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How to Know if You are Channeling Spiritual Messages

In today’s world, the incidence of people who use the mind of the Universe in their regular activities is constantly increasing. A greater number of people are taking advantage of their own orientation every day.

But one might ask, “How can I know if I am also doing this?” Probably anyone would think of it as a peculiar question, to say the least. The channeling is going to seem really disturbing and uncertain. But do not worry. Here are some signs that will help you find yourself if you are channeling:


9 Channeling indications:


1. You may feel very excited.

This can be after the information is revealed or even during the process. This is caused by the residues of the ‘low vibration’ emotions that are still present in you during the channeling time. They are expelled by the higher frequencies that come into their being.


2. Knowing things you did not have prior information about.

It is very possible that you have been talking or writing about topics that you do not have a complete understanding of.

It is entirely possible that you have not yet reached it, so it is quite confusing. It is likely that the information will be clarified sooner or later. What you must remember is to have faith in the words. Generic rationality is not going to help you much here.


3. You just know some deep things.

It is difficult or rather impossible to determine how you know, but what you know is irrevocably true.


4. It is very possible that you will meet others who have written similar things.

This may seem creepy at first, but you are finally getting into the collective consciousness of all of us.


5. Change of accent or tone of voice.

It is likely that the accent or tone of voice with which you speak will be altered. Archaic language and minor contractions may begin to appear.


6. Strange shifting of topics.

Your intentions to speak or write about something lead you to finish writing or talking about something completely different.


7. You will need more energy.

The energy needed to keep up with the huge flow of words is going to make you feel exhausted. But you will feel continually connected and energized while writing and speaking as never before.


8. You will be amazed by your own words.

You will find yourself in positions where you will be amazed by your own work when you come back to it later. It can be uncomfortable to think that you are the creator of that work.


9. People will connect with the words you say even if the questions have not been asked.

It is simply identifiable to them. All this is pointing to the fact that you could be entering the collective mind. This experience should be one of joy and one that encompasses the connection. The event represents a means to unite with our Higher Mind as well as the collective consciousness.

It is significant that individuals speak or even write what they experience because all this comes to us in many ways. Sharing our experiences will only serve to enrich the experience of others, as well as our own in the process. The process is meant to become clearer and easier with the passage of time.

The guides who have embraced you will be shown in one way or another. In case you feel there is a disconnection after the first connection, do not force the connection. Let it come back naturally. Keep writing, keep talking and keep creating.

The more you put yourself out there, the more opportunities you are creating for yourself to delve into the Universal consciousness. But most important of all, make sure you enjoy it!

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