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These 4 Zodiac Signs will Have a Challenging Lunar Eclipse on June 2020

If you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and terrified, this is not surprising. Astrologically speaking, you face some of the most intense and dramatic transitions of the moment, making your feelings completely understandable.

It has so much to do with the fact that the eclipse season has officially started, marking the month of June with unexpected transformations and changes.

Unfortunately, the June 2020 lunar eclipse will be the worst for these zodiac signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces but it will only hurt a little. The point is if you were born with a mutable sign in your birth chart (especially if it’s near 15 degrees), then the blood moon (or lunar eclipse or strawberry moon) is going to have a major impact on you.

This eclipse takes place in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius on June 5 at 3:12 p.m. ET, encouraging you to live your life to the fullest, to remain open to possibilities and to walk at the rhythm of your own drum. Sagittarius rarely has a clear destination, but the journey is so much more important than anywhere you end up.

The reason why an eclipse is so important is the way it triggers very unpredictable and life-changing events. By activating the Nodes of Destiny, an eclipse accelerates time by bringing you closer to where you are supposed to be. Evoking even harder ends and beginnings, an eclipse gets rid of everything in your life that currently prevents you from setting out on the right path.

The reason why it is such an uncomfortable experience? Nothing worth accomplishing is ever easy, and sometimes the universe pushes you straight out of your comfort zone to help you grow. For the following zodiac signs, the sky is the limit.


Gemini: You understand who is supposed to be in your life

There may be difficult transitions in your personal life right now, Gemini. Saying goodbye to someone you love is never easy, but sometimes it’s the most important thing you can do for your personal growth.

However, saying goodbye to someone else also means saying hello to someone new. The one who remains in your life right now is absolutely supposed to be there. Trust who people say they are.

Recommended: How the Full Moon in Sagittarius (June 5th) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign



Virgo: You are experiencing a very personal and sincere change

Maybe it’s time to pack up and go, Virgo. Nothing exciting ever happens when you stay locked in your own little shell. Sometimes you have to do the most uncomfortable thing and leave your safe space.

This moment may seem disturbing at first, but you will get used to it in due course, and, ultimately, you will see why this change was necessary. Home is a state of mind and it’s time to reorganize your point of view.




Sagittarius: You are growing

As you head into this next phase of your life, think of the snake that makes its way out of its skin so that it can escape freely from its confines. There are so many things holding you back that this lunar eclipse will come to the surface and eradicate from your life.

The things you think you love can actually prevent you from becoming the person you are supposed to be. It is through these dramatic moments that you learn all about who you really are.




Pisces: Your career goals are your focus

Pisces, you have been playing it safe for so long and you have to do what is necessary so that you can achieve everything you always wanted. The road is long before arriving and it is full of trial and error.

Accept that failure is part of the journey and that you are already successful. Refuse to give up, even when giving up seems to be your only option. If it’s important to you, never give up.

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