or efforts.
You will likely feel a shift in perspective regarding your long-term goals, responsibilities, career, or life path. Now is the time to simplify rather than expand or increase the responsibilities in your career and public life, as growing or expanding can cause undue stress.
However, energies are great to examine these issues and build on ongoing projects already in place or to revert to unfinished efforts. Also, consider relaunching old studies or improving your approach to learning.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, this is a good day to connect and bond with others. Venus in your sign forms a parallel with Mars, enhancing your personal charisma and charm.
This is a good time for personal attraction and also a positive time for possible giveaways or deals. However, Saturn is going retrograde today, and you are encouraged to slow down to accommodate your larger plans and goals.
Saturn will remain in its annual retrograde cycle, this time until October 10, and there may be a shift in your perspective on your responsibilities. This change may seem overwhelming at first and your responsibilities seem to weigh on you, but that feeling will go away.
Plans or projects may stall, or you question your commitment to some of them, perhaps due to altered motivation levels or realistic assessments of time and energy limits. The coming months will be great for developing or building on projects already in place and less ideal for new major or ambitious projects. Efforts to simplify, strengthen, structure and stabilize are currently producing the best results.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, there is good energy with you on personal and family matters. Maybe a new freedom is being given to you that makes you feel good. A strong attraction is now possible.
Saturn retrograde today encourages you to slow down and think about your priorities. People are particularly prone to making errors in judgment now until they get used to the change. Saturn will be retrograde until October 10, which will open a solid period of review.
While there may be heavy energy this week, the responsibilities are unlikely to increase at this time, they may only get heavier only temporarily. The areas of your life most affected by this shift in perspective are debt, support, emotional health, and your close relationships.
You may need to re-evaluate how much time and energy you can afford to invest in these areas, or you may be dealing with delays or improvements in your plans. Once you begin to recognize the need to restructure, simplify, and stabilize your life, you will have a better idea of the benefits of this retrograde cycle.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, there is pleasant and liberating energy available to you today, even with Saturn retrograde from Saturn. Helping others can be rewarding, as you can be especially happy to meet the needs and wants of others and do what you can to support them.
There may be new interests or an awakening of interests experienced now. If you can tame impatience, it can be a great time for personal appeal and a boost in a relationship. Saturn goes retrograde, and since we are not used to this heavy energy, we might feel weighed down or temporarily disoriented.
It’s best to take the time to think about your priorities, especially when it comes to partnerships and the important people in your life. Saturn will remain retrograde until October 10. This cycle is important for changing your perspective on your responsibilities, reviewing your efforts or goals already in place.
The key to working with it to your advantage is to remind yourself of the work you need to do to stabilize important areas of your life, especially your relationships, work, and health, in order to connect with that goal. Simplifying rather than taking on additional responsibilities now makes the most sense.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, there may be a tendency to passivity during the day. You may be in the mood to spoil someone you care about. Doing something creative or sharing your ideas and feelings with others can be a strong attraction.
Saturn is going retrograde today and continues with this apparent backward movement until October 10. While this and other big changes are happening this week, watch for errors. There may be strained relationships, or your work or health responsibilities may be heavier at the moment.
The cycle itself simply indicates a changing perspective on your routines, work, and health or romantic and creative life. It’s more of a better time for review and reflection than innovation, and while you may encounter waning motivation or delays in any of these areas, you are in a great position to simplify, edit, and build what you already have in place. You can reassess commitments to specific programs, projects, or jobs.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, teaching, creating, and communicating can be especially rewarding now. The day is a little more organized than yesterday, although you may not know where to direct your energies.
You might find it enjoyable to talk about something, spend time with others, and learn about the news. Your magnetism is strong, especially as you stray from your routines and embrace new ideas and possibilities.
Saturn stops and goes retrograde today, and it’s best to watch for errors as the change occurs. Your take on romance, family, and creativity commitments will likely change in the coming months, through October 10.
This cycle is well suited for reassessing, consolidating, or rebuilding important areas of your life. Once you get used to the energy, you will find that things balance out and become more fluid, taking into account the limits of time and energy.
