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Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! December 31, 2020

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!

Recognize your fears and stop allowing them to have power over you. Listen to your intuitive voice and have the courage to move forward. Take the next big step in your life. Keep moving forward.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.



Spiritual Message for Aries:

Spiritual Message for AriesAries, you tend to want to get comfortable in the first half of the day, after which you are ready to branch out. This is a good time to think about the habits or attachments in your life that may be holding you back from growing and fulfilling yourself, especially at the mental level or when it comes to attitudes and mindsets.

Try to use your diplomatic skills in your relationships, but watch for a tendency to accept and pacify things that may come back to haunt you later. It might help you to keep your ears wide open as the day progresses, as you are likely to find inspiration for new ideas, dreams, and goals.




Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Spiritual Message for TaurusTaurus, look for opportunities to pay off debt or settle your accounts today. Now is a great time to consider giving up unnecessary things, and finding ways to pay off debts or pay off loans.

Now is not the perfect time to do something new. With Venus aligning with the South Node, you are certainly drawn to comfortable situations, but you may be missing out on an opportunity that is right in front of you in the process.

You have a strong desire to know that your future is secure and that achieving your goals will keep you satisfied in the long run. As the day progresses, applying yourself to artistic or creative activities and hobbies can be very rewarding. Your imagination is racing.




Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Spiritual Message for GeminiGemini, while your imagination is strong today, the practical issues may not be that simple. Avoid taking on responsibilities that others should on their own, or be careful not to rely too much on others if you are better off doing things independently.

You might do well to look to the past for answers to problems of the present. It may be necessary to sort out the issues before you can move forward with confidence. Now is a good time to find something lost or forgotten, and on another level, see where you go the easy way to your own detriment. The Moon is heading towards your communications sector in the second half of the day and your curiosity grows.




Spiritual Message for Cancer:

Spiritual Message for CancerCancer, you may be looking in the past for answers to work or health problems, which can be a helpful exercise in moderation. Ask yourself if you are holding onto something that no longer serves you well, especially an attitude or an expectation.

Settling accounts can be important now, as Venus connects to the South Node. As the day progresses, the energies are ideal for creative pursuits of all kinds, especially as your sense of harmony and balance is strong.

Avoid going overboard with work today. Look into the past for answers to work or health problems today, but avoid falling back on old ways just because they are more calming if they keep you from moving forward.




Spiritual Message for Leo:

Spiritual Message for LeoLeo, it’s better to fix problems than to make new commitments or long-term agreements today. Temporarily, progress can be slow with a particular interest, like a romantic relationship or a creative project, but you can take small steps to reach your goals.

Avoid carelessness in matters of the heart. There may be a stronger connection or bond with an old love or friend, or you may be feeling sentimental about an old love or a special project. Looking to the past will benefit you, as you can rediscover a worthwhile project, but also consider where you might cling to the past in unhealthy ways.

As Venus meets the South Node, your urge may be to fall back on quick fixes or the easy path instead of heading for the challenge, reward, and growth. The Moon moves towards your sign later in the day, putting you in a new dynamic that looks better on you.




Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Spiritual Message for VirgoVirgo, there is a tendency to fall back on comfortable behaviors today, rather than challenging yourself or wanting to grow and learn.

Old habits seem to have a strong influence on you now, and a good deed from the past can benefit you. Using your talents can be a good thing, but it can also be wise to challenge yourself in a modest way. You might be taking the easy way out.

It may be a good idea to take some time or focus on the vision rather than the details of a plan or project for now. The Moon is heading towards your twelfth solar house for a few days, and you may feel a strong urge to retreat or somehow withdraw to rest and reflect. Another look at a situation can be beneficial.




Spiritual Message for Libra:

Spiritual Message for LibraLibra, the Moon is heading towards your friendship sector for a few days, encouraging you to seek out like-minded people. Today’s energies tend to pull you into the past.

You’re not willing to really challenge or put yourself in danger, preferring to fall back on the talents and resources you already have, which may be just what you need every now and then. Still, it’s best to avoid provoking or appeasing others in a way that might come back to haunt you later.

Try to be as gentle as possible with the people around you in general, but especially with parents, neighbors, and classmates, but avoid promises or postponements. As the day progresses, energies are good for daydreams and changes from the usual routine. Today is a good day to apply wisdom and past experiences to a current problem, as well as to let go of the things you don’t or no longer need.




Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Spiritual Message for ScorpioScorpio, this can be an essential time to settle scores. With greater awareness of where you might get too tied up, you’re in a good position to break down barriers of money and business.

There is a tendency to want to do it all on your own these days, but sharing, trusting, and teaming up to accomplish something is the way to go for the best rewards, although it seems the most difficult route to take at the moment.

Try to let go of the things you don’t need. Connections with people who help you feel comfortable or reassure you can be made. Later in the day, you are in good shape to exchange ideas, which can be invaluable in boosting morale.




Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Spiritual Message for SagittariusSagittarius, strong energy is with you to free you from something of the past today. Today’s Venus-South Node connection helps you get rid of stress and tension.

Still, it may make you want to take the easy way out. Sometimes you just need a break, but other times you miss out on opportunities to grow and learn if you step away from a challenge, and the latter can be the case today.

If you notice that you frequently find yourself doing things on your own then sharing the load would be much better for you, you might decide to make some changes. Try to nip this problem in the bud. It can help to sort out issues or settle scores to pave the way for more fluid efforts and activities in the future.




Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Spiritual Message for CapricornCapricorn, this can be a time of strong memories guiding you or unusual connections made. You might reconnect with an old friend or sweetheart.

There may be a tendency to look for the easy way out, but with a little courage and honesty, you could learn what is most valuable to you, which will benefit you greatly. You may run into issues when you become aware of delays or overlooked issues that now require your attention.

There can be a real sense of moving forward in the days to come, but for now, you need to correct the mistakes and omissions of the past so that you can find your way. As the day progresses, you may find yourself inspired enough by ideas or communicating in a meaningful way with others.




Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Spiritual Message for AquariusAquarius, you’re in the mood to feel good today, and you could be pretty sentimental. There may be contact with an old friend or strong memories of someone from your past.

You might feel the urge to take on tasks that help eliminate delays and help you progress. You may be a little distracted today, but your mood is generally good. Taking a relaxed and creative approach can be a great strategy, especially as the day progresses.

Questions of the past certainly grab your attention today, but you also come to a point where you see the areas that weigh on you and hold you back the most. The Moon then enters your partnership area for a few days, and you are looking for a little more interaction and feedback.




Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Spiritual Message for PiscesPisces, charitable acts can be particularly satisfying today. Dreams and fantasies can be the subject of good conversations, especially as the day progresses, and you can learn something valuable by exchanging ideas.

You are in an excellent position to take stock of your feelings and affections today. Venus aligns with the South Node, making it easier to see details that can keep you from growing and thriving.

You could make a plan to clear old projects that are slowing your progress or take care of your tasks so you can start from scratch. The Moon moves towards your work and health sector for a few days, and you feel much more emotionally satisfied after taking on your tasks and routines.

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