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Your Spiritual Message for July 2020, According to Your Zodiac Sign

As June is coming to an end, we have to prepare for the wide variety of energies that will come in July. July has in store for us a very great journey with many planets in retrograde and several eclipses.

While energy is generally positive, there are certain factors that will make our experience different, depending on our zodiac signs:




Unfortunately, you still won’t get the clarity you are looking for. July will be another month of waiting.

But don’t worry, it just means you’re on the right track to understanding yourself. Be patient.





You will receive a complete transformation in July. It will be like a rebirth, especially for your career.

So think about ways to reinvent your inner self. Action is the key for you.





July will be a month of great opportunities for you. What you need to focus on right now is keeping your head down and getting the job done.

It can seem overwhelming at times, but remember that it will pay off in the end.





You have to assess who you let in your life. Since you are a nurturing figure, everyone wants to be near you.

But it can sometimes mean that some people will continue to take from you and give you nothing in return. You have to get rid of these toxic people in order to be able to grow.

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In July, you will gain clarity. And with clarity, you will see all the positive changes you need to make in your life.

So it will be a pretty busy month for you. Do not panic, work hard, and do not miss any opportunity.





Listening to your intuition is the most important thing for you right now. This July will be a month of overwhelming confusion for you.

Don’t worry if you feel like you are doing nothing. Just rely on your intuition and it will guide you home.





In July, you will learn to love yourself. This will be the best time to resolve all of your insecurities.

You tend to value the opinions of others very much. Realize what matters most to you and you can grow for the better.





Things have been chaotic lately. You don’t know what to expect in July. Don’t worry, things will make sense soon.

Everything will be in order. You will learn what to keep and what to let go.

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You have been under a lot of chaotic and powerful energy lately. Well, in July, you can change your direction.

But beware of making impulsive decisions. Take time for yourself and dive into your inner being. Ask yourself what you need, contemplate it, and change the direction.





This July will be a great time to take a look at everyone around you. Observe carefully and assess which people are nurturing and which are toxic.

Do not hold onto people and situations that harm you. You may not realize it, but even comfortable people and situations can be toxic.





The main thing for you to do this July is to keep an open mind. There will be changes and many opportunities, and you need to make sure that you take advantage of these opportunities.

Just believe in yourself and take the chance.





You will flourish under the chaotic and powerful energies of July. It will bring out all your creative fervor. Work hard and all your projects will come to fruition.

This July will be a month of change and opportunity. Harness the energies and you will rise like a phoenix.

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