All Full Moons have one thing in common: they are an emotional whirlwind. When a Full Moon takes place, it can feel like a million dramatic things are happening at the same time and all the pressure is crashing over you like a wave.
After all, the Moon is the ruler of your subconscious, your emotions, your instincts, and your inner world. When it’s at its brightest and most complete state, it tends to amplify what everyone is feeling, causing everyone to make some rash decisions.
Fortunately, not all Full Moons will be this intense. If you’re one of the zodiac signs that will be the least affected by the December 2021 Full Moon in Gemini, you might feel like it’s nowhere near as groundbreaking as you were expecting.
Each Full Moon carries its own energy, impact, and overall effect. Because this Full Moon takes place in logical, talkative, and light-hearted Gemini, you might feel like this Full Moon makes you think more than feel.
Let’s not forget that Gemini is a rational air sign who tends to process things mentally rather than emotionally. However, because this Full Moon will also form a trine with expansive Jupiter, you might still feel like everything is more important.
After all, Jupiter tends to amplify whatever it touches. While a Full Moon in Gemini can lead to more thoughts than feelings, it could also encourage groundbreaking conversations and mind-boggling ideas.
When this Full Moon is on December 18 at 11:35 p.m. ET, cardinal signs may not feel its impact as deeply as the other signs. Here’s why:
You are diving into the details and harnessing your intelligence. You may feel more chatty than usual when this Full Moon is taking place.
Activating your third house of communication, this Full Moon encourages you to engage with people who have a lot to teach you.
Let it give you the confidence to share your thoughts, and if someone doesn’t agree with you, listen to what they have to say. It’s not about being right, especially when there is always so much to learn.
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You accept how it feels when you are alone. When this Full Moon is on you may feel incredibly sensitive and need some time for yourself.
After all, this Full Moon is sending insight to your 12th house of the subconscious, which will highlight so many thoughts and feelings that you have kept to yourself.
Go with the flow and embrace the necessary solitude and introspection. You can come out of the situation feeling so much lighter as if a weight has been lifted from your chest.
You take a much more open-minded perspective. There are always a million ways to view something and it all depends on what angle you decide to go with.
This Full Moon will remind you that nothing is set in stone as facts can always change depending on your perspective.
As this Full Moon sends power to your expansive, free-spirited ninth house, it will encourage you to let go of limiting beliefs, take advantage of spontaneous opportunities, and have some faith.
You discover ways to form better habits. If you’re feeling stagnant, tired, and disorganized, this Full Moon will help get you back on track. But at first, it may feel more like a kick in the butt.
As this Full Moon lands in your sixth house of work and health, it might reveal ways to improve your daily habits, like eating more nutritious meals, establishing a regular sleep schedule, or working to overcome procrastination.
A simple change can make all the difference.
Recommended: How the December Full Moon in Gemini Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign