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Monthly Horoscope June 2019 For Each Zodiac Sign

On the astrological level, the month of June is a rather cold month, from which we should all benefit.

With Mars remaining in Cancer until July 1, overall, we will need to nurture the divine feminine that lies within each of us to soften our perceptions. We are asked to eliminate useless illusions in which we often find comfort to escape the harsh realities.

After June, the month of July is very promising. Nevertheless, it depends mainly on how we prepare the ground in June.

July will be a restless month in the cosmos. Mercury will enter a retrograde period in Cancer on July 7th. More importantly, the total eclipse of the new moon on July 2 will be at 10 ° 38 ‘Cancer, accompanied by the partial lunar eclipse on July 16 at 24 ° 04’ Capricorn.

Other events such as the full moon in Sagittarius and the retrograde movement of Neptune in Pisces will be important for this month.

Discover what awaits you for the month of June 2019, according to your zodiac sign:


Aries (March 21-April 19):

This is a powerful month for you, Aries. The Sun, the Moon and Venus activate your 3rd home of communication, social contacts, and learning, while Mercury is in your 4th home house and security alongside Mars. Expect a generous surprise this month, knowing that Uranus (the planet of surprises) focuses on your 2nd house of finance and possessions.

It’s a good idea to immerse yourself in the fun energy of surprises when you travel spontaneously for a short distance, random changes to your living space or creating meaningful connections to reap the surprises of the universe.

However, do not dwell too much on details, inexplicable feelings, or tangible rewards.



Taurus (April 20-May 20):

Taurus, not only is Uranus in your first house of the Ego and appearance, but the Sun, Venus and the moon hang in your 2nd house of finance and possessions. This month, you may feel lazy, less motivated or easily bored.

This month is the perfect time to get back to routine and express your desires and ideas. The energy for you this month encourages you to tell your truth because Mercury is in your 3rd home of communication and social contacts. Since Uranus brings surprises to your home, you may benefit from wider recognition or helpful feedback on how you can develop an initiative you have invested in.

Never underestimate the power of mobilization of your voice. This energy is enough to create a movement in your life.



Gemini (May 21-June 20):

The good news is that the Sun, the Moon and Venus enliven your first house of self and appearance. The universe basically gives you permission to live wisely and want what you want this month because you need it.

Your multidimensional personality is always a great personality even if it has multiple sides. There is a good chance you have sabotaged your self-image because of someone or something that is not good for you.

Fortunately, with Uranus in your 12th house of spirituality and introspection, moving from this old version of yourself will be either easy or rather complicated, so it’s important to celebrate your birthday month. Recreation is essential for ongoing self-work.



Cancer (June 21-July 22):

Even though the birthday months are filled with energy for us, this birthday season may seem different. Do not worry, because you have the north node in your sign until 2020. The Sun, the moon and Venus are in your 12th house of spirituality and introspection, which means you close the last parts of your current energy cycle. You may feel overwhelmed by the information and emotions that weigh on your health and/or relationships, as this is a recurring theme of the 2019 retrograde season for you.

With Mercury joining Mars in your sign, your efforts to tell your truth and restore a set of boundaries where you can be at your best may seem futile. It is important to live with lightness and grace, perhaps by traveling or undertaking a new adventure to give you newfound joy, as you approach life much more easily when you do not overload your mental space with self-sabotaging tendencies.

Your head is above the water, which means that you can always handle it tactfully throughout the month and perhaps receive cleansing.



Leo (July 23-August 22):

This is a promising month since the Sun, the Moon and Venus are in your 11th house friendships and groups. With Mercury joining Mars in your 12th house of spirituality and introspection, you can feel in a translucent state as you are absorbed by spontaneous energy. This month is dedicated to developing your events with fun and creativity.

Uranus is in your 10th house of career and destiny, an unexpected opportunity may arise this month, such as a promotion, a job, a place of residence or anything related to your career. Expect to see your work or creations grow, whether online or in your own community.



Virgo (23 August-22 September):

This month is ideal for slowing down your mind and welcoming light energy into your space. As the Sun, Moon and Venus occupy your 10th house of career and destiny, and Jupiter expands your 4th house of family and home, you are strengthening both in your career and in the family sector.

