The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
Your needs will be fulfilled in unexpected and amazing ways. Balance your physical body and connect with your inner self. The best is yet to come.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, Mars trine Saturn helps put you in a good mood today. In fact, you may really like to do something productive.
While you often enjoy working at your own pace, this is a good time to work with other people towards a common goal. Even if it’s just with someone you trust, you are now at your best in a partnership or a team, and there is a lot you can do.
Your efficiency is improved today and you are particularly interested in seeing the results of your efforts. Setting your priorities just comes easier now. Keep in mind that Mercury will go retrograde in just two days, and you may want to delay further initiatives. However, you can certainly make a difference today.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, when you embark on a mission or plan, your effectiveness improves today. You have a keen interest in the practical side of your endeavor and are willing to go the extra mile to achieve or accomplish something important to you.
You can come up with some very achievable long-term strategies. Remember that what you build now can last, but it’s important to delay big launches because Mercury is only a few days away from its retrograde.
It’s unlikely to be the most adventurous day, but you may very well be rejoicing and needing it right now. You are likely to be looking for what is familiar to you rather than what has not yet been tried. Productivity comes more naturally and easily. Motivation comes from having a clearer end goal or finding more meaning in what you do.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, creative projects that require precision can benefit from Mars trine Saturn today. You find ways to make the most of the time you have available to have fun.
It’s easier today to pick up a good pace and let the process unfold. You are in a great position to apply yourself to something important.
Sharing your plans or thinking about improving them, monetizing a hobby, going the extra mile for a creative project, or developing satisfying rules or expectations in a relationship can be very present today. You know your priorities and you can effectively eliminate distractions when you feel more motivated to run a business or pursue a project or personal interest.
Keep in mind that Mercury will go retrograde in two days and some brand new initiatives might not take off, but you can certainly work on building, polishing, and organizing your work in a way that is beneficial to you. You might also find that you have better self-discipline. Tangible support may be in sight.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, transits are good for making long-term plans, reorganizing the family environment and family activities.
With Mars trine Saturn today, the more productive the activity, the better! You are ready to apply yourself to meaningful projects and to move forward.
Constant good energy is with you to get things done and also to calm you down after hectic days. Working on big projects that have long-term benefits can be satisfying. You can see the value of efforts step by step, and you are patient enough to realize that good things really take time and require effort.
Moderation is especially essential now. Later in the day, the Moon enters your twelfth solar house, where it will stay for a few days. Now is the time to slow down, process, and digest recent experiences.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, you are more confident because you take responsibility and make choices with maturity. You can apply yourself to your particular job, projects, or interests and feel that you are making progress.
Working with someone one-on-one can be beneficial for everyone. Negotiations can go well, and reliability can bring the most rewards in your relationships right now. Your reputation could improve today with the clarity you have about your abilities.
You use good energy and self-discipline to move a project or goal forward. Learning where you stand on an issue can be a relief, allowing you to recognize your priorities. You can also improve planning and decision-making.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, it’s more natural than usual to focus on your priorities and enjoy the process today. Assuming one’s responsibilities is satisfying.
There is good energy with you today to take care of your business, so be sure to focus your effort and energy on something that is worth it for you. With Mercury, your ruling planet, going retrograde in just two days, it may be best to put off decision-making and instead focus on the work you need to do.
Mars trine Saturn will help you do this. Fortunately, you are particularly aware of your priorities and your abilities. The Moon moves up your solar chart later in the day, further strengthening your sense of responsibility.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, you are incredibly motivated to get things done today, and you are ready to start small and grow. This patience is likely to reward you!
With Mars currently in transit in your sign, trine Saturn today, you quickly focus on your priorities. However, you are moving slowly but surely, and you will certainly enjoy the process.
Taking responsibility and building something valuable is now satisfying. Mercury will go retrograde in your sign in just two days, and looking back before moving forward can be helpful. For now, focus on planning and strategizing rather than on a fresh start.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, you enjoy a certain level of solitude to jump into your plans or work today, or for a reflection. Buried or overlooked issues can demand your attention, and working on them can pave the way for future success and happiness.
You might find that devoting your energy to a particular project can be exhausting. You may be able to get a small part of your life back on track, organize it, or make it run smoothly, and that can be very satisfying. You can be particularly productive at home or settle in, taking care of various details that require special attention.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, calming yourself down or doing something one step at a time can be rewarding today. Reliable energy is with you to devote yourself to projects, teamwork, personal interests, and studies.
It can be satisfying to take responsibility, organize, or straighten out an area of your life now with Mars trine Saturn. Showing your support for someone through your actions or gestures can be a big part of the day.
With today’s transits, it’s less about what you say and more about what you do. People appreciate your reliability. Not only do you prioritize certain goals today, but you can also see ways to achieve them effectively.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, you can feel very comfortable with your responsibilities today. Energy levels are uniform or constant.
