The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
It is time to take your next step upon your path. Focus on your growth to reach new levels of awareness and trust yourself. Positive thoughts and actions only. Move forward and trust that everything is going to be alright.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, Mars in your opposite sign can spark intense intimate relationships. With the aspects of Mars today, you can discover both the advantages and disadvantages of this transit in one day!
On the one hand, there may be a charming enthusiasm and perhaps even a little adventure, and you may feel motivated to accomplish something important or to enjoy stimulating interactions. As the day progresses, there may be a tendency to lock, arouse or attempt to force things because of Mars and Pluto in a square aspect.
Tensions related to work and responsibilities may be triggers, but keep in mind that Mars, in this part of your chart, is there to help you “dispel” the problems of your individual relationships so you can manage them and keep going. There may be disagreement about priorities.
If you are afraid of not succeeding, there may be a temptation to manipulate, or if someone in your life frequently takes the reins, you will want to make changes. Resentment may resurface, but it also gives you a chance to see what anger or harm is still hurting you to your detriment.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, Mars in your area of work and health, these days can encourage you to do a lot of things. It has advantages and disadvantages, and you can discover the whole range today!
You can feel dynamic, want to solve problems and give a good boost to your to-do list. You pay attention to the issues and focus on managing details that require your attention.
However, with the coming into play of a Mars-Pluto square this can become an obsession. Watch for the tendency to dwell on negative emotions or difficult topics, or to let yourself work on an issue that leads to an impasse.
Stubbornness can now be a symptom of a deeper problem or fear of change, and that does no good to anyone, including yourself. It is best to look at the source of frustrations. The moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, encouraging you to focus on your long-term goals.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, Mars is in your area of joy and creativity and can liven up your romantic or creative worlds. This is an essentially favorable aspect, but like everything else, it presents challenges.
Today you can experience the highs and lows of this transit in one day! You may feel ready to act, but passion and enthusiasm can become frustrating if you are too invested or things go wrong.
If you face resistance, it may be better to adjust your expectations or even drop a case temporarily to clear your head. A Mars-Pluto aspect that influences the day tends to stimulate charged interactions. There may be problems with understanding what a relationship is or how deep or engaging it is for some.
It may be better to focus your energies on something productive rather than dwelling on something that does not suit you. This is definitely the time to see the areas of your life that need adjustment, and this vision can help you make the best decisions for you.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, today, your desire to act on a topic mainly related to home, personal problems and family is strong. Mars is currently transiting through your fourth solar house to liven up your family life.
While you can really benefit from your enthusiasm and passion to get things done today, tensions can happen if things do not go as planned. Some people seem to resist or obstruct you, or there may be a problem to handle in your relationships.
If you or someone in your life is rigid about a plan or expecting others to follow your scenario, the tension may follow and the energies of the ego can lead to power games. Even though the competition may motivate you to improve your plans in some cases, the air is tense today.
This does not seem to lead to anything positive unless you consciously seek to identify areas of anger and work to resolve them. Coarseness or insensitivity can spoil your mood, but you also have a lot to learn about yourself and your attachments.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, the day can contain a light energy, to take care of, and sometimes enthusiastic energy. Of course, this suits your personality well. You can be passionate about pursuing creative goals and sharing ideas.
However, a Mars-Pluto aspect comes into play as the day progresses. Although your personal thoughts and interests or your communications are more passionate than usual, it can be a very good thing, but it can go a little too far today and it can result in tension or frustration.
Be careful not to cling to a belief or point of view that begins to overwhelm you or disturb you, interfering with healthy interactions. You may not want to change your idea, schedule, or method, even temporarily, but being flexible is probably better for you.
Look for ways to calm your nerves and try to take a step back. With this transit, it may be difficult to maintain common sense, mainly with regard to your work or your health problems, but it can also give you a window on areas that require some detachment.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, Mars passing through your solar house these days is an excellent transit to motivate you to build a project, a business or improve your resources, and it will continue until 19.
Today, you can discover the advantages and disadvantages of this transit, but nothing you can’t manage! Your desire to improve your life is strong and your self-confidence is good.
Nevertheless, with Mars approaching a square aspect with Pluto, there may be some tension or impatience if things do not go as planned. There are conflicts or frustrations about finances, values, and ideas that seem to clash with those of someone in your life or that stimulate some fears.
