The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
An important phase is ending in your life, and this is taking place for karmic reasons that will soon become obvious. Keep moving forward.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, an important idea or intuition can put you on a new path with today’s solar eclipse. You can see an old project or problem in a new light. From this idea, an original or recycled interest or pursuit can emerge.
There may be some useful thoughts on your past or touchy topics, and you’ll do well reviewing recent decisions and allowing yourself to process and digest things. This eclipse brings new energy or new directions for learning, travel, sharing, and communication.
New means of communication or transport can figure prominently. Note that new starts aren’t recommended yet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t consider new approaches or set the stage for new starts later. The power of the eclipse is strong and lasting.
You might rediscover an old interest or conclude that something you’ve been pursuing isn’t right for you anymore. It can be the start of new thinking about learning activities and projects, ideas can now spark a long-term business.
Now is a great time to learn something new, make connections, and use the power of communications to advance your goals. In the coming period, you will discover new learning and communication opportunities or avenues of self-expression. You may feel overwhelmed or exhausted before the energy is restored.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, seeing an old problem in a new light can lead to new starts with long-term potential. Today’s solar eclipse puts your resources, including your money, possessions, and talents, in the spotlight.
Consider ways to improve your financial situation and your sense of security. There may be substantial discoveries about your potential earnings, attachments, and spending habits over the coming period.
If you cling too tightly to a lifestyle or financial habits that have not served you well, you will recognize the need to make a change. Now is the time to approach these things differently. It probably doesn’t all make sense, as it often does with fresh starts, but your intuition is telling you something!
You may be recycling old ideas or finding that a particular attitude or project no longer motivates you. You may find a lost item or even an old source of income right now. Consider that problems that peak and find release today can get you over an obstacle.
Whether it is money, business, valuables, talents, and personal possessions, pay close attention to the ideas that are coming in now. Looking into the past for answers makes sense now and can even pay off.
You are able to gain a new perspective on a recent choice or situation. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde until the 22nd and new starts are not yet recommended. Until then, you can get a fresh start with the work in progress successfully right now.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, this is an important time to pursue your personal goals, express yourself independently, and take care of your needs. With today’s solar eclipse and the inferior conjunction in your sign, you see recent decisions or plans in a new light.
You have good energy to tap into the past to find ideas and recycle them in improved ways in the future. The eclipse indicates the moment to take your independence and leave a trace of your passage, you will learn a lot about yourself now. Although this lunation opens the way for new beginnings, it is not yet easy to see your way.
Ultimately, it leads to a fresh start with how you understand yourself and present yourself to the world, your personality, your independence, your health, and your appearance. You are more sure of yourself. It’s best to take it slow because now is a time when all the information you need may not yet be available.
Consider that your words have more impact than usual, but you don’t have all the information yet, so take your time. You may need to overcome a few hurdles and make some improvements before moving forward with the ideas you have now, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t good or useful.
In fact, they can be important. Improve your health and stamina with rest if you are feeling a bit weak, you may feel a bit fatigued around the time of the eclipse before the energy is rebuilt. In the future, people will build their trust in you, further motivating you to present the best version of yourself.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, today’s solar eclipse challenges you to start fresh with your attitude for breaks, rest, recovery, and attention to emotional or mental health.
However, watch out for the pitfalls of escape and avoidance, which can make it difficult to relax, and perhaps sleep, or generally feel like you’re late or off-topic.
There could be a secret revealed, a moment of revealing, or you could see old issues or a past matter in a very revealing new light. You may pay a lot of attention to past events and relationships, but it’s a turning point that sets you on a new path.
When you come to a new understanding of a past problem, you can move forward with less baggage. You can learn a lot about your needs, your wants, and your current journey, ideas can come from within, from dreams, or from impressions, or from a revealed secret, and discoveries can be rich.
This eclipse encourages you to leave behind certain outdated businesses or situations. Buried or overlooked issues can demand your attention, and working on them can pave the way for future success and happiness. However, it is more of a time of retreat and calm in a social sense, of introspection and the search for emotional peace.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, the solar eclipse is now sparking your interest in your personal happiness and that of the people around you, as well as in your position with your friends and groups.
There may be some drama in your social life that turns things around, or a renewed friendship is possible. What you communicate has more of an impact than usual, so it’s important to pay attention to how and what you say/write.
You collect valuable information from or through other people, and this is a great time to process, revise and rediscover old interests, decisions and ideas. A friend from the past may reappear in your life, or you may come to a new understanding of an old friendship. The insight you gain now helps pave the way for new beginnings and new attitudes, you’ll likely move forward with a better idea of what to expect from your relationships.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, you are in great shape to review recent business plans, decisions, or ideas. Thinking about the direction of your life and long-term goals in new ways can be fruitful, leading to new ideas or important new plans.
Plus, you might revive old projects and ideas, and while these things haven’t been fully detailed yet, you’re in great shape to work on them. After today’s solar eclipse, you will approach your career, business plans, goals, or general direction of life in new ways.
Significant change may occur with your job, your public life, or with regard to leadership and management in the coming period. However, you look back before moving forward, but it is better not to force things now as misunderstandings or incomplete information may appear strongly temporarily.
While now is not the time to make radical decisions, it is an important time to better understand your goals and redefine your expectations to meet them. You see a past situation in a new light, serving to pave the way for new beginnings later.
There may be feelings of excitement or unease, depending on how you deal with change. Nonetheless, a sense of renewal and revitalization regarding your career goals is looming on the horizon.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, pay close attention to new information and ideas that are coming to you now. There may be a new understanding of past business that can fuel new plans and new successful beginnings.
