The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
This is your bounce-back time. The delay will be turned into a miracle for you. The universe has a plan for your life. Stay patient and trust that all will become clear when the time is right. You’ve got this.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, Mars changes direction after three weeks of retrograde motion, and Jupiter does the same after four months. While these changes help break down information blocks, there may be some improvement today.
Expect to have greater clarity, especially in your relationships, as Mercury slowly regains a steady speed and you feel more confident in making the right decisions.
For now, be especially careful in your interactions with others and consider that you may be missing important details. Don’t jump into the action too quickly just yet! Instead, let new information come to you.
Mars trine Jupiter will give you a boost of courage and confidence through your activities with others or through a connection with a friend or partner. Teamwork can be promising now! Now is a great time to lay the groundwork for a project or to take action to put a problem behind you.
You attract others to you with your sincerity and confidence. The people in your life encourage you, or your relationship with someone is a motivation to deal with a problem. Your inventive and enterprising side is very strong today, and that feels good!
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, Jupiter went direct after four months of retrograde movement, and you will likely be more optimistic about your career or the general direction of your life.
Professional and reputation matters are gaining clarity, slowly but steadily, and until December 28, you are in great shape with these areas. While it may take a while to get back on track, you will likely see subtle improvements in these areas in the weeks to come.
There is more hope, faith, and confidence in your life direction, long-term goals, reputation, and career plans or prospects. You may have recently wondered if your efforts have had much impact, but now you feel stronger and ready to take on a challenge and bring more confidence to your work.
Or, you feel more capable of taking responsibility and taking the lead. If a business or life path seems to have stalled in the past few months, you are now on the road. Today there may be a disconnect or a bit of a bad mood with Venus forming a challenging aspect with Uranus in your sign. While there may be confusing signals from a loved one, you learn a lot about your innermost needs.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, Mercury is changing direction and ending its retrograde cycle today. This change can help better analyze information so that your choices and decisions will be clearer in the days and weeks to come.
It’s time to approach problems from a new perspective! More information is emerging, and it frees up energy to move forward. Jupiter also stations direct, reinforcing the feeling that things are improving.
You might be reconsidering a goal or facing something that you neglected so that you can make your way to move on. Even today, Mars is trine Jupiter. This influence can mean that there are opportunities for you to express yourself in new and satisfying ways, get creative, make fun connections, learn new things, or even fall in love.
You feel more courageous and willing to try new things. You may find an exciting new hobby or personal interest, and you are looking to re-energize yourself with new possibilities. Taking action to break free from an annoying situation or problem can now happen, and it feels good! Creative energy flows freely and romantic energy is strong. Your personal magnetism skyrockets with increasing confidence.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, Mars is stationing direct today, and while this change of direction brings less indecision as you go along, today can be a bit confusing.
But there can be improved communications and more information to help you move forward. Over the next few days and weeks, you will find life a little easier to manage as projects or appointments become clearer and motivation increases.
Projects that had not been completed are now resuming. Keep it simple for the best results and take your time! With Mars trine Jupiter today, you feel particularly optimistic. Personal, financial, or domestic affairs can be fruitful.
Support on a mental, physical, economic, or spiritual level can happen whether you give it or receive it! There can be a pleasant intensity or activity in an intimate relationship and possibly with household plans. You could explore new ways to relate to those close to you.
You are more confident and courageous to get results, and this attitude contributes significantly to success. The responses to your actions, plans, and ideas are warm and supportive. You may have the opportunity to take good action on a personal or family matter today.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, with Mercury and Jupiter ending their retrograde movement today, it’s best to keep a light schedule. Mercury stations direct again after a retrograde phase since September 27.
This is good news, but since this is a change of direction, there may be some temporary disorientation. While it’s best not to jump into action, new launches, or major decisions, you will enjoy a move forward with projects delayed in the days and weeks to come.
New information can come to facilitate decision-making. Try to work on activities that help eliminate delays and set the stage for progress. Mars trine Jupiter puts you in a great position to reach out and connect with others today.
It’s also a great time to move forward towards a goal you care about, get help from others, and learn something good for yourself. People are looking for you and appreciate your contribution. Talking with someone can help boost your relationship.
It can be a time of excitement and greater motivation for your plans or relationships. It may not be ideal for a fresh start just yet, but now is the right time to pave the way for future efforts. Romantic affairs are good right now, and your charm is powerful.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, while the end of Mercury’s retrograde today may be a relief, there may be a bit of chaos or misunderstanding today as this change occurs.
Jupiter is also in the process of shifting from retrograde motion to direct motion. In the days to come, clearer communications are likely, information is coming in, or previously delayed initiatives move forward.
With the current transit of Mercury through your second solar house, you will feel better equipped to move your projects forward and make informed decisions. Try to get the most important things done in a few days.
To help you today, there is Mars trine Jupiter that encourages you to improve, grow, and develop, especially with your work, talents, money, and habits. You are also super motivated to improve your health and well-being and to appreciate and enjoy your daily life more fully.
You feel like you can accomplish pretty much anything you envision, and the motivation to earn more money or enjoy the work you do is on the rise. An opportunity may arise to make better use of your talents and skills. Alternatively, now is the time to take action to put a problem aside, helping to pave the way for new starts later.
