The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
Do everything you can to set things in motion. Set your goals, focus your attention and intention, establish solid foundations and achieve your goals and aspirations, step by step.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, as the Sun is conjunct Venus retrograde, this is an important time to reassess your plans and goals. You are in an excellent position to understand your needs now.
You see things differently during Venus retrograde, and the areas of discontent are larger than usual. Recent revelations may motivate you to start from scratch, and this is especially true when it comes to money, business, public image, and relationships.
You have a window to the past and now you can see more clearly where you have pursued the wrong things or headed in a direction that has taken you away from yourself. Based on this information, you will likely redefine your goals and values in the coming weeks. It’s time to look for a more authentic path!
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, this is a powerful time to come to terms with the past and start afresh. Motivation and energy develop to approach your life and relationships with more authentic expectations.
A new perspective on the past can lead to a redefinition of some of your beliefs, ideals, goals, and dreams. You might also see more clearly what approaches or expectations you had in the past that sent you down the wrong path.
Take the time to set up new intentions now that you know your heart better. There can be a feeling of emotional renewal and a fresh start or new impetus based on current revelations about what you love and value the most. Nonetheless, with Venus still retrograde, be patient with plans as feelings change.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, this is a powerful time for personal revelation, especially about relationships and past plans. You may be more able to put something behind you once and for all.
A fresh start in feelings and affections is to be expected. You see your relationships and attachments in a whole new light, which can prompt a new course of action.
You may receive more information about a past relationship that can be revealing and help finish something. Even if things aren’t going anywhere or seem to be going backward, it is a necessary process to illuminate where you are at and what you will take with you in the future.
A little detachment can help. Your redefined needs can lead to a whole new approach to finding what you want in your life financially and emotionally. In particular, intimate relationships can benefit from a fresh start or a new vision for the future. You have the power to put a limiting attachment behind you now.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, the Sun and Venus retrograde are in conjunction today. This not only indicates that we are halfway through the retrograde cycle of Venus, but it is also a time to get closer to your true feelings about a relationship.
You’ve looked into the past when it comes to relationships, and some might even say you got stuck there. However, now you are at a point where you can learn from your past mistakes and leave unhealthy attachments behind.
Learning new things about a previous relationship can be a big part of the day. Or, you could open your eyes to something because now you are really ready to see it. Through these revelations, you might better understand an old problem or reconnect with someone from your past, which triggers a new approach.
Aim to set intentions and goals that better reflect your redefined wants and needs, as well as your expectations of others with that fresh start energy that is strong for new momentum or turning point. The emphasis should be on strategy and action plans rather than quick maneuvers for best results.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, this is the time to get a glimpse of the unresolved issues of the past. There are some things you might never know, but you still gain by putting them behind you.
Fortunately, powerful energy is with you to do it. You turn a new leaf, mostly related to work, health and relationships. Motivation is built to make changes or to follow a new path that improves your life.
A change in attitude is possible in light of recent revelations, as you now see more clearly where you have pursued the wrong things in the past. You could make resolutions to change these patterns, and you have more support from the cosmos.
The Sun is conjunct Venus retrograde today, which makes it a good time to look back on old jobs, projects, and even working relationships to get a glimpse of current issues.
Today, because of your new energy and unique vision, you may decide to change unproductive or unsatisfying patterns. You could aim to bring more harmony and beauty to your daily affairs and routines.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, the Sun illuminates your past as it is conjunct Venus retrograde today, especially when it comes to romantic relationships or past opportunities.
Fortunately, you can feel motivated to make things better. While it is not productive to dwell on the past, it can be helpful now to review past attitudes, events, and feelings. With new insight into past relationships, you move forward with a new set of redefined expectations and needs.
You will reorient yourself on an improved path, more emotionally speaking. Seeing things with new eyes makes it much easier to seek out the people and things that truly align with your life as it is now for your more evolved and evolving self.
Aim to re-evaluate the important areas of your life, primarily related to creativity, hobbies, romance, and friendship, to find out whether or not they are really satisfying you. Some of you may reconnect with an old lover or friend, or you may learn something new from a previous relationship.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, Venus continues its retrograde period until January 29 and is now halfway through that cycle, joining forces with the Sun today.
During this retrograde period, you are redefining and refining what you find valuable and worthwhile. This is a good time to look at things from another perspective, especially family relationships, family life, living conditions, and plans or studies.
Especially with the knowledge gained now, you will be in a better position to understand your needs and values and make decisions accordingly. Reconnecting with the people you love can be especially satisfying now.
Now is a great time to uncover previously hidden or overlooked information. You could work on issues with family or at home, or make solid plans to improve things. In many ways, you will soon be moving on a better path.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, there can be a strong focus today on matters of the heart. With the Sun conjunct Venus retrograde, you begin to see past relationships and expectations in a different light.
In the process, you redefine what you want now and what you need in your relationships. You might learn something new that gives you a little more clarity on an issue that has haunted you.
More information can surface and shed light on a past problem, or you can make a connection with someone from your past. Either way, you may feel like you’re starting over.
This is a strong moment for resolving yourself to put negative attitudes behind you and pursue your heart’s desires from now on. There may be a chance to redo an important project or return to a project or research that once seemed to be a lost cause.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, the Sun is conjunct Venus retrograde in your second solar house today, and you might get a second chance or a new look at a project, purchase, or relationship.
The preview you get now helps you start over and clears the slate for newly set goals. You may find it easier than usual to let go of your personal possessions or other attachments that clutter your life, both literally and figuratively.
Cravings light up, and they may surprise you! A little detachment can help you understand what you really value and what you really need, and with this new information, you are on a new path.
It’s probably not the best day to buy a high-priced item, but you can look at money matters from a new and useful perspective. Pay attention to the things you already have and think about how you can rework or recycle them.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, today is powerful in setting new goals, intentions and resolutions, with a recent New Moon in your sign and Venus retrograde conjunct the Sun in Capricorn today.
You have the opportunity to start from scratch, especially since you may have recently seen yourself, your relationships, and your experiences in a whole new light. You might be redefining what you want and need in your relationships.
Now is also the time for some sort of personal reinvention, you might decide to rethink your image. You have more impact than usual when it comes to charm, your personal ways, and your attractiveness right now, even if you are a little low-key or emotionally distant.
On the other hand, there may be a focus on the past, although it’s not about staying there or getting stuck with it. Instead, it’s about learning from what happened and making better choices for yourself in the future. Being patient now will bring you long-term rewards.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, Venus retrograde and the Sun are in conjunction today, and the past lights up significantly. Your focus may very well be on love and past relationship patterns.
More information may well emerge about a private matter that will help you make better plans and future decisions. You can be a little more clear on what action to take based on recent disclosures.
For now, process and digest things rather than finalizing, that’s what Venus retrograde is, and we’re about halfway there. You are in a great position to start from scratch on an emotional level.
This is a great time to put any dysfunctional attachments or attitudes behind you, especially those related to relationships. In addition, you are still in a phase in which you reassess your feelings. Take your time to fully understand this as this will have repercussions for the future.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, Venus retrograde is conjunct the Sun today, and new information about old issues may emerge. The focus is on past affairs, especially relating to old projects, friends, and lovers.
You might learn something or come into contact with someone from your past. It may be necessary to remove something, such as unnecessary lenses.
You will have a better view of what is penalizing you, leading you to improvements. In the coming days, you will gain a better understanding of your friendship and love needs, and a new approach to long-term projects is also on the horizon.
It’s time to take a fresh approach to issues of friendship, group relationships, or goals and plans for long-term happiness. You may have a new motivation to move forward with different expectations and demands in these areas.