Today’s solar eclipse encourages your mind to grow, to explore beyond your daily and routine experiences. Events in the coming period may cause you to step outside of your routine and comfort zone. You may feel more passion for an idea, ideal, or curriculum, and you may feel compelled to share your thoughts.
This eclipse can motivate you to share a project with others, embark on a class, or participate in an adventure that broadens your horizons. Fortunately, this energy persists for months to come, so if you can’t handle it just yet, you have plenty of time to put everything in place.
The truth is, a whole new start is not advised within two weeks of this eclipse. For now, you can get a good overview of recent decisions that serve to change your perspective significantly, especially in learning and exploring activities.
Thoughts may turn to the past or to recent decisions and plans, but you see it in a whole new light, which can be helpful. Eclipse days can be emotionally exhausting, after which energy and motivation slowly but steadily rebuild themselves. Try not to give in to pressure to move something too quickly, bearing in mind that the truth can be too easily blurred at this time.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, today’s solar eclipse can trigger the desire or the need to start over. You may feel a sense of unhappiness before you change things in a positive way, but now is the time to turn the page.
The coming weeks are powerful in changing your lifestyle or ending an unhealthy addiction. Watch for misunderstandings, disappointments, and self-delusions, and try to take your time with observations and fresh starts. It’s best to use this energy to develop plans and strategies, saving important changes for later.
Getting a good look at an old relationship or your psyche can be helpful and informative. You might be drawing conclusions or getting clues to a mystery or other matter now. In fact, a new perspective on money matters or a close relationship can point you on a better path.
Perhaps you recognize that you dwelled too much on a past relationship or issue, which placed you under unnecessary stress. You now feel the need to move on. Bear in mind that the “truths” are still evolving and that there may be more to the story at a later date, then you may need to keep things open.
Now is the time to work on yourself from the inside out, address addictions and support issues, or improve an intimate relationship. Energy levels can be particularly low around an eclipse, and they take time to recover.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, today’s solar eclipse is all about starting from scratch with individual relationships, empowerment, and balance. There may be an important new start in an important relationship or a new mission related to companionship, relationship needs, and goals for the period ahead.
You will need to look back before going ahead, and it is best to take your time as it is a foggy period at the moment. Discussion and advice can be focused and useful. There can be some enlightenment in a relationship issue, and it’s about looking at something (or someone) from the past in a new way.
You won’t have all the facts or all the answers just yet, but now is the time to seriously rethink things. Conversations can now be crucial, even if you don’t yet see their importance. A more vital awareness of the role someone plays in your life or the need for support and companionship may be at the center of your concerns.
When a solar eclipse occurs, we are still symbolically in the dark, and it will be at least a few days before you start to feel a direction set in. With Mercury retrograde on the 22nd, this should be further extended. Energy levels may drop at first, then they will slowly but steadily rebuild themselves.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, with today’s solar eclipse paving the way for improved lifestyle improvements, the ideas or knowledge gained now can help point you in that direction.
You will take better charge of your work, daily routines, personal care programs, and health. However, there are a few things that need to be revisited before making a fresh start.
You might want to breathe new life into old routines, for example. Perhaps because of a dilemma, a process of revitalization begins, whether it is to take better care of yourself or to re-engage in a work project.
For now, try to accept that you are out of step or anonymous, as this can help you in the long run and allow you to observe and redirect plans. Make sure you go with your own pace and don’t jump into something without thinking. A new direction will come, and you don’t have to push for it. Instead, take a more wait-and-see attitude for now.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, to pave the way for a fresh start after today’s solar eclipse, there is some unfinished business that you will need to deal with. Projects or associations that have hindered you from expressing your authentic and creative self can be subject to scrutiny.
This eclipse can serve as a strong impetus to start anew regarding a romance, a creative project, or the pursuit of joy and fun in your life. As you review old ideas, new perspectives may emerge. There might be a reconnection with an old friend that makes you think or view a past relationship in a new way.
It helps to build up the new cleansing energy of this eclipse. It can also be an opportunity to revive old hobbies and passions. Since this powerful New Moon is occurring in your house of romance, creative self-expression, leisure, children, and hobbies, the events unfolding now and in the weeks ahead are preparing you for a fresh start in one or more of these areas of life.
You are likely to attract the positive attention of others, especially in romantic or creative ways. Let the process unfold and keep in mind that eclipses can temporarily drain your energy.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, if you’ve been undecided about a project launch, a move, or a personal change, the energy of today’s solar eclipse can get you going.
However, take your time with a whole new start and aim to strategize and plan. Keep in mind that any looking back you need to take now will significantly contribute to the strength of future plans and endeavors.
There may be critical renovations and upgrades to your home or with family relationships on the horizon. A new beginning can arise from a feeling of being in the dark or in limbo, requiring a new approach.
Whatever the reason, you are moving on to something new with your home or your personal life, your family, or your needs for education, comfort, and safety. It may involve digging in and researching past patterns to better understand where you want to go.
It’s time to assess what may have held you back from thriving, primarily around your career and homeworld, and how you balance your time with each other. The coming weeks are powerful in taking charge of your home life, paying attention to issues of security and stability, connecting with your family and your own emotions.
This eclipse can serve as a cosmic boost to connect with your roots, learn your worth, strengthen your sense of security, and focus on improving your support system. There may be the need or desire to prioritize your personal life now, and changes may be underway.