The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
Do not waste your time and effort procrastinating about making changes that you know need to be made. Put some thought and preparation into what you want to do and how you want things to be, then take action to make it so.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, tensions, burdensome worries, or frustrating disagreements are possible with today’s Mercury opposite Pluto. People may be defensive with their ideas, or family drama emerges.
You may be excited about a project or an idea, but you can also oppose it. There may be some chaotic energy in your inner world or your home life, and focusing on sorting and organizing things can help you refocus.
You might consider tidying up your home, as this will help you feel freer in your job or responsibilities, where you can take the opportunity to clear your head. There may be a struggle between personal and professional obligations, and working to find a better balance will be particularly useful now.
If you’ve held onto specific ambitions too much, you might consider breaking away from them if the tensions are too high. As the day progresses it becomes easier to relax or let go. Comfort with yourself and your limits can be targeted and can be satisfying.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, you may have a lot on your mind or on your agenda today. Mercury opposite Pluto can trigger insecurities or fears of losing someone’s admiration.
This could raise fears of changes. Consider that holding onto one opinion too strongly could prevent you from moving forward and growing.
It’s only a matter of reorienting yourself if you’ve spent too much time and energy on something that is exhausting you. Try to overcome an obstacle, because resentment can rob you of happiness.
If you stay tuned, you might discover some of your hidden desires, that you can use to fuel better decisions or appropriate projects and activities later. Towards the end of the day, it becomes much easier to relax and focus on your personal goals.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, with Mercury opposite Pluto, there may be tension in your interactions or worry weighing heavily on your mind today. People may be a little more defensive, or they feel the need to prove something if their comfort level is put to the test.
Lobbying for answers can be problematic, and your financial or support issues could come to a head. If you feel underestimated, the frustrations can peak. Keep in mind that a compromise would be ideal, but to get there you have to give a little, and it’s best not to rely on others just yet.
Take this as a revealing moment, for the jealousies or frustrations aroused today can put you in contact with feelings or desires that you never knew existed. The Moon spends the day in your adventure sector, pushing you to step out of your comfort zone.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, Mercury opposite Pluto can bring some complicated but potentially revealing energies to your day. Your ideas or plans can run into obstacles, and it can be a good idea to be kind to yourself by not pushing something too hard, but letting your mind explore new ideas.
Communication can be important, or you can get frustrated if you are not free to express yourself spontaneously. Avoid a standoff, but if a problem becomes untenable, this may be the time when something forces the problem.
The conflicts that emerge today can give you a glimpse of the hidden forces at work in your life that can undermine your progress or prevent you from moving forward. Later in the day, it becomes much easier to relax, and you might enjoy a pleasant or enriching conversation or read something that gives you hope.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, strained thoughts or concerns are more important today with Mercury opposite Pluto, or something peaking, and you need to sort it out.
It may be best to avoid letting worries undermine your interactions with others, which might otherwise be strained. You may very well find that keeping a project or idea to yourself is useful for now.
Unless you are channeling your mental energy into something creative and positive, avoid letting your imagination run wild in front of you. Curiosity that is too active can lead you to think that you are ready for something before you are.
You’ll also need to gather all the facts before you jump in to communicate about a new sighting, as something shared can make a lot of noise with today’s transits. You might feel a lot of pressure to get things done, even if you don’t feel up to it emotionally and physically.
Make plans to improve your routines and workload so you can get off the ground. The Moon spends the day in your house of partnerships, and achieving a satisfying balance can be a powerful driving force. Later in the day, you might learn new things about yourself or someone important to you.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, the day contains a certain energy of confrontation. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is opposite Pluto, challenging you to confront the problem areas.
Tensions and pressures from others, especially in love and friendship, can be the problem now, and there can be some obsession with it. You might be torn between a strong desire to get the truth about a case and a fear to do so.
The goal now should be to purge, to break free, and to let go. You are probably holding onto something too much, or restricting your own freedom to do so. Either way, the goal should now be to empower yourself by letting go.