Resentments can emerge and a tendency to search for answers that you would not have liked to receive at the end. Use your intense emotions and urges constructively if possible, or try to use problematic things to improve your life.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, Mars in your sign these days can challenge you to pursue your desires and act. Today, its harmonious and stimulating energies can lead to a whole range of experiences in relationships or your personal life.
On the one hand, you may feel inspired to take charge of your life, but on the other hand, you may have trouble managing excess energy effectively. As the day progresses, an aspect of Mars-Pluto makes it difficult to maintain your sense of reason and you may face some impatience, pride or misguided anger.
Or, you might face some resistance to getting what you want or doing what you intend to do. Avoid tactics of manipulation that will only serve to exert more pressure on you.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, Mars will enter your sign on the 19th, but it will continue to transit through your area of privacy until then. It’s a good time to refine projects or for a fresh start. You can be very motivated and passionate about acting in an area that is important to you today.
Nevertheless, complications can occur as the day progresses because of a Mars-Pluto aspect that comes into play. Unresolved tensions or resentments can lead to communications that do not serve you well or that prevent you from choosing the right moment.
You may have difficulty asking directly what you want, rather hoping that others understand your needs, but this makes you vulnerable and lets the actions (or inactions) of others decide on your mood. Do your best to soothe and calm your mind. Being nice to yourself can involve letting the business go, as difficult as it may be right now!
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, Mars is in your eleventh solar house, and supports you in your efforts, to help you find the right activities. You are in good shape to work in a team or with a friend or to work actively towards an important goal or cause today.
Nevertheless, as the day progresses and Mars moves towards a difficult aspect with Pluto, you might encounter some difficulties because of your stubbornness and rigidity.
Conflicts over different values, money or property and border issues can easily cross the red line and turn into power games or other forms of manipulation with this transit. Try not to get too attached to your methods or your approach that you are alienating someone, or to watch others doing something similar.
Consider that any anger or frustration that emerges today can point you in the right direction for what needs to be healed and resolved. You can learn a lot about yourself and your relationships through the differences you see now.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, Mars transiting through your tenth solar home these days can motivate you to reach a goal. You are action-oriented today, and having a keen sense of priorities can help you.
While you might find it easy to find an outlet for more potential and move to strategic locations today, an aspect of Mars-Pluto comes into play and it can be hard to keep the common sense. There is a tendency to become so focused on an issue that you do not see other options.
It works very well if you use it to advance a productive goal or if you devote your passion to something that really requires unwavering attention. However, if you dwell on something that is not yet ready to go forward, problems can result.
Try to let go of the problems that are not progressing today, and wait for a better moment to put your energy in it. If you look closely at the feelings or reactions that are happening today, you will have a good overview of the areas in which you or someone in your life is too attached and could use this awareness to have a new perspective.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, you can be more adventurous or passionate about your ideas and interests, with Mars going through your ninth solar house these days. You are more spontaneous than usual.
You can experience the inconveniences and the positive aspects of this transit today with the Moon in your sign in harmony with Mars, but later, Mars will square with Pluto. Following an idea can fuel your enthusiasm in your interactions with others or contribute to a new goal or a fabulous new plan.
However, there is a tendency to focus on a subject or linger even if it does not work for you, and maybe even if it frustrates you a lot! Watch for your tendency to follow your plans so insidiously that it causes you stress or tension in a relationship.
This transit may rather suggest an internal struggle with a fear that seems to prevent you from facing a challenge or following a passion. Be careful not to be your worst enemy today by saying or doing things that elicit adverse reactions. With the moon in your sign all day, focus on your personal projects and new beginnings.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, Mars in your area of intimacy, inspires you to dig deeper, investigate, observe and strategize. Today, you can see both the advantages and disadvantages of this transit that will be with you until 19. There can be a real power to withdraw and a pleasant feeling of emotional trust and intelligence.
However, Mars is approaching a challenge with Pluto and a conflict over a question of values where an understanding of a commitment may be involved. This transit tends to drive up frustration or anger, and you are more likely to not only see the problems but also to dwell on them if you are not careful.
What begins with a passionate feeling about something or someone can quickly turn into frustration. Avoid senseless power struggles with others, but feel and try to understand all the darker things that surface from the depths of the inside.
These things can have more control over your life than you think, as they can lead to difficult behaviors or can cause a lot of stress and unnecessary pressure. Channeling your passion in a collaborative search with a partner or a professional goal would be a good idea.