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Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! September 15, 2019

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!

Prepare for what you’re praying for. It’s coming. This is the season things are just going to come together for you. Trust yourself and move forward. Get ready to receive.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.



Spiritual Message for Aries:

Aries, with the moon in your sign, it’s the time of the lunar month to give a little more attention to yourself. It can be difficult to get away from your tasks, but you seem to need more time for yourself now, despite Venus, that has just started a transit through your partnership sector.

In fact, there is growing activity in this part of your solar chart and a partnership or association can be very focused in the coming weeks. Venus will travel there until October 8, generating incredible energy to improve one-to-one relationships. You could attract people that are reasonable, useful and enjoyable in your life.

Alternatively, this transit brings more pleasant and gentle energy to existing partnerships, whether they concern love or business. If you need to make peace with someone, now is the time to do it. The negotiations are promising and privileged.




Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Taurus, find ways to escape some elements of your usual routine today. The moon spends the day in your twelfth solar house, and the need to rest and rejuvenate is strong. Nevertheless, energy is increasingly focused on your work and your health sector, and things are defining well!

Venus, your governing planet and Mercury have just started their transits through this part of your solar card. And, Venus encourages more fun and harmony in your daily life, including your work, routines, and health activities, until October 8th.

You can enjoy producing, serving and taking care of your daily business. You feel more accomplished through cooperation and sharing, and you may find that you achieve your goals better by harmonizing with others. There may be pleasant contacts established in your work today and in the weeks to come.




Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Gemini, with the Moon in your eleventh solar house today, you are attracted by relaxed experiences and less pressure. Keeping an open mind and open options can invite positive experiences.

If you allow yourself to follow the flow instead of trying to speed up the pace, you will now be in a good, exciting mood. Venus has just started a transit through your fifth solar house and your power of attraction is getting a boost.

It’s time to have fun and express your needs for play, recreation, creativity, and reinforcement. You enter the world in a more creative and romantic way during this cycle and it’s one of the best times of the year for your hobbies and romance.




Spiritual Message for Cancer

Cancer, the moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, people tend to notice what you do or rely on you to take the lead. You are more goal-oriented and particularly aware of your performance or accomplishments.

However, the opposite sector of your solar graph is becoming more and more important, namely the area of ​​your home and your family. Venus will stay in this part of your theme until October 8th.

Venus stimulates your desire for harmony and balance in your personal life, while Mercury encourages more conversations and exchanges. You may seek refuge more often than usual regarding difficult situations or to find quiet moments.

You can be particularly attached to faces and familiar places in the coming weeks. It’s a good time for decoration, home, entertaining and family activities. Venus in this area can strengthen your relationship with the family.




Spiritual Message for Leo:

Leo, it is highly likely that you have a strong emotional need to escape from your routine right now, which could be physically or mentally satisfying. Venturing beyond your routine is appealing with the Moon traveling all day through your adventure area.

Venus has just started a transit through your area of ​​communication and will stay in this area of ​​your solar house until October 8th. Your curiosity can lead you to fun discoveries and opportunities. You are in perfect harmony with your brothers and sisters, your acquaintances, your classmates, and your neighbors.

Friendships can be formed during trips, short trips or shopping, on the phone or in learning places. You can buy or receive gifts that will help you connect with others and learn in a happy and satisfying way in the coming weeks. You are attracted to the things that improve your mind.




Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Virgo, you are more likely to seek deeper connections with people or projects today. A growing trend in your life, however, focuses on your needs, your belongings, your business or your practical business.

Venus has just started a transit through your second solar house, where it will stay until October 8th. Mercury, your governing planet, is now in this same area of ​​your solar card. Your feelings and relationships tend to stabilize during this cycle. You can attract money, gifts, favors, and valuables.

You are even more friendly than usual and your increased self-respect seems to give you more respect from others. Your appetite for luxurious or beautiful objects can increase, or construction and collection are more attractive than usual. You seem to make the most of your resources.




Spiritual Message for Libra:

Libra, the Moon spends the day in your area of ​​partnerships, you are particularly approachable and involved. Your trust shines with others. Venus is now in your sign and has emerged from the “darkness” of your solar card, and will continue to transit through your sign until October 8th.

It is an excellent transit for your charisma, your mood, and your projects. Venus in its sign is still considered pleasant, but since Venus is your governing planet, it’s an exceptionally lucky transit for you.

It’s not that you will not encounter challenges in this cycle, but in general, you tend to do better. The power of attraction is with you. You are more popular and wanted during this cycle, and you are pretty confident and comfortable in your skin.




Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Scorpio, it’s a good day to take care of your business. It’s time to put your life in order. Venus is going through your area of ​​privacy and your soul until October 8, and you can better understand the more spiritual side of love.

Or, it’s time to treat and understand your feelings and affections. This may be because your emotions or relationships are privileged or changing during this cycle. You can be a little removed, especially with Mercury also in this same area, and in a week, the Sun will also join you.

This transit stimulates your compassion, which can attract you to people who need help. Benefits can come from behind-the-scenes activities. There is a recluse now, and it tends to increase as you move forward in September.




Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Sagittarius, you need a little room for maneuver and spontaneity today. You will want to express yourself creatively or through adventurous activities with the Moon moving in your area of ​​joy.

Venus is crossing your eleventh solar house until October 8 and will spend time in your area of ​​friends, hopes and dreams. Peace and cooperation are more important than the attacks of the ego during this cycle.

You will improve your relationships with your friends and associates in the coming weeks. There can be a nice increase in business revenue, or sharing your talents or expertise with others can yield great results. Your tastes are for the new, the different and the progressive.




Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Capricorn, today the Moon is in a comfortable area of ​​your theme, prompting you to enjoy a slower pace. This may not always be intuitive today, but it is probably best to meet your need to take things easy for the moment.

Venus has just started a transit through your tenth solar house where it will be there until October 8th. In the coming weeks, you may need to work a little harder to attract the things, people, and circumstances that you want.

However, in terms of reputation and career, you have considerable charm and diplomacy. And people in positions of authority, such as teachers, parents or leaders, are receptive. Opportunities, promotions or advances can be part of the table. You tend to say and do the right thing at the right time.

This cycle is one of the best times of the year for professional or public advancement. Business can create romantic opportunities, or opportunities to socialize and build mutually beneficial bonds. Or, you can simply enjoy the work you do and have a bigger impact than usual.




Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Aquarius, the Moon is in your communications area all day and keeps you connected and busy, even though your attention can often be divided. This aspect is not ideal for concentration, but it is excellent for variety and innovation.

Venus has just started a transit through your spirit area and, until October 8th, the details will interest you less. It can be a time to enjoy a new learning adventure, a journey or another quest that frees you from the usual routine.

You have a stronger desire to learn, to develop new ideas, to expand your knowledge and experiences, and to practice different activities. Promotional efforts can now be successful, as well as publication or outreach to a wider audience.




Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Pisces, you can feel quite safe emotionally, while the moon runs through your second stable solar house all day long. You may need some predictability to put you on the right track now.

Venus is currently in transit through your eighth solar house and will continue to spend time in this part of your solar house until October 8th. This position stimulates your desire to share successfully and harmoniously with others and you are more likely to want to devote more energy to creating this kind of balance.

In practical terms, you are more likely to receive or share money or other resources, as well as help and support. As you manage your feelings, improvements or changes you need to move forward become clearer. Feelings of love and attachment intensify during this cycle.

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