As you may already know, planets are constantly in motion. As they make their way through the different constellations, we are all faced with new energies.
At this moment, Mercury is back in Scorpio, which brings many changes. Although there will only be a few days left before entering Sagittarius ( Dec 9 ), we must work to understand what we are facing. Below, we will review each sign and what those born under each sign should expect now.
You feel rather uncomfortable right now and with good reason. Things are not as they should be in your life. Although you have a lot to do, you also have a lot to work on.
Although self-awareness and growth are highlighted areas, you are not sure how to do it.
All this year has been pretty crazy for you, you’re ready for things to start to fade, but it will not happen any time soon. Change is coming and you must strive to surround yourself with things that will bring these changes.
Maybe you are in reserve for more than you can ever imagine.
You must take care of yourself more properly. Just because you do not feel it’s important, your health is important. Life is not just about building relationships and if you’re not ready to make self-care a priority, things will deteriorate quickly.
Start to focus on your own well-being.
This period will be quite transformative for you. You are going to let go of someone who has been holding you back for too long.
You should not wait for things to settle when you know they’ll never do.
You have a lot of decisions to make in the days to come and this complicates the task. As you work through the past and try to cope with the future life, it will become more and more complicated.
Where are you going from here?
Of course, this year has been a bit intense, but not as most people expected. You have a lot to do and you have also managed to get through a lot of things. The way you deal with the problems you have before you now will align the challenges you will face in the coming year.
Be true to yourself and work to accomplish everything you can.
Communication is very important to you right now. Do not close yourself off not let chances go. Although you may want to relax more and let others handle things, this may not be the best idea.
Life is what you decide to do.
Things are about to get pretty odd for you, but not in the wrong way. You are working to regain your personal power and although this is not an easy task, you have to do it for some time now.
Stop guessing.
You are ready for what lies ahead, but the people in your life are not. Some may end up cutting the links for once and you will not know how to deal with them.
Perhaps you should focus more on your own emotions and self-confidence right now than on how others are moving around this world.
You feel pretty warm and happy with the way these energies are going now, but if you do not use them wisely, you’re likely to get caught in the background. Work to anchor yourself and try to seek advice on your current situations.
Things are not always what they seem to be and it is crucial to deal with this to move forward.
As Aquarius, you face an emotional intensity that no one is ready to handle. You have the impression that the world is fighting against you more than anyone else and you do not know how to deal with it.
Hold on, this transit will not last as long as you want and the situation will soon be normal again.
Even if you work hard, it’s almost time to take a much-needed break. The more you abuse, the more exhausted you become.
Stop allowing the world around you to benefit from your caring heart.