Mercury joins Mars in your 11th House of Friendships and Groups, you may feel like stagnant in your work, your social networks, your reputation or whatever you hope to spread to the world. With Uranus in your 9th house of expansion and superior intellect, travel and learning opportunities can help you find peace of mind this month.

Everything you have channeled to your mind and heart is growing rapidly in the higher level of consciousness, even if you can not see it.



Libra (23 September-22 October):

The Sun, Moon, and Venus energize your 9th house of superior intelligence and expansion, while Mercury joins Mars in your 10th house of career and destiny. In recent weeks, you’ve probably confirmed an opportunity that can change your life or you see it come to fruition.

This month is focused on educational activity or learning, such as acquiring a new skill, a new diploma that will give you a refreshing sense of happiness that you have needed for a long time.

Persistent feelings may cause you to question the cycle of transformation that you are going through, as Uranus is in your 8th house of transformation and taboos. Start this month with an open mind about how opportunities come your way. Play with unknown energies because you can love something you thought you did not want at first.



Scorpio (23 October-22 November):

Scorpio, someone or something has probably deprived you of your personal power for a while. The full blue moon in your sign wakes up your inner alpha while the Sun, the moon and Venus are in your 8th house of transformation and taboos.

You can feel overwhelming tension when you try to free yourself from what no longer serves you physically, mentally, and spiritually – probably from a relationship or a toxic person in your life, as Uranus goes through your 7th home partnerships and relationships.

You may see a career opportunity or something similar before it appears in the physical world, while Mercury will join Mars in your 9th house of expansion and higher intellect. The best way to handle this month is to be vulnerable to the emotions that are making you feel bad. Do not be afraid to ask for help.



Sagittarius (23 November-21 December):

The Sun, the Moon and Venus are in your 7th house of partnerships and relationships while Mercury joins Mars in your 8th house of transformation and taboos.

Knowing that Uranus is in your 6th house of health and self-improvement, your tendency to criticize may affect your working relationship or your love life. Maybe you will let this affect your self-image and you will want to raise the bar for you.

Although we can never discourage such a thing, spend this month feeling, not thinking. If you want to go on a last minute trip, this can be very helpful.



Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

The Sun, the Moon and Venus are in your 6th house of self-improvement and health while Mercury joins Mars in your 7th house of partnerships and relationships. All Capricorns are invited to sit with their emotions, on everything that concerns work or love. As the south node is in your sign until 2020, you will experience internal upheavals that will affect your external reality if they are not careful.

This month, you must control yourself and not lose sight of others, because you probably have a solid plan that can be enriched by significant emotions and interactions with others. With Uranus in your 5th home of personal expression and romance, you will probably manage to be more optimistic and carefree. Maybe a romantic trip or a well-deserved evening could be useful.

Concentrate on the positive, but most importantly, let the light energy in your space to attract what you want easily.



Aquarius (January 20-February 18):

The Sun, Moon, and Venus allow your 5th house to express its own expression and creativity, while Mercury joins Mars in your 6th house of self-improvement and health. Even if you are a sign of air, your sign blossoms with summer optimism.

In general, this month is both powerful and revitalizing for you, as the universe asks you to relaunch the creative activities that remained unresolved, which will help revive the sense of self-confidence and purpose.

Knowing that Uranus is in your 4th house of family and home, you have probably been too comfortable in a certain situation, so this month may well put that in perspective for you. You can unexpectedly change your life situation so that any family, creative or career goal is more achievable.



Pisces (February 19-March 20):

Sun, Moon, and Venus illuminate your 4th house of family and home while Mercury joins Mars in your 5th house of creative expression and romance. You’ve probably found a new love or you’re even thinking of moving your relationship to the next level. This month, thankfully, you will begin to enjoy what you have left in these areas of your life.

As Uranus is in your 3rd house of communication and social contacts, in addition to Jupiter and the new moon in your 10th house of career and destiny, expect the unexpected. As long as you invest your energy in the right places and keep your self-esteem, you’ll prosper this month with an evaluation, opportunities, or both.

Be sure to take advantage this month to fix some flaws in your plan and balance your energy with fun, to make your energy space more attractive for what you want.

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