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Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! January 12, 2020

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!

Be patient with yourself and you will find that opportunities to advance will appear when the timing is right. Positive thought and action opens the door to growth and brings balance, clarity, and contentment to your life. Everything happens for a reason.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.



Spiritual Message for Aries:

Spiritual Message for Aries

Aries, there has been an intense concentration of energy at the top of your solar chart, and much of it is peaking today and tomorrow.

A Saturn-Pluto alignment in this area of ​​your graph today indicates the need to review what you are projecting in the world, particularly for your career, status or social life.

This transit concerns responsibility, authenticity, power, responsibilities, leadership, management, rules and direction of life. You will work diligently to build your social life and your profession during the coming year.

Your approach to your life direction, your management, your main life structures, and your status can go through an overhaul with all kinds of measures. This influence ultimately pushes you to new heights, but there may be a fall or simply a new start before going back up.

The main thing is to focus on simplification and work later on construction and expansion. Watch for the pressure to reach a decision today. It is a powerful time to do important work toward long-term happiness and prosperity.




Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Spiritual Message for TaurusTaurus, a Mercury-Saturn-Pluto alignment that occurs today pushes you to make improvements. Events are happening now that lead to a whole new vision.

You see life in a new way, and your attitude or perspective can change dramatically. You take things a little more seriously than usual today, and it may be time to make small sacrifices to help you get things important for the future.

Reality can bring you back to earth on an issue. Some of your plans or projects may require adjustment. The good news is that you will likely have better information to move your projects forward. You are also in a good position to renew an engagement, for studies, a writing project or a long-term business that is close to your heart.

You are particularly focused but might be a little obsessed, perhaps finding out the truth on an issue. If it’s something that serves you well, take advantage now of the energies that help you focus and motivate yourself.

Otherwise, think about managing your time in order to better manage priorities. Otherwise, this day is wonderful for self-discipline and putting a special effort into a course, training, or project. Remember to manage your time in order to better manage priorities.




Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Spiritual Message for Gemini

Gemini, a Saturn-Pluto alignment occurs today in your area of ​​intimacy, and Mercury also joins the party! You may be working to better manage your debts, your intimate relationships, and your personal life.

The elimination of the unproductive in these areas is at the center of concern and the reconstruction of a better “model” will come later. Right now, it’s about restructuring, simplifying and making changes that revitalize your finances, your lifestyle, and your relationships.

It is better to think in terms of reduction rather than expansion for the moment. Your thoughts or conversations are deep today. The transits that occur now help to reveal new areas of a situation. It’s a great time for research, although you may end up going too far if you’re not careful.

What is most important now is that you learn more about yourself, your desires and your feelings so that you can make better decisions in the future. Commitments or decisions made this week can be important for the long term.

This is an important time for ideas on how to reduce excess, reduce dependency and eliminate redundancy. You discover that you can manage things very well by yourself. It’s time to take a turn and mentally change direction!




Spiritual Message for Cancer:

Spiritual Message for CancerCancer, today’s Saturn-Pluto alignment occurs in your partnership sector. Your relationships, your partnerships, and your relationship needs seem to require an overhaul.

If you have lived inauthentically in this area of ​​your life, now is the time to change. This transit presents an opportunity to break something and rebuild again, but first, change is necessary!

You may be out of your comfort zone now, but you have tremendous global support to get you back on track throughout the year. Today, serious thoughts, observations or conversations about relationships can be very present. There may be decisions made or a sudden awareness of responsibilities related to others.

Or, this may be the time to make joint plans, decisions, and commitments. Advice or negotiation can be useful now. Whether or not it is an easy process, the opportunity arises for learning and growth. If the others seem a little too arrogant, it’s time to redefine your limits.




Spiritual Message for Leo:

Spiritual Message for LeoLeo, a Saturn-Pluto alignment in your work and health sector today may indicate some pressure to simplify and rework certain structures and programs in your life.

This transit can be used to decompose something so that you can reconstruct it later so that it is better, more relevant and more authentic. Disciplined efforts to move forward will pay off later.

For now, there may be difficult and ripe decisions to be made! It is best to think in terms of simplification and downsizing now, keeping in mind that the expansion will come later. In fact, throughout the year, you will benefit from tremendous cosmic support to develop better habits, self-care systems, and your work.

Today, obligations and responsibilities are growing. Try to become more efficient and organized and work hard, without pushing yourself too hard. It’s a delicate balance, but doable!




Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Spiritual Message for VirgoVirgo, a Saturn-Pluto alignment occurs in your sector of joy today, and your ruling planet, Mercury, joins you. This influence transforms the way you express yourself and have fun.

You can work to improve your love life, your relationships with children, a hobby or a project. Self-expression involves a reworking of all kinds of measures that you approach the world differently, and that others see you differently.

Today, you are considering the more serious side of your relationships and your projects. There could be a review or additional information that framed things differently, which led to a new direction or a change in your plans. It becomes crucial to consider ways to simplify and streamline your life to improve it as a whole.

You are particularly ambitious about changes and improvements, or the circumstances are such that you want to start from scratch. Something seems to need to change or collapse before it can be rebuilt, to be better, more fulfilling, and adapted to your current level of growth.

In fact, drastic changes can happen and areas of your life need a different approach for you to thrive. Pushing your limits in thinking, connecting and creating can be invaluable. But it is essential to know when to stop to regain control and get back on track.




