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The Perfect Partner for You, According to Your Zodiac Sign and Life Experience

Below, we offer some suggestions on who can be your perfect life partner based on your zodiac sign and your maturity.



The perfect partner for Aries:

Up to 29.5 years for Aries, the most suitable partners are among those born under the sign of Leo and Sagittarius. When Aries comes out of this age, he gradually begins to mature, to become calmer, less impetuous and passionate, more practical. At this time, Aries is compatible with the sign of Capricorn and Virgo. These two signs have great earthly utility – a trait that Aries lacks to succeed.

After 29.5 years, Aries becomes less self-centered: he concentrates on love and sex and begins to direct his energy towards solid conversions and security.

At 41.5 years, half the cycle of Uranus, the zodiac sign Aries is forced to control. Meanwhile, he is compatible with Libra (sensitive mental sign) and Gemini (also an intellectual character).




The perfect partner for Taurus:

Up to 29.5 years for Taurus, the most suitable partners are people with the zodiac sign Capricorn and Virgo. If you choose Virgo, you should be aware that she is beautiful but cold and that Capricorn is a good partner, but after a while, he/she could not satisfy the sexual needs of Taurus.

After 29.5 years, Taurus begins to grow spiritually and can find a suitable partner in Gemini and Aries. Gemini will increase his intelligence and Aries will give fire and energy. Aries and Gemini are intellectual signs and it is good to be around Taurus.

After 41.5 years, Taurus has already acquired long-awaited prosperity, he is ready for a deep spiritual relationship. Now he can be compatible with Scorpio.




The perfect partner for Gemini:

Up to 29.5 years, Gemini should seek the best partners among Libra and Aquarius. The three aerial signs up to 29.5 years act lightly, fairly liberal and not very serious.

After 29.5 years, Gemini begins to mature and to know his true character, which becomes more balanced. Then, they often find similarities with Taurus and Aries. Taurus offers stability and Aries – excitement and a good “I” model.

After 41.5 years, Gemini required to develop and finally meet the highest intellect and strong self-control. At that time, they can be compatible with Sagittarius.




The perfect partner for Cancer:

Up to 29.5 years, their best partners are Scorpio and Pisces – between these three water signs, there is a passion and a deep emotional connection.

After 29.5 years, Cancer matures and realizes his true personality, becoming more liberal and less alarming. Then they often find that they are compatible with the sign of Gemini and Virgo.

After 41.5 years, Cancer needs to have total control over himself. Then they can be with Capricorn.




The perfect partner for Leo:

Up to 29.5 years of age, the best Leo partner should search among people born under the sign of Aries and Sagittarius. These are all signs of fire. At this age, they are very independent and act objectively and selflessly.

After 29.5 years, Leos aspire to become more patient in their relationships and more practical. At that time, they can be compatible with Capricorn.

After 41.5 years, Leo is already spiritually developed, he is less conceited, eccentric and reaches the peak of their intellectual development. Now they find that they are compatible with Libra and Scorpio. The combination of “Leo-Libra” is a famous astrological duo. Since Libra is always trying to please and wants the same Leo, they have managed to build a “slave – master” type relationship.

The combination of “Leo-Scorpio” is only possible among the highly intellectual types. It’s real power, intelligence, creative union – the emperor and the empress, not just the king and the queen!




The perfect partner for Virgo:

Up to 29.5 years, Virgo finds her most suitable partners among those born under the sign of Taurus and Capricorn. All these signs are of the earth and up to 29.5 years behave passively, their relationships are occasional and sensual – stable and limited.

People under the sign of Taurus can add a little sweetness to the nervous Virgo, while Capricorn, with a high sense of organization, can use the practical skills of the Virgo.

After 29.5 years, Virgo begins to understand the stupidity of her attitude towards life and change, but only after accumulating a lot of knowledge and experience. Now they can be compatible with Scorpio and Leo.

After 41.5 years, Virgo has already developed spiritually. Now they can be compatible with Sagittarius, the idealistic and intellectual character.




The perfect partner for Libra:

Up to 29.5 years, Libras are the most sexually compatible with the sign of Gemini and Aquarius.

After 29.5 years, they begin to mature and become more practical. They approach the quieter lifestyle. They discover compatibility with Scorpio and Aries. As these two characters are controlled by Mars, they are sometimes a little rough and require a soft and balanced nature of the instrument, which favors their peaceful conduct.

After 41.5 years old, Libras have developed. They established control of their intellectual “self”. In this period, they are often compatible with Pisces and Sagittarius, due to their idealism and their romanticism.




The perfect partner for Scorpio:

Up to 29.5 years, their best partners are Cancer and Pisces. They are all signs of water and at this age are extremely emotional and their mental acts are at the sexual level. Sometimes Scorpios also correspond well to the sign of Capricorn and Virgo.

After 29.5 years, they begin to mature and realize that their permanent “I” gradually becomes extremely aggressive and powerful. Then they are compatible with the sign of Taurus and Libra, who have great patience and a great ability to tolerate the authoritarian nature of Scorpio.

After 41.5 years, Scorpio should be fully developed as a person and able to control his intellectual “I”. He often finds compatibility with Sagittarius and Aquarius.




The perfect partner for Sagittarius:

Up to 29.5 years, the best partners for Sagittarius are people born under the sign of Leo and Aries. These three characters are inflamed and up to 29.5 years old, their relationships are not as close and interdependent, as the relationships between the signs of water.

The keyword of the relationship in this group is independence. During adolescence, Sagittarius can find good partners among Taurus and Pisces.

After 29.5 years, Sagittarius begins to mature. They realize their true personality, which gradually becomes extremely restless. Then, they are often compatible with Virgo and Gemini. These signs have a high intelligence which charms Sagittarius.

After 41.5 years, Sagittarius has developed a personality with good self-control and is ready to look at his inner peace. During this period, he becomes very aggressive, powerful and independent. Then he is compatible with Taurus and Libra. These signs can live with powerful people.




The perfect partner for Capricorn:

Up to 29.5 years, the most suitable partners for Capricorn are people born under the sign of Taurus and Virgo. These three characters are signs of the earth. Relationships between them are pleasant and somewhat passive but are generally stable.

After 29.5 years, the most suitable partners Capricorn should seek are among the signs of Aquarius and Scorpio. Aquarius teaches them to be good and noble. Scorpio is their best choice because he is intelligent and cunning.

After 41.5 years, Capricorn generally achieves his objectives. Then, they are often compatible with Pisces, which brings spirituality to Capricorn.




The perfect partner for Aquarius:

Up to 29.5 years, the most suitable for them are Gemini and Libra. Gemini offers intellectual stimulation, happy friendship, and Libra – balance and harmony.

After 29.5 years, Aquarians are more interested in practical and earthly life and become compatible with the zodiac sign of Virgo and Aries.

After 41.5 years, Aquarius’ personal life and work are already largely integrated and he is ready to enter high society. Meanwhile, he is consistent with his opposite sign – Leo, which is moving in the same direction.




The perfect partner for Pisces:

Up to 29.5 years, Cancer and the Scorpio are best suited for this sign of the zodiac. Between these signs, there can be a very close relationship – emotional, passionate and often stormy.

After 29.5 years, Pisces are compatible with the zodiac sign Libra. They attract Pisces with quiet grace and balance. When mature Pisces is attracted to Aquarius, which expands their world of communication, he helps them get rid of their overly emotional nature.

After 41.5 years, Pisces have reached stability and are ready to emerge with mental Virgos. They complement and stabilize.



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