In case it wasn’t already on your doom 2020 radar, we are here to let you know that the Mercury retrograde of Autumn 2020 begins on October 13th and it offers three full weeks of confusion and chaos in communication, thinking, and timing departments.
While hardly anyone manages to escape such a completely unscathed backspin, the lucky zodiac signs least affected by the Mercury retrograde of Autumn 2020 might be able to keep the trash can fires under control for the most part, anyway.
While the October backspin may be Mercury’s last retrograde period of the year, it won’t necessarily be easy. Not only does it completely overlap with retrograde Mars 2020, which also causes all kinds of frustration, but it also envelops the entire lead-up to Election Day (Mercury goes direct on the morning of November 3rd), which could have more collective consequences.
On a more personal level, the majority of this retrograde will take place in the troubled, emotionally charged waters of Scorpio, making that backspin even more intense and powerful than usual, re-opening past emotional wounds and making us we feel more defensive to protect our sensitive hearts and reputations.
If this sounds like an intense addition to an already chaotic year, well, that’s because it is, but it will be much more manageable for the zodiac signs that the Mercury retrograde of Autumn 2020 will affect the least. Read on to find out if you’re one of the lucky few.
Mercury retrograde in Summer 2020 has hit your sign harder than anyone, Cancer, so the coming backspin will look like a walk in the park compared to what you endured last time.
You might find it difficult to connect with potential lovers or dates during this retrograde, but if you discover long-term potential with someone new, things may not be what they seem. Relationships that start under this retrograde might find it difficult to last, as there may be misinterpretations of each other’s intentions or deception that will occur later.
And beware: you might hear from an old crush that triggers confused feelings or nostalgic memories. You can flirt with your ex or have a new affair, but watch out for red flags and keep your boundaries strong until the retrograde goes away and you can communicate your feelings more easily.
Recommended: How Mercury Retrograde October 2020, Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
On the surface, this retrograde will be less obnoxious in the usual problem areas Mercury hits, so your daily movements may not be greatly affected. But that doesn’t mean you won’t have some major retrograde work to do just yet, Sagittarius.
Most of the reviews, revisions, and recalibrations will take place internally during these weeks, as you deal with the pent-up grief, rethink your connection to the spiritual, and ideally clear out any other psychic junk that has been clouding your subconscious last year.
It requires you to set aside space, time, and energy for introspection, higher forms of relaxation (like yoga or meditation), and deep work. Write your feelings down in a journal or talk about them with a trusted friend if you need to express them but certainly don’t underestimate the power of just spending quality time with yourself.
Dealing with timing, strict planning, and the little details isn’t necessarily your strong suit, Pisces, so sometimes Mercury retrogrades can make your work or social life feel like a tornado. But this particular retrograde will be more philosophical than logistical in nature.
You review your personal perspectives and how you connect with your surroundings in a larger, more mundane sense, which can actually help you familiarize yourself with the many paradigm shifts that are happening this year.
Don’t be afraid to analyze why you have the beliefs you believe and try to step out of your mental comfort zone to see them from a different perspective. However, don’t let your inner truth be drowned in a sea of opinions. Keep a firm grip on your moral compass as you navigate the choppy waters of truth, philosophy, and mental expansion.
Recommended: Mercury Goes Retrograde October 13th – Here’s What to Do and What to Expect