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Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! October 28, 2020

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!

What I am preparing for you is worth the wait. Trust yourself, trust the process, and trust my timing. When you come out of the storm you will not be the same person who walked in.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.



Spiritual Message for Aries:

Spiritual Message for AriesAries, the Moon is heading towards your sign today, and it’s a time of the lunar month to give yourself a little more attention for a few days.

However, Mercury and Venus have only just entered your area of ​​partnership, and partnering or team building may be the focus in the weeks to come.

Venus will stay here until November 21st and Mercury until November 10th, generating powerful energy to improve individual relationships. This transit also brings more pleasant energy into existing partnerships, whether they are based on love or business. If you need to make peace with someone, now is a great time to do it.

Negotiations, compromises, contracts, and connections are all favored, especially after the 3rd when Mercury resumes its direct motion in this sector. It can be difficult to make a satisfactory choice in places today, as you might feel like you will be the loser no matter what you choose.




Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Spiritual Message for TaurusTaurus, the Moon is heading towards your twelfth solar house, and the need to rest and clear your mind is strong. However, you are focusing more and more on your work and healthcare sector, and things are intensifying!

With Venus, your ruling planet, now in this area of ​​your solar chart until November 21st, you seek more pleasure and harmony in your daily life, including your work or daily routines and health activities. You feel more accomplished through cooperation and sharing, and you may find that you are more successful in achieving your goals by aligning with others in the weeks to come.

Today be careful not to repeat old patterns that weren’t very successful, especially in relationships. It is advisable to keep your mind open to better ways to interact. Use the conflicts that are occurring now to motivate yourself to improve. You are in great shape to support a business or a project.




Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Spiritual Message for GeminiGemini, Venus has just started its transit in your fifth solar house, bringing grace, the power of attraction, and the urge to interact in your life until November 21st.

This sector governs self-expression, creativity, romance, children, entertainment, and other channels through which you express your need for play, reinforce, and even applause.

You approach the world in a more creative and romantic way during this cycle, and it’s one of the best times of the year for hobbies, leisure activities, and romance. This period will probably be better after November 3rd when Mercury resumes its direct motion.

The Moon is moving into your eleventh solar house today, drawing you into less stressful experiences. If you allow yourself to go with the flow instead of trying to pick up the pace, you’ll be in a good state of mind. Something can be forgiven or a relationship problem can be resolved. Look for models that no longer serve your best interests.




Spiritual Message for Cancer:

Spiritual Message for CancerCancer, the Moon is heading towards the top of your solar chart today, and people tend to notice what you are doing or look to you for the lead.

Your performance or achievements are more focused for a few days at this time of the lunar month. Nonetheless, the focus is more and more on the opposite sector of your solar chart, your home and family sector. Mercury and Venus both started their transits in this area yesterday.

Venus will continue here until November 21st, encouraging your desire for more harmony and balance in your personal life, while Mercury here encourages more conversation. You might try to avoid difficult situations or seek more calm than usual.

You may become especially attached to familiar faces and places in the weeks to come. It is a good time for decoration, accommodation, entertainment, and family activities. You become more comfortable with your family or with yourself as you gain a better understanding of your feelings and needs.




Spiritual Message for Leo:

Spiritual Message for LeoLeo, with the Moon moving into your ninth solar house for two and a half days, you may have a strong desire to escape the routine on an emotional level.

Venus has just started its transit through your communications sector and will remain there until November 21st. Mercury is also here until November 21st, and the focus is more on learning, sharing ideas, and gathering information.

Your curiosity can lead you to fun discoveries and opportunities in the weeks to come. You are in great shape to harmonize with your siblings, acquaintances, classmates, and neighbors, especially after November 3rd when Mercury resumes its direct motion. You are drawn to the things that feed your mind.




Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Spiritual Message for VirgoVirgo, Mercury, and Venus have just moved into your second solar house, and the focus is more on your safety, comfort, possessions, and money in the weeks to come.

Venus will remain here until November 21st, and it’s a pretty stable position for relationships, affections, and money. You appreciate the people and things that make you comfortable, more than usual.

