The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
Leave each moment with joy, clarity, and trust. You are closer than you think to your dreams. You are so close to your breakthrough. Trust yourself, you have the power within you. You are ready.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, although you may feel motivated enough to solve a problem today, this is not the best time to clearly see relationships. Avoid doing too much for others to the point of forgetting to take care of yourself.
A part of yourself may be hooked to the fantasy of a person, situation or relationship, which can pose minor problems today with Venus and Neptune in an uncomfortable aspect.
Although you enjoy a tendency towards warmth and harmony in close relationships, problem areas that have been swept under the carpet may emerge. Problems should probably be resolved sooner than later. Tomorrow’s New Moon is sure to push you in the right direction if changes are needed.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, your desires are more insistent than usual today. In a relationship, there may be tension or a special activity that excites you. A minor problem between Venus and Neptune can make you prioritize your desire to keep the peace and maintain harmony.
However, you can abuse and take risks and feel misunderstood. Or, you may feel disappointed by a broken promise. Do not worry too much if you are a bit out of step with others or with your goals.
It may be beneficial if you take a break from your discipline or consider ways to bring more meaning, pleasure, or imagination into your work or housework.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, your personal or domestic life may be more active today, as the Moon and Mars join forces in your home and family sector. You may be particularly motivated to solve these problems. Otherwise, you may have a hard time knowing exactly where to direct excess energy.
There is a certain tendency to see the situation in the wrong way if you are very close to the situation with Venus and Neptune who disagree. You may be unsure of making a significant commitment or decision. Try not to overcompensate for your uncertainties. Instead, take the time to rest or think.
However, staying in a state of indecision over insignificant issues may well deprive you of more energy than dealing with the consequences of a decision. Making a choice can simplify things, but big questions have to wait. Relax with a New Moon happening tomorrow.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, things can very well happen today with the moon in Virgo for the minute. However, an influence of Venus-Neptune can blur the boundaries in other areas, and how you feel about someone can be considerably more complicated!
These days, you are looking for more peace and familiarity with a number of influences that activate your home and family sector. However, you may feel a bit agitated or ambivalent at times.
If you do not find a compromise today, choose one or the other solution and accept your decision. Otherwise, you may feel a little too exhausted. There is no point in losing energy to worry about small details. For big decisions, however, it’s better to wait.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, you could be particularly motivated to take charge of your finances. Working on developing your talents or resources to make better use of everything you have to give can be interesting now.
Alternatively, you may feel defensive or have to prove your worth today. Not recognizing what you have on your heart today can make you avoid the truth in your relationships. It is probably best to admit the uncertainties and move on with Venus and Neptune.
There may be unexpressed desires or the feeling that you want something but you can not put your finger on what it is. Try not to let such distractions make you fall. Take a break or give yourself some time to talk about your needs and feelings. With a New Moon happening tomorrow, it’s a good time to relax.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, you have more courage and energy to make the necessary changes in your life. However, with tomorrow’s New Moon, it is now a question of getting rid of excess baggage in order to be able to move forward lighter and happier.
The Moon is in your sign and aligns with Mars, strengthening your vitality. If you do not challenge yourself, you may feel irritable. Self-managed activities are preferred at this time.
Nevertheless, an aspect of Venus-Neptune can today indicate aspirations difficult to define. Your need for comfort may seem insistent but could mislead you if you are not aware of your needs. Today, try to relax to better approach the New Moon tomorrow.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, there might be some animation in your inner world or your private life today, with the Moon in your twelfth solar house lined up on Mars. Desires can be sudden or unusual, rising from the depths of the interior.
You might feel a strong urge to break with the past or reconnect with it. But on this day before a New Moon in your sign, it is best to relax and prepare for a new symbolic departure.
Nowadays, the Venus-Neptune quincunx makes it a fuzzy and uncertain moment for decisions about love and money, especially as the day progresses. Take care of yourself rather than do everything for everyone and forget what you need. It’s a good time to dream and let your intuition guide you.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, your interactions with others or a friend can today elicit all kinds of feelings, with the alignment of the Moon and Mars in your social sector. You may have more energy and motivation than usual to imagine new long-term projects.
However, a Venus-Neptune aspect can today indicate a vague dissatisfaction that occurs from time to time. Try to recognize your needs if you are no longer in contact with them.
Or work to make you happy rather than looking outside yourself so that others bring you joy. Sudden needs are probably things that will only mislead you for the moment. There will be a New Moon tomorrow, and it will likely redirect you. Today, calm down and think.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, although there may be some impatience in the air today, you’ll be in better shape if you can calm down a bit. You can always rely on the strength of your feelings to be productive and take initiative.
You are resourceful and find motivating challenges, and your ambitions are rather exciting. However, on the emotional or sentimental level, an uncomfortable angle between Venus and Neptune could leave you feeling that you are not getting what you want.
Consider that you can not be fully in touch with your needs, and attempts to satisfy your cravings are rather random in this state! Rest and think when you can.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, today you can start developing an idea. Or, you may be particularly excited about a topic or a plan. Watch for impatience, but gently push your usual limits now. Still, with the uncomfortable aspect of Venus-Neptune today, it can be difficult to be as productive as you would like.
Venus at the top of your sign these days usually suggests greater satisfaction in your work or tasks, but sometimes you need a break. Your work or the work of others can bring you benefits, but you may find that it is too expensive for the long term.
Be especially clear if you officially communicate or engage in business-related communications. In general, it is better to calm down now with the New Moon of tomorrow. Because it is likely to redirect you.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, you can easily be excited today, but you may not find someone with whom to share your enthusiasm so easily. One aspect of active Venus-Neptune today can cause vague problems or disconnections – or draw your attention to them if you feel a bit out of sync.
Confusion about money, resources or expertise can subtly hinder personal pleasure or the pursuit of a new interest. Tomorrow’s New Moon will help you navigate this direction. Today, it’s more a question of slowing down than getting things done.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, you could look to feel important and alive through your experiences with others today, with the alignment of the Moon and Mars in your partnership area. Someone may be trying to motivate you now.
Even in this case, a Venus-Neptune aspect active today may be a reason for hesitation or slowing down. Try not to let empathy outweigh your common sense. You may feel slightly out of step with others, and the temptation may be to compensate by striving to make them happy.
Give yourself a goal to better meet your needs today rather than spending too much energy determining what others want. Tomorrow’s New Moon will help you redirect, especially if you need to manage debt or solve outstanding issues.