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July 2020 Monthly Tarotscope, For Each Zodiac Sign

There are countless reasons to draw a tarot card. The most popular is when you have a question that keeps on ricocheting in your mind, inviting you to read the tarot and decipher the answer.

However, the simple fact of needing a clearer understanding of your potential future is something that could encourage you to look for your cards. Perhaps you need the tarot to analyze an experience from your past, or perhaps you are simply in the mood to choose a card and let yourself be guided by its energy.

If you’re looking for a reason right now, this is your monthly tarotscope for July 2020, which will give you an overview of everything this month has in store for us.

The card chosen for your zodiac sign was chosen at random (and with intuition in mind). It contains wisdom and advice that will help you during the month of July, revealing the challenges, strengths, and opportunities that lie ahead. Take what you need and leave the rest. All it is supposed to do is help you through the process.

If you want an even more precise understanding of what the card means to you, you can take a tarot deck and choose a second card; then a third or even a fourth:




Two of Pentacles

Two of PentaclesSo many things are happening at once. You may feel compelled to say “yes” at every opportunity that awaits you, even if you are already struggling to balance your time.

Remember that it is perfectly OK to refuse something if you already feel too busy. It is better to do a few things really well than a lot of random things. First, prioritize your well-being.





The Empress

The EmpressYour heart asks you to focus on beauty. Pour your energy into the good things. Elevate your spirit through artistic expression, love, creativity, sensuality, and everything that vibrates your soul of ecstasy.

Stay away from your worries, concerns, and pressures. Take the time to remember and reconnect with all the splendors this life has to offer.





Six of Wands

Six of WandsYou are doing something right. You have developed positive habits and put a lot of effort into tasks that are important to you. After overcoming so many challenges, you are finally receiving the attention your work deserves.

It’s validation that everything you do works. Don’t lose your momentum now. There is still so much work to do. Keep your eyes on the ball.





Five of Wands

Five of WandsConflict and opposition can hinder your ability to do something. Whether you disagree with or compare yourself to someone, this energy is toxic if you focus on it for too long.

Take a step back and take your ego out of the situation. See it from a different perspective. Compromise, empathy, and patience will get you where you want to be.

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The Devil

The DevilYou are tempted by something that you know is bad for you, but you still want it. Although the impact of satisfying this dark desire can be negative, instant gratification is more attractive.

More than ever, it is important for you to resist this temptation. What you will receive in exchange for acting on your healthier impulses will make you realize that it was worth it.





Eight of Cups

Eight of CupsYou’ve probably been told to “never give up” your whole life, but sometimes giving up is the most productive and healing thing you can do.

It’s time to learn when to give up. Despite the amount of energy you have poured into a situation, do not pour more when you know it will not work. Cut the ties holding you back. You deserve to be free.





Eight of Swords

Eight of SwordsYou may think that you have no options left, but the reality is that you have a lot of options. You simply choose not to see them.

Pay particular attention to your thought patterns and belief systems. Chances are, the way you see the world is much close-minded than it could be. It is time to take a look at the big picture and, more importantly, to believe that you are capable of much more.





Two of Swords

Two of SwordsYou have a big decision to make and you are delaying it for as long as possible. But if you wait too long, you may miss a great opportunity.

Determine which option will bring you the most fulfillment and growth in the long term. It may be the hardest option, but you’re ready for more than you think. Do not wait any longer. It’s time to bite the bullet.

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The Hierophant

The HierophantYou may have felt lost. Now is the time to return to the values, habits, and belief systems that have always worked for you. It may even be time to create new ones.

Either way, you crave structure in your life, and by forging it, you allow a deeper spiritual understanding to spread through your life. Ground your spirit.





King of Wands

King of WandsYou are inspired by your vision and passionate about everything you could create. However, it is time to take this passion and seriously consider your goals.

If you can match this fire with determination, resilience, and focus, there is nothing you cannot accomplish. You are about to experience great success, but first, you have to step up to the plate and prove that you are worthy of it.





Ace of Pentacles

Ace of PentaclesThe universe offers you a new path to follow. It is filled with promise, but it requires your commitment before it can realize its full potential.

Don’t be fooled by the initial glamor of this opportunity, as it will require your full attention. Do not be afraid of responsibility, as it is worth it and a reward awaits you at the finish line.





The Chariot

The ChariotYou know what you want. Now the universe tells you to get started. If you are looking for a sign, this is it. You can hope and wish that your dreams come true, but unless you act according to your wishes, they will remain only a fantasy.

Now is your chance to break through barriers, take on challenges, and gain momentum with each victory. Slow down at your own risk.

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