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What is Your Biggest Weakness, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Libra, which is people-pleasing, cannot abandon this irritating trait. They’ve heard it a billion times, but they hate disliking. On the other hand, we have resentful Taurus, who will hold a grudge until the end of the world.

It is clear that we all have important traps embedded in our DNA. Some find it difficult to get out of their comfort zone, dealing with excessive thinking or perfectionism.

Discover what your star sign says about your greatest weakness:



Aries: Impatience

Let go of the need for everything to happen literally right now. If you always rush, you might miss some incredible things that naturally take a little longer to unfold.

Learn to be patient and you will be rewarded in the long run.




Taurus: Resentment

It is important to let go of those repressed resentments that you hold so firmly to. Forgiveness heals and is necessary to move forward in life.

Leaving the grudges of the past will open up great possibilities for your future.




Gemini: Overthinking

You live in your head but it is important to calm your brain from time to time. If you are still caught in your own thoughts, you may be missing out on now.

Take the time to relax, slow down, and enjoy the present without thinking too much about it.




Cancer: Comfort zone

Did you know that saying “Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone”? It’s totally true! Now is the perfect time to gently push yourself to try new things and have new experiences.

You will be surprised by what you will discover.

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Leo: Ego

At the risk of appearing harsh, everything does not necessarily concern you. Maybe your department funding has been cut, maybe your art exhibit has received negative reviews, these things are happening; it doesn’t mean the world thinks less of you.

Realizing this will help you maintain your focus and not be as deeply affected by the actions and opinions of others.




Virgo: Perfectionism

It’s time to let go of the expectation of perfection that you place on yourself and others. Everyone has faults and really, there is no “perfect”.

Learn to accept situations and people (including yourself) as they are.




Libra: People pleasing

You are taking the term “people pleaser” to a whole new level, and now is the perfect time to give it up! You have to realize that it is impossible to make everyone happy and you may get lost trying.

Focus on prioritizing and valuing your own needs, you also deserve to be happy.




Scorpio: Coveting

You work hard to get what you want, but sometimes life doesn’t go exactly as you planned.

Instead of dwelling on what you don’t have, focus your energy on enjoying the wonderful things that are already in your life. This will give you the clarity to see what is really important and what you really want.

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Sagittarius: Competition

Give up your need to constantly compete with yourself and those around you. You can only do your best at one point, and guess what? That’s enough.

Getting rid of these incredibly high standards will improve both your self-esteem and your relationships.




Capricorn: Control

Give yourself permission to relax and follow the course of life. It may shock you, but control is just an illusion and you are doing yourself a disservice by holding on to it so firmly.

Trust us, letting go of control won’t make the world fall apart; in fact, you will gain a new feeling of freedom and joy.




Aquarius: Judgment

You are proud of objectivity, but this way of thinking can allow you to easily slip into habits of judgment.

If you believe that you always know what is good, you don’t allow room for other people’s way of being. Resisting the urge to judge allows you to empathize, listen, and better understand others.




Pisces: Grief

Being a deeply feeling person, you absorb so much energy around you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn to let it go.

Release these thrills and you will start to feel lighter and more dynamic. Letting go of the sadness inside will allow you to be fully present and live life as it is now.

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