Mars, currently in transit through your professional sector, is trine Saturn, your ruling planet. It’s a day for doing business, and the motivation for doing it is strong.
Being productive can satisfy an important need. It benefits your business, and any work you do to advance your goals is bound to be meaningful and worthwhile. Mercury will go retrograde in just two days, and a whole new start may not be a good idea. However, this is a good time for creativity and to find inspiration.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, your energy level or mood is stabilizing today, and you seem immune to potential distractions with your priorities in mind.
Focusing on a single goal can be rewarding, and it can be a useful strategy, too. You will probably feel fairly comfortable with your responsibilities, work, or independent endeavors right now.
An idea or belief can motivate you to further your education or a personal interest. However, Mercury will retrograde in two days, and you may have to wait before moving plans forward. Today is a better day to lay the groundwork for a new project or strategize.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, you will probably be in a particularly good mood today. Your energy levels improve.
The energies of the day now support structured activities, but this is also where more fun and satisfaction are found. Being aware of your limitations is easier than usual, which leads to better choices and plans.
You persevere today, and your willingness to work hard can help you achieve your goals or at least get started on that path. However, with Mercury going retrograde in just two days, it is best to find inspiration before implementing new plans. Fortunately, today’s transits are helping you with that.
I’m a pisces, my name is Peter regan desroches, I was born 3/91978. I’m disturbed about the Sept. 25th reading, I’ve had a terrible thing happen to me. So the reason why I’m posting this sensitive information is to get the attention of spirit avatars or phychics that might stumble upon here and have the answers to my questions.
So here’s my situation, I just received a back log of benefits from my unemployment months after I applied. So what did I do with the money. Well first off i needed a reliable car so I bought one off the lot with most the money. I said wow look at my new car, I’m also protected under the 5 directives of survival which are apart of laws that exist in this universe. I figure I’d buy the car, so that when my brother gets around to buying a family house I can go live back in Fresno and live with family which is kind of some roots of where I grew up. So I figured getting the car would allow me to drive back and forth to Stockton to go to work before getting a new job eventually in Fresno right? Well no.. now I don’t have that car any more, I’ve wasted most of what I considered a settlement payment in the form of the dreaded thing called money for winning a legal case with the universe. Well I was wrong again, instead I pissed of my enemy ( which is unknown?) My enemy decided that on 9/25/21 I was going to get side swiped by some intentionally ingnorant shit head who wanted to beat a red light. Bam! I lost all that money, my ability to commute in the future has been slow crawled to a snail once again and where was my gaurdian angels in all this when I was supposed to be protected? Another question do I even have gaurdian angels? Is that some delusion I have? If the universe was on vacation why wasn’t I notified? If there was some type of war in this universe like always why wasn’t I warned? Why aren’t I allowed to know very important cosmic events? Why couldn’t an once of power just would of been spared to distract me or slow me down for some seconds to avoid the collision? I’m mean anything, maybe a bird flying past my wind shield or an animal directed to cross my path. Maybe a weird sound from any where could of thrown me off a bit from that course. Maybe an odd phone or text sent to me before I left to out and about I mean just a pinch of Devine intervention could of been used to shave off some need minutes or seconds to avoid this injustice. Why the punishment? What crime did I commit? I know I’m not from this universe and I’m considered a trespasser,I’m considered a prisoner of the cosmic state, I’m consider a criminal because I belong to free radical law and I come from a more balanced and abundant universe that is foreign and considered an opposite to the nature to the universe I live in now. I get all that, however I’ve been on parol off and on for years now, I keep on going back to jail for unknown reasons? Why can’t this universe answer my questions? Why am I being punished? What happened? Why did this universe refuse or fail to protect me? I’m hoping there’s some one out there that has been givin specific info from this universe to answer my questions. Also my biggest question if I’m a cosmic thret and a convict. Why haven’t I’ve been executed yet, id like to die! The biggest wish I’d want is for my early death, why? Because I just want to go back home! How else can I possibly get back to my universe? If there’s a chance to get there by my early death which God won’t grant me. then why can’t this universe just use teleportation? Or transfer my conciousness over to my universe maybe into an animal, I’d like to be an eagle or a hawk. or why can’t I be allowed to dream about my wife and children, my friends, my normal life in my universe which I once had in past life times? Another unsettling question is, do I have a universe to go back to? Did my universe explode? Am I just a remnant of my world now attached to this universe I’m a prisoner in? Lastly again if I’m allowed to have gaurdians that help to protect from harm then why didn’t they protect me then?
I’ve included some pictures especially the mother fuckers license plate, maybe there’s some kind of code in his license plate that indentfys something important? I don’t like riddles or being fucked with at any level, but maybe some on can decipher that possible numerology code?