You might attract cash, gifts, and valuables during this cycle. This transit of Venus encourages more patience with money and business, helping you to make the most of your resources.

With the Moon passing through your privacy area for a few days, you are likely to be looking for deeper connections to people or projects. You may want to pay special attention to your work, favorite projects, or valuables. There could nevertheless be some indecision during the day.




Spiritual Message for Libra:

Spiritual Message for LibraLibra, the Moon is entering your partnership sector today, and you are more accessible and more present. It is a period of the lunar month when you are looking for a certain balance.

Yesterday, Mercury and Venus moved into your sign. Venus stays in your sign until November 21st, and it’s a great transit for your mood and plans. You tend to do things your way, in general, and the power of attraction is with you.

You feel better about yourself. People tend to recognize you and recognize your worth. For important decisions, it is advisable to wait until after November 3rd, when Mercury, also in your sign, will end its retrograde cycle.

Today, you are more likely to connect with people and learn something useful. There may be some indecision, but it is best not to rush into a decision, especially if it involves pressing financial matters or a partnership.




Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Spiritual Message for ScorpioScorpio, the Moon is heading towards your area of ​​work and health today, and for a few days doing various activities can be very appealing.

However, Mercury and Venus have just started their transits in your twelfth solar house, emphasizing mental and emotional health. Venus will stay here until November 21st and Mercury until November 10th.

You are not always ready to share your feelings with the world. This can be a great cycle for enjoying some level of loneliness or exploring your deepest feelings, as well as volunteering or helping others.

This may be the time to deal with your feelings. You can be a little behind, especially with Mercury also in this same sector. Decisions should not be taken lightly today. If you can’t figure out something, try not to worry too much about it and wait for a better time to deal with it.




Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Spiritual Message for SagittariusSagittarius, with the Moon passing through your area of ​​joy and creativity for a few days, you need spontaneity. Mercury and Venus now pass through your friends, hopes, and dreams sector until November 10th for Mercury and until November 21st for Venus.

There can be a nice increase in income, or sharing your talents or expertise with others can yield great results, especially after November 3rd. You are interested in everything that is new, different, and progressive. It’s time to pay close attention to your happiness goals.

You are looking for more impartiality and acceptance in your relationships. The desire for peace with others is strong, but you are also ready to make changes that improve your relationships. Today, you might feel a little unstable or indecisive, and it’s best to be flexible. Small disturbances or doubts can ultimately lead you to bigger and better things.




Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Spiritual Message for CapricornCapricorn, the Moon is heading to a comfortable area of ​​your solar chart, encouraging you to enjoy a slower pace or to seek safety and familiarity.

It’s time to honor your need for rest just for the moment. However, Venus has just started its transit in your tenth solar house, where it will transit until November 21st. When it comes to reputation and career, you have a lot of charm and diplomacy.

People in positions of authority, such as teachers, parents, or bosses, are receptive. You tend to say and do the right thing at the right time, although it will become more evident when Mercury resumes its direct motion on November 3rd.

This cycle is one of the best times of the year for a business or public opportunity. Today, focus on the things that reassure you and make you feel safe because that is what gives you the best results.




Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Spiritual Message for AquariusAquarius, the Moon is heading towards your communications sector today, encouraging your curiosity. This transit tends to make you very busy.

Venus has just started its transit in your ninth solar house, where it will transit until November 21st. You will want to learn, have new ideas, expand your knowledge and experiences, and enjoy varied activities in the coming weeks.

You are more generous and adventurous when it comes to loving and expressing your affections. Intuition improves, and you tend to appreciate the perspective of others. The benefits come from contact with others. Today, it can be difficult to concentrate on important tasks with a restless mind. Try to stay calm and not rush decisions.




Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Spiritual Message for PiscesPisces, the Moon is heading towards your second solar house today, and you need some predictability to help you refocus and get on the right track. You benefit from a sustained pace.

Venus has just started its transit in your eighth solar house and will remain there until November 21st. As you process your feelings, any improvements or changes you might need become clearer.

The feelings of love and attachment will intensify in the weeks to come. It is an important time for regeneration. Today you tend to shine in your job or in your responsibilities. However, there may be a few minor disappointments or concerns to deal with.

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