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These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have a Challenging October 2020

It’s no secret that powerful changes are happening throughout the month of October, but everyone will experience them in a unique way. For those with personal placements in Aries, Cancer, and Libra, October 2020 will be the worst due to the tension among cardinal forces.

As well as being the second half of 2020, October adds momentum to the Autumn season, which has everything to do with descending into the darkness and recognizing what was not disclosed during the first half of the year. October starts with a bang, thanks to a Full Moon in Aries on the first day of the month.

This, of course, is not your ordinary lunation. The Moon’s ruler, Mars, is retrograde in its sign of rulership, Aries. It will also sit alongside Chiron, which creates an emotional heaviness in the atmosphere, but more importantly, it asks you to uncover the bandage that hides your deepest wounds.

The effects of the Full Moon can last for up to two weeks or more, meaning that the rest of October will be heavily influenced by that lunation. On October 4, Pluto will join Jupiter-Saturn direct in Capricorn, picking up where it left off, in terms of dismantling previously established structures and/or systems that no longer serve us, personally and collectively.

Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio on October 13, having directly opposed Uranus on October 7, meaning revealed news is expected to surface in the coming weeks. Here’s why Aries, Cancer, and Libra are most likely to feel the weight of Astro-weather on their shoulders:



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You are pulled in different directions and question everything. You’re in a completely different headspace than around your birthday, which just goes to prove how far you’ve come over the past few months.

That said, with your governing planet retrograding through your sign, it’s no wonder you’re questioning yourself more than ever. There are things to be reconsidered that need to be reassessed or maybe even ended.

As the Sun shines on your polar opposite sign, Libra, via your partnership sector, there could also be situations revolving around your desire for autonomy over your commitment to others. Think carefully.

Recommended: Monthly Horoscope October 2020 For Each Zodiac Sign




CancerYou rethink your career path and whether some partnerships are worth it. Libra season always makes you feel some type of way as it highlights your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations.

Themes related to balance in your life (or the lack of it) are more important than ever, and with Mars retrograde in your career sector, there is even more pressure on your shoulders. Now is the time to think about your goals and how you are directing your career energy.

It is not an easy task, but there is a silver lining. Venus enters Virgo and your communication sector on October 2nd, which can be extremely helpful for important conversations you have had. Make good use of it.





LibraYou’re trying really hard to enjoy your birthday season, but it’s just heavy. Celebrate your solar return, even if it doesn’t seem festive this time around, Libra. Sadly, with so many harsh astrological aspects in the sky, heralding a New Year with your favorite evening dress seems like an alien concept, but keeping your balance is more important right now.

Mars also retrogrades through your committed seventh house of partnerships, other people, and interpersonal relationships, making relativity almost non-existent, but there is something ironically liberating about this transit for you.

This retrograde transit wants you to think about how you are asserting yourself to others. If you’ve relied on others to validate you for your peace of mind, stop. It sounds sinister, especially coming from the cosmos, but you are stepping into your power as we speak.

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