Spiritual Message for Libra:

Spiritual Message for Libra

Libra, a Saturn-Pluto alignment in your home and family sector today highlights the need to simplify. You may feel pressure to separate something so that you can rebuild it from scratch, and it may be related to your personal life, your foundation, your home or your family.

Now is the time to identify areas that are no longer structurally sound and commit to making changes. Emotionally, you learn the autonomy and power of your inner strength. You may feel compelled to make a new commitment to organize the home or a home-related project.

If you’ve overlooked specific issues, you should probably take care of them now. New responsibilities or limitations may emerge, but these motivate you to take matters into your own hands. You will feel stronger if you fulfill your obligations and organize yourself!

Start small and start from there. While it’s all about making mature choices and simplifying things right now, over the year, you will rebuild and grow with fantastic support and motivation.

You can be a little more strict or severe now, especially in your assessments, which may be necessary and useful. Keep in mind, however, that some of the more delicate elements are missing at the moment.




Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Spiritual Message for Scorpio

Scorpio, today’s Saturn-Pluto alignment in your communications sector requires a restructuring, or a new start with your studies, your communications, your state of mind or your attitude, your transport or your plans and interests.

This year, you can be very determined to rebuild and succeed. While a challenge to the reality that is happening now may seem intense, you have all the cosmic support to rebuild with you in the months to come.

It is also a time to recognize the power of your words and thoughts. Changing the way you express yourself and your daily thinking habits can change your life right now. If you feel stuck in destructive patterns, you will now see that something has to change.

Your daily life may demand a lot more from you, or you may see a project or effort from a whole new, very realistic perspective. If you manage to solve the problems one by one, step by step, you will find that you avoid feeling overwhelmed and that you get closer to your goals.

You may find out where you are on an issue, which helps clarify your next step. It can be a powerful time to influence others through your ideas and communications, and there can be revolutionary ideas.




Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Spiritual Message for Sagittarius

Sagittarius, Saturn and Pluto line up in your resource sector today, bringing powerful energy to get to the bottom of the problems.

This transit focuses on your material affairs, your income, your finances, your personal effects and your intangible resources such as talents. Psychologically, it’s about your self-esteem. These areas are subject to a major overhaul as you approach them differently.

The flaws in your current systems, particularly related to money and business, are now too obvious to ignore. You can start from scratch or be forced to manage problem areas. Fortunately, you will get fantastic support for building bigger or better structures in the months to come.

For the moment, light shines on problem areas, allowing you to see what should be done to improve and strengthen your life. You are in an excellent position for a revelation or realization regarding what you really think is the value of a thing, a person or a situation.




Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Spiritual Message for Capricorn

Capricorn, Saturn and Pluto line up in your sign today, and this influence can put pressure on you to succeed. You can work to improve your health, a personal project, your independence or a solo initiative/enterprise.

Your ways, your image, and your identity can go through a redesign of all kinds as you approach the world differently, and that others see you differently! Mercury joins you today, and the Sun and Ceres follow suit tomorrow, suggesting a great focus on you, your needs, your performance, and your dedication.

You could very well be the subject of discussion! You may also find yourself stubbornly searching for an answer or truth and making a change. Today’s challenges seem to motivate you to make improvements. Take the opportunity to bring a new perspective to a problem.

Keep in mind that seriousness can be suspended in your aura, making you appear contemplative or intimidating others with a feeling that you know everything. Regarding the image you are projecting, you might feel a little vulnerable as you evolve towards a new way of presenting yourself, but it seems vital for your progress. Confidence can only build up over time.




Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Spiritual Message for Aquarius

Aquarius, the Saturn-Pluto alignment invites you today to manage a business in the background of your life.

Your inner world, your dreams, your attitude towards the past and your relationships with the end cycles can go through an overhaul, a regeneration, and a transformation.

You may be cutting something off life that weighs on you. Fortunately, you have great energies with you to rebuild them in the coming months. For now, you can be super motivated to simplify, reduce or remove harmful elements from your life.

Decisions about long-standing and past problems may need immediate attention, and you will likely have a strong urge to resolve problems that have not been resolved.

You might encounter a situation in which the past catches up with you and now you are ready to put it behind you. You will need to be firmer and make practical choices that will truly help you move forward happier and lighter.

While you should be careful not to focus too much on something so you don’t distract yourself from priorities, it should be a good time to get to the bottom of a situation. Abandoning conditions that weighed on you can be liberating now. You may come to a new understanding of an important event in the past that changes your direction for the future.




Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Spiritual Message for Pisces

Pisces, Saturn and Pluto line up in your friendship sector today, and Mercury joins the party! You can focus on simplifying and transforming your friendships, social life, sense of community and happiness goals right now.

If something has to go, it’s only so that you can make room for more authentic things for yourself at this point in your life. It is a time of ripe decisions, rational thinking and paying close attention to your responsibilities.

Now is a good time to come up with solid, firm and practical plans for the future, and there will likely be very helpful advice from a friend or your networks now. Be careful, there can also be criticism or awareness of reality, but these can also be educational if you open your mind to them.

Consider that the rewards may not seem apparent, but try to be content with the fact that they may appear later. Now is the time to tackle a problem with a new understanding and a new vision. The discussions and ideas that are emerging now can help create great change.

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