The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
Take time to ground and reflect as lately the energy has been emotional and streamed with karmic reflections. Patience is essential now. Manage any emotional waves that are arising. Be responsible for your emotions rather than projecting them into others.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, the Moon in your second solar house all day helps you stabilize yourself and turn your attention to practical matters. Nonetheless, there is a certain tendency to feel on the move today.
The Moon aligns with Uranus, and it’s a good idea to give yourself and others a little space and freedom. Also today, Pluto is stationary and resumes its direct motion after a retrograde movement since April, helping to unblock issues related to career, finances, and privacy.
It is still a pretty intense time for events in your career and in your personal life, but you will probably feel more up to date on things soon. Good energy is with you to take action to improve your position.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, the Moon spends the day in your sign and you tend to pay close attention to your feelings, which are particularly flamboyant right now. Also today, Pluto resumes its direct motion after a retrograde movement since April.
Your desire to explore the world increases in the weeks and months to come. Your desire to share your ideas and pursue a topic is also increasing. Problems with a partner or close friend who have put aside begin to resurface.
The good news is that you now feel ready to deal with these things and make lasting improvements. Although the change is happening now, people can be more responsive than usual. However, you will gain clarity on a matter of partnership, travel, education, law, or promotion in the future.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, the Moon spends the day in your twelfth solar house, indicating the need to restore your energy, to withdraw, and to heal. You are a little more withdrawn at this time of the lunar month, this is a good thing for you as you are preparing for a new cycle which begins on Tuesday.
Also today, Pluto is stationary and resumes its direct motion after a retrograde movement since April. In the coming weeks, you will feel more confident and motivated to take charge of your work, daily routines, habits, health, and finances.
You wonder less if you made the right choices in the past and are more focused on your current journey and prospects. You will more easily recognize unnecessary elements in your routine or your attitudes, which will facilitate rationalization. Today’s change can be used to temporarily amplify concerns, but before long you will gain perspective.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, today and tomorrow the Moon remains in your area of dreams, plans, wishes, and friendships, motivating you to connect with your happiness goals or with others.
This day nevertheless brings unstable energy. Pluto is stationary and resumes its direct motion after more than five months of retrograde movement, and there may be a sense of evolution with a close relationship. You might be surprised to find an ally you already know in the coming weeks.
You can learn valuable things about someone special in your life or develop a special relationship. There will likely be more clarity in your romantic relationships and partnerships. With the change happening today, you may feel some pressure, or there may be some intense feelings or discoveries.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, you are more goal-oriented today and tomorrow, and you might be feeling particularly inspired. Changing your attitude towards the expectations or opinions of others can cause you to want to do something that is out of the ordinary.
Also today, Pluto is stationary and resumes its direct motion after a retrograde movement of more than five months. This change is leading you to some exciting approaches to managing your home life, work, and health.
A work project or a job can evolve now and in the weeks to come. You will feel more and more alert and more independent. There may be some intensity as the change is happening now, so don’t rush into the decisions you make.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, the Moon spends the day in your ninth solar house, arousing your curiosity and your desire to discover. You might want to explore something new by looking for a little more meaning.
Pluto resumes its direct motion after more than five months of retrograde movement. You might feel a new enthusiasm for intellectual interests, hobbies, learning, studying, and creative projects in the weeks and months to come.
You’ve learned more about relationships, love, and your creative desires or activities, and you’re starting to see ways to apply them. Romantic feelings, personal interests and plans, and creative pursuits are areas of life that are now getting a boost.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, the Moon spends the day in your eighth solar house, and you continue your healing soul-searching. It is important not to rush a financial or personal affair.
Even today, Pluto ends its retrograde cycle which lasted more than five months. The change itself might feel a bit intense, or you might be feeling some pressure this week. However, things will take off soon, especially in finances and family.
Your relationships with family and family roles change, and your gut to resolve challenges grows stronger. Recognize the need to make changes and improvements for better results now. Home-related projects can get loose or gain momentum.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, you are in good shape to connect with and learn from others today. Someone’s comments might surprise you.
Pluto resumes its direct motion today after more than five months of retrograde movement, bringing supporting energy to your life. Note that you may be under some pressure with this change, as your plans to make changes may overwhelm you at first.
Problems that were ignored or put aside might now appear to be better addressed. You can finally make a decision or a conclusion about something that has been lying around for some time. Try to do a mental cleansing so that you can imagine your goals.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, the Moon spends the day in your sixth solar house of work and health, and the energy is good for dealing with any little issues or flaws that are bothering you.
You are ready to make things right. Even today, Pluto is ending its retrograde cycle, and slowly but surely you will take charge of your life.
Due to Pluto’s long-term transit through your second solar house, this energy encourages changes in the areas of self-esteem, values, money, talents, belongings, and income. It’s a good time to recognize and let go of the behaviors that have kept you from thriving. Concerns may intensify at first, but they should lessen as you make sense of them.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, the Moon is entering your area of joy and pleasure today. While you should watch out for the tendency to make decisions too quickly, now is usually a good time to find release through enjoyable activities.
Even today, Pluto puts an end to its retrograde cycle by resuming its direct motion. You’re less likely to dwell on issues and more likely to take charge and fix issues in the weeks to come.
Saturn resumed its direct motion into your sign towards the end of September, and now that Pluto is doing the same, you can have a good idea for evolving on a personal level despite the general downturn with Mars still retrograde.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, the Moon spends the day in your sector of home and personal life. You continue to seek comfort, time, and space to refocus. The Moon meets Uranus this morning, and Pluto resumes its direct motion.
Pluto has been retrograde since the end of April, and while the change itself may put some pressure on you, you’ll start to feel more responsible. You can relaunch or renew projects that you worked on behind the scenes or that remained unfinished.
A question of career or reputation could be unlocked. Today there can be some frustration or suspicion, and thoughts or communications can be extreme or exaggerated until you take a step back.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, the Moon spends the day in your communications sector, arousing your curiosity. Your tastes are varied these days, and the Moon’s alignment with Uranus today highlights that theme.
Even today, Pluto resumes its direct motion after more than five months of retrograde movement. This change of direction can usher in positive development and a stronger sense of responsibility for your life, especially with educational activities and friendships or group efforts.
During the change that is happening today, try to listen to your intuition rather than reacting blindly to what is going on around you. Try not to give in to pressure. Friendships can be intense, but instead of dwelling on problematic areas, you are motivated to make the necessary changes that bring you closer to solving long-standing problems. New ideas and approaches to your social life can emerge and make you more independent.