You can go back to a previous project and approach it in a new way now, or you can improve a work in progress. Big new projects may not take off quickly and only serve to stress you out, because now is the time to conserve energy and make your overall life easier. Try to level things out.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, the desire for comfort is very strong these days. This is a good day to follow through on whatever you desire with more charm and enthusiasm.
You are a little freer to express your feelings and your sense of humor is engaging. Saturn is going retrograde, giving a somewhat serious tone to the day and perhaps the week. This annual retrograde lasts for several months, and this year it runs until October 10.
There may be opportunities to reassess, modify, and refine your commitments. Domestic and family affairs may require overhaul or suffer delays. Thinking long-term will help you understand the importance of this time.
Reconnecting to the meaning of your commitments or responsibilities is a process that will benefit you, and you will get there soon enough. Now is the time to understand your intentions and expectations.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, this can be a great day to work with a partner or to have some helpful feedback. Relationships can be spontaneous, liberating, and positive, and exchanges are lively.
Saturn begins its annual retrograde period today and will remain there until October 10. The change gives a heavier or more responsible tone to the day. This cycle that awaits you is a period to review and reassess your projects and commitments.
Saturn passes through your communications and transportation sector, and these areas of life are most affected by the retrograde. However, finances are still ruled by Saturn in your solar chart and they can play a role as well. It can be a time of control for certain learning, personal interests, communication, financial and socializing activities.
There can certainly be delays related to these issues, or you could go back to an unfinished project rather than starting a new one, which will probably be the best strategy. Simplifying and structuring your life now makes sense. Find ways to reconnect with the purpose or meaning behind the things you do, as this will help you get back on track faster.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, there can be a pleasant feeling of freedom or support and care today, especially with your day-to-day business or in work environments. New ideas or just a new attitude can make your life easier with your routines and obligations.
Saturn is going retrograde today and seems to want us to slow down. There may be some heaviness when it comes to financial matters today and this week. For best results, try to sort, organize, and take it step by step.
Saturn is retrograde until October 10 and it is a good cycle to review your commitments and responsibilities, mainly related to your finances, your business, your security, your self-esteem, your natural talents, your resources, and your comfort level.
There may be delays related to some of these things or a temporary halt of specific projects until you come to new conclusions. Things shouldn’t be rushed because your perspective will change this week. In a general sense, and particularly related to money matters, this is a better time for consideration and reflection than for innovation.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, you might enjoy particularly good feelings of creative support and freedom. Interesting people and ideas seem to be all around you, and people appreciate and support your point of view.
Still, there is a need to slow down and reflect on your responsibilities and duties with Saturn going retrograde today. Saturn’s retrograde will last until October 10, and this year it will be entirely in your sign, signaling a period of review.
If you feel disconnected from the purpose of the responsibilities brought by this transit of Saturn to your sign, then this retrograde can indeed amplify its heaviness or weight, even if they have not changed or increased. In other words, your perception of your responsibilities may change.
It’s best to keep in mind the general purpose of this Saturn transit, that you learn to rely on yourself and get your life in order. Moderation will help you a lot now. Going back to an old project can be especially rewarding during this cycle and is more likely to be successful than a new one.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, this day brings good energy for emotional issues. You may feel freer with the release of a problem or more freedoms as a family. Activities with friends and lovers can be invigorating, and good feelings will be exchanged now.
The appeal of entertainment or romantic follies can be overwhelming. Saturn is going retrograde today, and you better take it slow, be careful with your responsibilities and work step by step towards your goals.
Saturn will continue its retrograde until October 10, and now is a good time to review your obligations and reconsider your personal plans. A certain level of withdrawal is now possible. You learn more about your spiritual goals, understand the details better, or complete long-term projects that have exceeded their goal.
The energy of Saturn may seem a little heavy when you feel that you are shifting gears this week, but over time you will adjust to this shift and you will probably enjoy this period of review greatly. This is not an ideal cycle for large, long-term project launches, but coming back to complete old projects can be very promising.