You have an excellent sense of timing and an ability to solve problems now and in the days to come. The feeling that you can overcome challenges or obstacles that might normally block your progress keeps you going.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, Mercury’s retrograde ends today, and this can help release blockages or delays. The change itself that is happening now, along with the end of Jupiter’s retrograde movement, can be confusing, so take your time to get it right.
In the next few days, you will benefit from a simpler approach to life but observe and treat before you make any decisions. Make it easy to move your plans forward for better results. Even today, Mars in your sign is trine Jupiter in your house of creativity and romance, infusing good energy into your life and for self-confidence.
You can find great success in your relationships, in artistic expression, and in your personal life in general. It’s a great time for learning and recreation. This transit can motivate you to pursue your heart’s desire.
Your trust and sincerity are gaining admirers now, and you are more likely to receive positive feedback. Now may be the time to tap into your entrepreneurial side. On top of that, your enthusiasm grows.
While Mercury has just completed its retrograde and conversations can be learning experiences, you rise above problems. You can be confident that you can make a difference, especially with exciting, romantic, kid-friendly, and creative projects.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, Mercury stations direct after three weeks of retrograde motion, and information delays may begin to lift. With today’s change, it makes sense to choose your words and your fights wisely.
Today is not a great time for entirely new projects and endeavors, but you will see progress with projects that have fallen behind in the days and weeks to come. Your faith in your dreams and confidence in your ideas increases!
Things behind the scenes tend to be going particularly well for you right now, and you may begin to see a grand design behind recent events in your life. Now is the time to see the meaning of recent events.
Mars trine Jupiter may indicate successful connections and positive action that leads to improvement today. Good energy is with you for personal projects, household or family activities, and behind-the-scenes activities.
Feelings about something from your past can be a driving force for change. It may be a time to see the path around an obstacle that you once thought was insurmountable. You’re taking action to put the problems behind you this week, and it feels good!
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, Mercury has been retrograde for three weeks and that cycle ends today. Keep in mind that communications can remain confusing as Mercury changes direction, and possibly even more so today.
Now is not the best time to tackle sensitive topics right now, as misunderstandings can be frustrating and, in some cases, completely unnecessary. However, you will see some progress in relationships or activities that have recently suffered from delays or blockages.
The delicate issues and indecision should disappear in the days and weeks to come. Mercury’s change of direction in your social sector promises more clarity and understanding with your friends.
Today, Mars in your house of networks is trine Jupiter in your house of communications, connecting these issues in creative, enterprising, and successful ways. Activities with others keep you busy and motivated.
You might gain new knowledge or be inspired by the groups you connect with. New launches should probably wait, but you’re setting the stage now. You will probably feel more optimistic than you have been for some time.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, Mercury goes direct today after three weeks of retrograde motion. While that means impending removal of obstacles and delays, the day itself can be somewhat confusing until you get your bearings.
Jupiter is also changing direction and we are in a state of transition. In the days to come, however, projects may unblock and delays are expected to ease. You might see work projects moving forward and communications opening up, especially with associates, bosses, parents, or managers.
You will start to see the fog clear in the next few days and you will likely be more specific about your goals. Career affairs pick up or gain momentum. Even today, Mars is trine Jupiter, increasing your energy and ambition to achieve your goals and progress.
There may be a clear link between the effort you put in and extra income, or you can be particularly resourceful at the work you do, using your talents to make things happen. Others may notice you for your job or your skills.
The energy of Mars trine Jupiter stimulates the desire to feel especially alive, connected, and energized by the world around you. You may get energy and motivation to explore new methods or new topics.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, you may have to deal with communication or transportation breakdowns today, but although these problems have been more common in the past three weeks, most of the problems will start to resolve themselves soon.
There can be a real sense of moving forward, but you need to correct the mistakes and omissions of the past to clear the way. Be a little more careful with communications, as misunderstandings are likely with Mercury ending its retrograde motion today.
Information can be transmitted to aid in decision-making. A turnaround is expected for some of your projects, particularly in terms of sharing, legal or educational. Mars today forms a trine aspect with Jupiter, stimulating a desire to break out of the mold or out of the routine.
You are particularly courageous and motivated to try new things, and your confidence can lead to some very interesting opportunities. Expanding your knowledge or opening yourself up to new experiences will give you the wonderful feeling that you are growing and evolving.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, there may be some confusion or misunderstood communications today as Mercury ends its retrograde period.
The direct movement of Mercury helps financial and personal matters gain clarity or move forward. It can help remove any blockages and slowdowns encountered during his retrograde period.
Mercury can now help fill in the gaps on certain issues, leading to better choices and decisions. You will be in good shape to negotiate with cash or timeshare in the days and weeks to come. Today, pay more attention to directions and communications.
Also, Mars trine Jupiter is occurring now, putting you in a great position to make big plans. You are particularly confident and you may find that your inner courage is on the rise. It’s also possible that you take an intimate relationship to a new level or learn something powerful about yourself.
It’s a great time for support, whether it’s emotional, mental, or financial. You are particularly resourceful now, and your desire to improve, grow and overcome obstacles is great. This may be the time to reap the rewards of your past actions. If you have a lifestyle change in mind, now might be the time to do it. It can also be a great time to resolve conflicts with others.