While this is easier said than done, it can be worth it. Be kind to yourself by not overthinking or harboring overly negative or obsessive thoughts. Later today it will be easier to get there. In fact, you may feel more generous on an emotional level, and others seem more open as well.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, buried wounds can rise to the surface today, mostly through communications, with Mercury opposite Pluto. Or these planets might interfere with your conversations in one way or another.
Fear of something or of not being “in the know” can lead to frustrating scenarios or tensions. Secrets can be revealed, or things previously hidden can emerge, ideally pushing you towards the light but nonetheless with a little anxiety.
Dead ends are likely, and it may be best to avoid pushing the issues further. Ideally, it’s best to observe, think of a strategy, and then act later. With Mercury currently passing through the top of your solar chart, your words tend to have more impact than usual, and what you communicate may well be remembered for a while.
If you use today’s strained energies constructively, this can be a great time to get involved in a worthy project. To help you detoxify yourself a bit, there is the transit of the Moon through your house of joy. Creative opportunities can be most satisfying.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, there may be some fear of change behind disagreements today, with Mercury, usually a light and airy communicative influence, opposite Pluto, the planet of transformation.
This transit challenges us to grow through our conversations or our exposure to different or new ideas, opinions and methods. Under this transit, superficial differences of opinion can quickly turn into conflict.
Tension is possible and you may have to face obstacles or resistance. Problems with communications, learning, or transportation can become extreme. You can feel like you are on a mission to find out the truth about a case!
However, it may be best to detach yourself from other people’s responses if they frustrate you. Challenge yourself to reframe your thinking rather than clinging to an idea or belief so that you can relax and refocus.
You are mentally sharp, which is great for intellectual and business endeavors, but your heart may not be ready for where your mind wants to go right now. Frustrations can reveal hidden desires. The Moon spends the day in your house of home and family, encouraging a laid-back approach.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, mental energy is high today, and this can be somewhat of a problem with Mercury opposite Pluto. There can be some tension in a relationship if there has been imbalance and resentment.
Or, worries can seem more pressing or hanging heavily in the air, making it hard to have fun at times. Instead, accept making an effort rather than resisting opportunities to grow and overcome fear.
At the same time, it is essential to watch out for excessive attachment to ideas or things and aim to rise above suspicious thoughts. Sensitive areas are core values, power dynamics, money, and issues of sharing or ownership.
You could also uncover a secret or pursue a hard search today, but avoid overdoing it. While the tendency is to focus on one topic and overdo it, it’s easier to let things go as the day progresses.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, others can annoy you today with Mercury opposite Pluto in your sign. It can be too easy to get involved in a standoff with someone, and differences of opinion or method can be taken too personally.
Problems that once were covered below the surface can now come to a head. You are more likely to feel good if you stay open, flexible, and focused on growing, rather than worrying about what others are saying and doing.
Channeling your energy into productive activities can be successful. On the other hand, a disagreement or conflict can be exactly what a relationship needs in some cases, revealing important buried issues that need to be addressed. The Moon spends the day in your resource sector, encouraging calm and patience.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, the Moon spends the day in your sign, increasing your emotions, and you are creative and responsive. Try to avoid overloading your schedule or focusing too much on the flaws.
A Mercury-Pluto aspect can make you nervous, and issues related to anxiety or guilt can affect your productivity. Conversations can heat up or your thoughts can bring you to tense times as you revisit old wounds.
There could be a reason for this, maybe it’s time to put these things behind you. Something previously buried may emerge, and this can be very revealing, leading to important discoveries about your feelings, hidden ambitions, and fears.
Ideally, you will devote more energy and passion to becoming more efficient, competent, or organized. As the day progresses, it becomes much more natural to let go and relax.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, with Mercury opposite Pluto, tensions are likely to surface. You might find that someone is trying to outdo you or get the better of you because there can be a lot of misunderstanding now.
A brutal awakening is possible, but it might clear things up. Consider that people can hold onto their point of view too strongly. While learning experiences are not the result of conflict, stress-related communication is a waste of time and energy.
Try to do what you can to free yourself and purge rather than hold onto negative feelings today. The Moon spends the day in your house of privacy, which gives you all the more reason to take the time to relax and process things rather than move on. You may feel much more forward-looking later in the day.