You are currently viewing Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! September 26, 2019

Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! September 26, 2019

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!

It’s time for you to grow beyond ant limiting thoughts and patterns that may be holding you back in any way. Remember that what you send out comes back to you. Day by day, step by step… keep moving forward.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.



Spiritual Message for Aries:

Aries, the day can be intense mentally. You want to get to the bottom of things. If you find that you are quickly obsessed with a business and it interferes with your priorities, you can try to turn that passion into a worthwhile endeavor.

Otherwise, there may be some tension. With Mercury is currently in your seventh solar house, difficult relationship issues or disagreements may seem more complicated, or your concerns about a work-related issue may be at the forefront. Focus on improving weak or problematic areas.

Although the extra attention you give to other people in your life lately is positive and beneficial, if you do too much, you may not fully recognize your own needs and desires. Although you may not want to remember things from the past, it can be purifying to do so with some willingness to grow and go beyond problem areas.




Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Taurus, tensions may emerge about differences of opinion or methods today, with square Mercury-Pluto. Something communicated, or words can hurt. If there were any problems with your workload, they may very well explode today.

Avoid being too power-hungry with this energy, although pain points may be revealing. If all is over, try to reduce the pressure because we are inclined to create mountains from little things today. Avoid obsessive thoughts as much as possible and you will feel more in tune with your intuition.

Try not to go too far with the analyzes because it can mislead you. While work, health, and habits are strong themes in your life, your relationship with any of these things can be complicated today. You may need to control your reactions to these frustrations.




Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Gemini, Mercury, your governing planet, forms a tense aspect with Pluto today, and the desire to control a situation may arise if you feel vulnerable.

Remember that personal power comes from the constructive management of our resources, our responses and our ways of thinking. Remember that even without realizing it, you can communicate too intensely and get others to react defensively.

If you keep resentment, it can be very upsetting. Today, your judgment may be a little vague with regard to financial and romantic matters. Try to calm down before making big decisions because the current energies are delicate in relationships.




Spiritual Message for Cancer:

Cancer, today can be complicated. Uncertainty or insecurities in relationships or management can interrupt your enjoyment of rest, family or home. If something or someone touches a chord, this may be precisely what you need to work on to make your life more comfortable and less apathetic.

It’s a time to look for more comfort and care without feeling uncomfortable! People can play puzzle games, and consider that there may be constraints if you go in a certain way. You do not have to be paranoid with others now, but you may have to wait for big changes until you feel more serene.




Spiritual Message for Leo:

Leo, decisions are not easy to make today. Circumstances can almost seem to bother you or make you forget buried frustration, especially with regards to intelligence, ideas, and beliefs.

Do your best to understand why something is bothering you, as it can lead to some kind of emotional release. Even then, it may be best to avoid pushing an idea or asking someone for an immediate response.

Watch for extreme thoughts and excessive reactions. You can be so attached to your routines and methods that unnecessary conflicts can occur. Set aside topics that require sweetness for another day, as words can be hard right now.




Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Virgo, today, it can be a bit confusing or frustrating when it comes to ownership or sharing. Divergent core values ​​may be glaring, or feelings of indebtedness may interfere with healthy interactions.

However, the time has come to learn from the vulnerabilities that seem to be emerging today. It would be wise to look for activities that will help you heal and refocus. With an active Mercury-Pluto square, we can feel suspicious or doubt certain things.

Attempting to supervise or manage people and situations with too much attention can be a warning sign that you are too attached. Maybe it’s time to disengage a bit! The energy is likely to frustrate you, but if you observe, you could find a way to find a balance.

Especially with money and relationships, watch out for the extremes. People can exhaust you, materially or emotionally, or you may feel underestimated. Try to be moderate even with your thoughts!




Spiritual Message for Libra:

Libra, your projects, your needs, and your program are particularly targeted. You may find that you feel slightly uncomfortable when you are in the spotlight, but frustrated if you are forgotten!

You tend to be frustrated if others do not see things the way you want. However, no matter how difficult your discussions, you will not be able to fight against yourself and against your vulnerabilities.

If you can not put aside a thought that interferes with your day, do what you can to relax your mind. Avoid dwelling on things you can not change. Consider that active transits today may seem to amplify fears.




Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Scorpio, you may be struggling to find a balance between work and rest now. In addition, the events of the day can affect sensitive points. However, during this process, you may be able to know when guilt has compromised your actions, decisions, or relationships.

This type of awareness can lead to improvement and healing. Be careful not to over-understand the actions and words of others, because a transit Mercury-Pluto may prompt us to look for something that is wrong. Perhaps because you fear the worst, you act to avoid being caught off guard.

Try to kill this problem in the bud. Defensiveness or suspicion will not bring you closer to an answer or yourself. It’s best not to jump on the conclusions, because thoughts and perceptions can be a little extreme right now. Getting excited about communicating may not be the smart choice at the moment.




Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Sagittarius, you may have trouble knowing whether to go alone or ask for help today. Or, it can be difficult to understand someone clearly, and doubts or insecurities can emerge about a relationship.

An old problem area may re-emerge, and while tense, it may also be a good time to better understand and understand others. Watch for the tendency to push too far a question or a problem with the conflicts between Mercury and Pluto today.

It’s better not to jump to a quick conclusion because we’re a bit extreme right now. Something can trigger fears now, and it’s best to control your reactions. Try to soothe your mind instead of getting angry.




Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Capricorn, there are many things happening at the top of your solar chart and it is in this region that you meet the world, whether at the public or professional level.

Today, it can be difficult to balance all this with your personal life, your life situation or your family business. Watch the defense and try to learn from your interactions with others, even if people seem to be touching a chord! Do your best to resolve any feelings of guilt you may have that prevent you from pursuing what you want.

Watch for errors resulting from the fear of not being “aware”. Although you can not control others, you can control where you put your energies. Use your intensity and passion for activities that serve you well. Also, consider that concerns can be exaggerated today.




Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Aquarius, watch the temptation to take a back-and-forth approach to get the answers or what you want today. We tend to make things more complicated with current transits.

Interactions with others tend to trigger old problems. Do your best to deal with issues of guilt or insecurities, as it is unlikely that you will see them clearly.

Although strategic thinking can be very beneficial to you today, too much thinking can mislead you with Mercury and Pluto as a square aspect. Find ways to make your life easier. It is better to be discerning about the information you have today. However, do not run away from problems.




Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Pisces, insecurities or uncertainties seem to come to the surface today and may relate to your income, your talents or what you have to offer.

Disturbed areas around values, money, intimacy, and property may emerge in an unusual way, and probably through interactions with others. Keep in mind that everyone is a little sensitive, but also consider that it is time to tackle the problems before they get bigger.

It may be best to look for ways to strengthen your self-esteem, value, security and comfort rather than focusing on what you are missing. Relationships with others can be electrical because someone feels too attached or threatened by the changes you make.

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