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Why People Keep Breaking Your Heart, According to Your Zodiac Sign

We have all faced grief at some point in our lives, some people have even treated it many times. When things like this happen, we need to learn from our mistakes, these things are just as much our fault as the other person’s.

If you have been a victim of heartbreak and want to know why it keeps happening to you, find your zodiac sign below:




ARIES AUGUSTYou come off as independent, even through your kindness. It can and will take someone away from you.

You are too distant in your relationships.





TAURUS AUGUSTYou are so stubborn that you drive people crazy. You go crazy and stay crazy for so long.

Your partner may end up stepping on eggshells without you noticing.





GEMINI AUGUSTYou have a hard time committing to anything and when you do, you have to do it the way you want to.

You often annoy your partners because of this and they get angry because sometimes things just can’t go your way and you have to accept it.





CANCER AUGUSTYou are too clingy. When you are in a relationship, you almost always suffocate the other person.

They need their space, step back.





LEO AUGUSTYou must always be right even when you are wrong.

When it comes to arguing, there’s no point, because you’ll always keep going until the other person gives in. It’s a big problem.





VIRGO AUGUSTYou are too jealous when it comes to your partner.

You have to trust people more and stop thinking too much about everything. It’s your biggest fault.





LIBRA AUGUSTYou have too hopeful to change partners.

It puts them in a bad mood, nobody likes change and you shouldn’t push it on others.





SCORPIO AUGUSTYou have to learn to control your emotions, you get jealous easily and tend to be too clingy.





SAGITTARIUS AUGUSTYou are fun at first but you get tiring.

Your expectations of others are too high, you always make others feel that they let you down even when they do their best.





CAPRICORN AUGUSTYou have a hard time trusting people and don’t open up easily.

This makes others feel very distant when it comes to a relationship and people just prefer to be friends.





AQUARIUS AUGUSTYou are fun to be around, but when it comes to spending time alone with your partner, you often try to avoid it.

You prefer to spend time in a group so that the person you are will feel a little overwhelmed and hungry for attention.





PISCES AUGUSTYou have a hard time overcoming your ex.

Your new relationships always end up being ruined because you are caught up in the past. You have to move on.




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